Food safety and quality
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Pilot work in Thailand: testing Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis approach for food safety decision making

Food safety component - EU/FAO Improved Global Governance for Hunger Reduction Programme 2012-2016 (GPC/INT/130/EC).

Duration: November 2013- March 2016

Aim: Support approaches to strengthen evidence- informed food safety risk management decision making

Main partner: Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives

The pilot study will test a multi-criteria decision analysis approach for determining the most appropriate risk management interventions for pesticide residue in fresh fruits and vegetables. The data collection procedure started after the second workshop held from 26 to 28 August 2014 in Bangkok and is ongoing.

Working with partners and stakeholders

In Thailand, stakeholders from the government collaborate with representatives from academia and the private sector to apply a multi-criteria approach for food safety decision making.

The first meeting of the steering committee was held in Bangkok on 30 June 2014. The objective of the meeting was to agree on how to the focus the pilot study in Thailand to support evidence-based food safety decision making and policy development using multi criteria approaches”. This meeting was followed by a national workshop held from 25 to 27 August 2014 and a stakeholder meeting.

The meetings included high level participation from the Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Kasetsart and Mahidol Universities. Representatives from industry and consumer organizations attended the meeting.

Regional work

A regional workshop will be held in the first half of 2016 for selected ASEAN countries aiming at:

  • building on the work being done in Thailand and
  • strengthening multi-criteria food safety policy decision making in the region.