Food safety and quality
2014年3月20-21日,意大利 罗马
报到起始时间:8:00 会议开幕时间:9:00
2013年,粮农组织向全体成员国分发了一份问卷调查表,收集有关贸易商品中转基因作物低水平混杂问题范围和性质的信息。75个国家对该问卷调查表作了回复,已经就此编写了一份报告,总结分析反馈情况并将其提交磋商会作为讨论的基础。 Presentations - Opening speech, Dr Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director General, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- Meeting objectives, the structure of the meeting and introduction of session chairs, Renata Clarke, Senior Officer, Food Safety and QUality Unit, FAO
- Overview presentation, José Falck-Zepeda, Senior Research Fellow/Leader Policy Team, Program for Biosafety Systems, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI),
- Codex task force on food derived from biotechnology and the issue of low level presence (LLP), Tom Heilandt, Officer-in-Charge, Codex Alimentarius Commission Secretary
- Background information: Working definitions of low level presence (LLP) and adventitious presence (AP); and FAO GM Foods Platform, Masami Takeuchi, Food Safety Officer, Food Safety and Quality Unit, FAO
- Presentation by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Peter Kearns, Principal Administrator, OECD
- Presentation by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Alex Owusu-Biney, Global Environment Facility Coordination (GEF) Portfolio Manager for Biosafety, UNEP
- Presentation by World Trade Organization (WTO), Christiane Wolff, Counsellor, Agriculture and Commodities Division, WTO
- Introduction to the session and the LLP/AP incidents reported to FAO survey, Masami Takeuchi, FAO
- Presentation by European Commission (EC), Dorothee Andre, Head of Unit Biotechnology and Plant Health, Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO), EC
- Presentation by Canada, Frédéric Seppey, Director General for Trade Agreements and Negotiations of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada
- Presentation by Sudan, Ula Abdelaziz Makkawi, Agriculture Engineer, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Quality control and export development Unit, Sudan
- Presentation by the Philippines, Antonio Alfonso, Program Coordinator, Department of Agriculture BIotech Program Implementation Unit, Phiippines
- Presentation by an Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), Michael Hansen, Senior Sientist, Consumers International/ Third World Network (TWN)
- Presentation by an industry group, Teresa Babuscio, Secretary General, European association representing the trade in cereals, rice feedstuffs, oilseeds, olive oil, oils and fats and agrosupply trade (COCERAL)
- Factors contributing to the occurrence of LLP/AP incidents, Esther Kok, FAO international consultant
- Trade, food prices and food security, Jamie Morrison, Senior Officer, Trade and Markets Division, FAO
- Food and feed regulatory issues, Gijs Kleter, FAO international consultant
- Challenges, needs and opportunities for developing countries - case of Bhutan, Kinley Pelden, Food Safety Officer, Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority (BAFRA), Bhutan
- Closing remarks, Ren Wang, Assistant Director General, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department, FAO
磋商会对粮农组织所有成员和对观察员开放。粮农组织成员将收到一份邀请信,说明如何登记参加会议。希望参加和观察会议的观察员应填写观察员申请表并将其提交至[email protected],须写明其姓名、职称和地址,并附上一张护照用数字彩色近照.
磋商会与会代表和观察员的参会支出和旅费将由各国政府和相关组织承担。现已获得数额有限的资金,可支持大约45名发展中国家的代表参加磋商会。详细情况请参阅会议背景情况说明并通过[email protected]邮箱与我们联系.
凡是符合所有资助标准(见背景情况说明)的粮农组织成员,应先按邀请信中的说明登记参会,然后发送电子邮件至[email protected]邮箱,须附上其护照照片页复印件,写明参会者姓名(如护照上所示)、电子邮件地址和国家名称。电子邮件标题应为“Application(申请):(国家名称)”。资助申请截止日期已延长至2014年3月3日,申请人必须确保在此日期之前登记,否则其申请将不会被接受。注意登记截止日期也已延长至2014年3月3日。
需要签证的与会者必须在出发前往罗马之前,到所在国家的意大利领事馆或拥有授权的外交使团申请签证。由于意大利签证的颁发可能需要长达三周时间,因此须在出发前提前足够时间提交签证申请表。只有那些本国没有意大利领事馆或拥有授权的其他外交使团的与会者,方可在抵达罗马时获得签证,但他们必须将以下信息通知会议秘书处([email protected]):姓名全称、出生日期、国籍、护照号码(护照扫描副本)、签发和失效日期、航班号、到达日期和时间以及整个行程,其中不得包含任何其他申根国家。该信息必须在与会者抵达前至少三周通知粮农组织,以便礼宾科申请在罗马机场颁发签证。意大利当局将不允许不遵守上述规定的与会者进入意大利。
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