
JECFA Guidelines and Tools

The committee follows in its work modern principles of risk assessment, however, such different chemicals occurring intentionally or unintentionally in food as flavours and industrial contaminants pose different questions. Therefore a set of guidelines have been developed by the joint secretariats. These documents provide guidance to the secretaries, members and experts, and to interested parties that submit data or intend to follow JECFA's recommendations. Both joint secretariats maintain separate and complementary sets of guidelines. Close adherence to these guidelines by everyone involved ensures that the concerns and views of all interested parties are taken into account in the decisions of JECFA and that the independence and integrity of the evaluations are maintained.

Guidelines in the area of residues of veterinary drugs in foods

Guidelines in the area of residues of veterinary drugs in foods

Guidelines in the area of contaminants & food additives

Guidelines in the area of contaminants & food additives