Inocuidad y calidad de los alimentos


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The virtual JEMRA meetings on the Prevention and Control of Microbiological Hazards in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (Part 1 and Part 2) were convened to provide scientific advice on the general principles and relevant measures for control of microbiological hazards in fresh, ready-to-eat and minimally processed fruits and vegetables, including leafy vegetables, from primary production to point-of-sale.
The Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH) has recognized the importance of providing sciencebased guidance on assuring consumer food safety related to use and reuse of water in food production and processing since 2016. To address the CCFH’s request for scientific advice on determining appropriate, sector-specific, fit-for-purpose advice on water sourcing, use and reuse, FAO and WHO convened a JEMRA meeting on the safety and quality of water use and reuse in the dairy sector (note: a JEMRA meeting on the Safety and Quality of Water Used in the Production of Fishery Products was convened concomitantly).
A virtual meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA) on the Safety and Quality of Water Used in the Production of Fishery Products was convened from 14 June to 2 July 2021 with three additional sessions on 29 July, 30 August, and 14 October 2021. This meeting was the fourth in a series of meetings examining appropriate and fit-for-purpose microbiological criteria for water sourcing during food production with application to fishery sectors. The main purpose of the meeting was to consider the safe use of water in the production of fish and fishery products and to identify possibilities for the reuse of water (note: a JEMRA meeting on the...
Since the late 1990s, FAO and WHO have convened expert meetings and consultations to address the microbiological risk assessment (MRA). These meetings are held to provide scientific advice in response to requests for from Codex Alimentarius, the international food standard-setting body. Individuals participate in the FAO/WHO joint expert meetings on the microbiological risk assessment (JEMRA) in their personal capacity, as technical experts, yet bring diverse regional and national perspectives that contribute to practical applications, particularly...
With a theme of ‘Safe food now for a heathy tomorrow’, World Food Safety Day (7 June 2021) focused on the immediate and long-term benefits of producing and consuming safe food. It was a day to remember that food safety is part of food security and good health. It was a time to recognize the intrinsic connections between the health of people, plants, animals, the environment and economy. And it was a...
The second in a series of three meetings of an ad hoc Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Risk Assessment of Food Allergens was held from 15 March to 2 April 2021. The main purpose of this second meeting was to establish threshold levels in foods of the priority allergens.
Microbiological risk assessment is one of three components of the risk analysis along with risk management and risk communication. It is a science-based process that evaluates and estimates risk based on hazard identification, hazard characterization, exposure assessment and risk characterization. This infographic (available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) introduces the concept of microbiological risk assessment for food for all those interested.
The world continues to face an unprecedented threat from the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Many countries are introducing physical distancing measures as one of the ways in which transmission of the disease can be reduced. The purpose of these guidelines is to highlight additional measures so that the integrity of the food chain is maintained, and that adequate and safe food supplies are available for consumers. This guideline is an update from FAO to the 2020 interim guideline.
Globally, the Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus represent important human pathogens associated with the consumption of seafood. In response to the requests for scientific advice from Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH), risk assessments for the pathogens V. vulnificus, V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus and guidance on methods for the detection of Vibrio spp. with seafood have been conducted and published previously by JEMRA. In order to provide an update on the state-of-the-art advice regarding risk assessment for V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus in seafood, an expert meeting was convened.   Several critical developments in the last decade were subsequently noted by the expert working group: 1) The emergence of highly pathogenic strains; 2) In response to climate change, there has been a...
This document is the outcome of an update of the first edition of the Joint FAO and WHO Technical guidance for the development of the growing area aspects of Bivalve Mollusc Sanitation Programmes published in 2018. FAO has worked jointly with the FAO Reference Centre for Bivalve Sanitation, the UK Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) and Ron Lee, Cefas former employee, for the update of this document to ensure that it is still a useful tool for the development of bivalve sanitation programmes. This is second edition of 2018 publication "Technical guidance for the development of the growing area aspects of Bivalve Mollusc Sanitation Programmes - Food Safety and...