
A conversation with students about food safety


14 May, Seoul, Republic of Korea

In the week of 13 May the Republic of Korea held Korea Food Safety Day (KFSD), the largest commemorative event in the field of Korean national food safety. Its goal is to raise awareness about the critical importance of food safety among the public.  And this year’s slogan is “Together for food safety, Healthy South Korea”.

Dr Corinna Hawkes, Codex Secretary ad interim and Director of the FAO Division of Agrifood Systems and Food Safety, attended both events, giving keynote speeches and presentations.

Among the events held during the Asia Pacific Food Regulatory Authority Summit (APFRAS) and KFSD celebrations was a Regulatory Science Symposium chaired by In-Sook Park, Director of Korea Regulatory Science Centre, at which Hawkes delivered a presentation on “Introducing FAO and Understanding Codex”. In a subsequent side event, she answered questions from master's and doctoral students from Dongkuk University, Chungang University, and Korea University who are specializing in food regulatory science. She shared insights on present and future education, global collaboration, and talent nurturing within the food industry.

Students inquired about the necessary skills for Codex staff, which include an accurate understanding of regulations, language proficiency, literacy, comprehension of complex science, and communication skills. They also asked about the benefits of food safety achieved through the global harmonization of food regulations. These encompass stimulating economic growth through trade facilitation, enhancing public health by ensuring food safety, and effectively resolving food trade disputes. Furthermore, they were curious about the requirements to participate as an expert in the FAO/WHO Science Advisory Expert Body, which involves becoming an outstanding expert in the relevant field, understanding scientific evaluation processes, maintaining an open attitude, and having the ability to participate in discussions based on scientific knowledge.

In her presentation, Hawkes outlined FAO's goals for sustainable agrifood systems aligned with UN SDGs. She emphasized Codex's role in setting global food standards for health and fair trade, along with FAO's support for evidence-based policies and regulatory science among member countries.

Photo credit: © Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, Republic of Korea

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