

In the run up to World Food Safety Day on 7 June 2024, a new episode of the Codex podcast has been released. Vittorio Fattori and Keya Mukherjee from FAO’s Agrifood Systems and Food Safety Division joined host Giuseppe DiChiera to discuss the future of food safety. Through the Food Safety Foresight programme, FAO is monitoring how emerging global drivers and trends might affect the safety of our food and using this knowledge to inform strategic proactive preparedness for future opportunities and challenges. Preparing for emerging food safety issues The theme for World Food Safety Day 2024 is “Food safety: prepare for...

Rome – May 24, 2024 – Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Health and Child Care and FAO successfully conducted a one-and-a-half-day workshop in Mutare to finalize the costing of a strategic workplan to enhance the country’s food control system. This event is part of the EU-funded project “Strengthening Food Control and Phytosanitary Capacities and Governance,” which seeks to bolster food safety and phytosanitary measures across twelve African Union member countries. Background and Objectives In 2023, Zimbabwe undertook a rigorous re-assessment of its food control system using the FAO/WHO Food Control System Assessment Tool, an internationally recognized...

14 May, Seoul, Republic of Korea In the week of 13 May the Republic of Korea held Korea Food Safety Day (KFSD), the largest commemorative event in the field of Korean national food safety. Its goal is to raise awareness about the critical importance of food safety among the public.  And this year’s slogan is “Together for food safety, Healthy South Korea”. Dr Corinna Hawkes, Codex Secretary ad interim and Director of the FAO Division of Agrifood Systems and Food Safety, attended both events, giving keynote speeches and presentations. Among the events held during the...

A review on new food sources and production systems by scientists from the Singapore Food Agency and FAO has been published in the journal Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety.  New food sources and production systems (NFPS) can play a critical role in the transformation of our agrifood systems by encouraging dietary shifts and diversifying our current ways of producing food. NFPS are attracting significant interest, driven by international trade, changing consumer preferences, potential sustainability benefits, and innovations in climate-resilient food production systems. However, with increasing attention on these...

Viruses are the tiniest of microbes, but that doesn’t mean they should be underestimated as a significant threat. While they do require a host to multiply, they can still survive in the environment, including in food, until encountering a victim. Contaminated food can find its way into our refrigerators and meals, and as a result, viruses find their way into our bodies, often causing unpleasant illness or, at worst, death. But there are things that can be done to prevent that from happening. CODEX developed the Guidelines on the Application of General Principles of Food Hygiene...

World Food Safety Day is only 1 month away! Join us on 10 May for the World Food Safety Day Planning Webinar if you're interested in organizing an event or activity to raise awareness about food safety. From 13:00 to 14:00 CEST, representatives from the FAO, WHO, and the World Food Safety Day team will guide you through this year's theme, "Food safety: prepare for the unexpected." Discover strategies to raise awareness and inspire action to prevent, detect and manage foodborne illness. Plus, get your questions answered by the experts. While you wait, explore the World Food Safety Day Communications Toolkit, available...

Cette semaine, la FAO a lancé un projet visant à améliorer le système de contrôle alimentaire à Djibouti. Un projet de 6,4 millions d'euros financé par l'Union européenne, «Renforcement des capacités et de la gouvernance en matière de contrôle alimentaire et phytosanitaire», a débuté en novembre 2022 pour fournir un soutien technique et travailler avec les autorités compétentes et d'autres institutions de premier plan dans 12 pays du Marché Commun pour l'Afrique Orientale et Australe (COMESA) pour renforcer leurs capacités, renforcer la gouvernance et améliorer la planification stratégique autour de deux composantes principales : la sécurité sanitaire des...

The transformation towards more sustainable agrifood systems calls for innovative policy and institutional coordination mechanisms. In this context, the exchange of experiences among countries becomes essential. A new brief entitled Policymaking for agrifood systems transformation in Zambia provides an overview of the country’s advances in agrifood policy coordination, governance mechanisms and multistakeholder engagement, as well as the importance of investments for more sustainable agrifood systems. The brief also highlights key socioeconomic, food security and nutrition, and environmental indicators, along with the pivotal policies guiding Zambia’s vision to become a regional breadbasket.  “This brief is an important document produced by FAO which provides...

The latest advancements in cell-based food production and precision fermentation that were shared at the stakeholder meeting held in Shanghai, China, in November 2023 have been published in the report, Cell-based food and precision fermentation – Products, safety and the future role. The meeting was a follow-up of the first stakeholder meeting held in Israel in 2022, that has been summarized in the previous report, Cell-based food: its safety and its future role. The newly published FAO report of the 2023 meeting offers an in-depth exploration of the relevant innovations, providing readers with...

An online event will take place on Thursday, 9 May 2024 from 14:30 to 15:30 CEST via Zoom. Based on the recent FAO publication, the webinar aims to stimulate discussion on the food safety aspects that need to be considered and addressed when using environmental inhibitors in agrifood systems. The challenge of feeding an increasing global population while responding to the climate crisis requires developing practices and technologies that enhance the sustainability of food production. “Among the approaches that are being developed to increase the sustainability of agrifood systems, environmental inhibitors help reduce negative impacts on the environment while improving the production...

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