Inocuidad y calidad de los alimentos


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This report summarises the proceedings of the training programme based on the good practices and elements of communication learnt in the technical lecture sessions - including the technical lectures, the hands-on exercises, the discussions on case studies to apply best practices of risk communication in real life food safety situations, and the role play which was organised to demonstrate how to deal with the press when a food safety incident occurs. The training exposed participants to the rapid risk communication assessment tool to enable them to assess their food safety risk communication capability and capacity at the organizational, country, regional and global levels, including practical approaches to address such needs. Some areas for support identified for capacity building at country...
The FAO GM Foods Platform is a database containing information of GM food safety that is free and available for all. The Platform contains official information in accordance with the guidelines of the Codex Alimentarius, the body charged with setting international food safety standards. Member countries can join the Platform by officially nominating a Focal Point who can then upload country-specific information and food safety assessment data. Codex Members recognize the importance of the fully-populated, value-added and interactive Platform, calling upon FAO to continue its effort in maintaining and enhancing the Platform and its community. Maintenance and upgrading the Platform require technical and financial support by Codex Members. The full set of Highlights on FAO food safety and quality activities...
Recent global, regional and national food-borne disease outbreaks and large food recalls have had adverse impacts on consumer confidence in the safety of the food supply and agri-food production and trade. Post-event analysis of such events has indicated a need for more effective use of risk communication principles and practices. This document decribes the importance of effective risk communication in food safety, and highlights a new training package and handbook developed jointly by FAO and WHO to support countries, national food safety authorities, and food chain stakeholders globally in establishing or enhancing risk communication practice and capacity in the food safety sector. The full set of Highlights on FAO food safety and quality activities is available at the following Url:...
This document contains food additive specification monographs, analytical methods, and other information prepared at the seventy-ninth meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), which was held in Rome, Italy, from 16 - 25 June 2015. The specification monographs provide information on the identity and purity of food additives used directly in foods or in food production. The main three objectives of these specifications are to identify the food additive that has been subjected to testing for safety, to ensure that the additives are of the quality required for use in food or in processing and to reflect and encourage good manufacturing practice. This publication and other documents produced by JECFA contain information that is useful to...
GAP refers to "practices that need to be applied on farms to ensure food safety and quality during pre-production, production, harvest and post-harvest" stages. ASEANGAP was developed in 2006 with the purpose of enhancing harmonization of national GAP programmes within the ASEAN region, enhancing the safety and quality of fruit and vegetables for consumers, ensuring the sustainability of natural resources, and facilitating the trade of fruit and vegetables regionally and internationally. Many importing countries as well as domestic buyers require that GAP implementing producers are certified. Certification is the procedure through which assurance is provided that those foods or systems implemented conform to the GAP requirements. This training manual is designed to support countries in establishing a certification scheme for...
Infectious diseases caused by foodborne parasites have not received the same level of attention as other food-borne biological and chemical hazards. Nevertheless, they cause a high burden of disease in humans, may have prolonged, severe, and sometimes fatal outcomes, and result in considerable hardship in terms of food safety, security, quality of life, and negative impacts on livelihoods. The transmission routes for foodborne parasites are diverse. They can be transmitted by ingesting fresh or processed foods that have been contaminated via the environment, by animals or people. Additionally, notification to public health authorities is not compulsory for most parasitic diseases, so official reports do not capture the true prevalence or incidence of the diseases, as much underreporting occurs. This report...
This document contains monographs on residue evaluations of certain veterinary drugs, prepared at the seventy-eight meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), which was held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 5 to 14 November 2013. Four substances were evaluated for the first time - emamectin benzoate, gentian violet, lasalocid sodium and zilpaterol hydrochloride. Four additional substances were re-evaluated - derquantel, ivermectin, monepantel and recombinant bovine somatotrophins. The monographs provide information on chemical identity and properties of the compounds, pharmacokinetics and metabolism, residue depletion studies and analytical methods validated and used for the detection and quantification of the compounds. In addition, this document provides an overview of the pilot project to evaluate alternative approaches to estimate daily intakes...
This paper was prepared as a background document for participants to facilitate technical discussion during the FAO Technical meeting on Evidence-informed food safety policies and decisions, Rome, 18-22 November 2013. It includes contextual information (multi-criteria approaches and initiatives at national level) and results of the preparatory activities for the meeting, namely literature reviews in a number of relevant areas and semi-structured interviews. The meeting has been convened with support from the European Union (EU) through the food safety component of the EU/FAO Improved Global Governance for Hunger Reduction Programme. The Programme aims at improving food security governance at global, regional and national levels.