Безопасность и качество пищевых продуктов
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Project list

Pilot work in Thailand: testing Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis approach for food safety decision making

FAO officer: Mary Kenny
start: 01/11/13         end: 01/04/16

Pilot work in Uganda: testing Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis approach for food safety decision-making

FAO officer: Mary Kenny
start: 01/03/12         end: 28/02/15

Improving food safety and addressing antimicrobial resistance in the meat value chains in Kenya

FAO officers: Renata Clarke / Vittorio Fattori / Patrick Otto
start: 01/12/10          end: 31/12/12

Nanotechnology-Enabled Water Treatment for improved Food Safety and Public Health

Summary of the key findings
FAO officers: Renata Clarke / Vittorio Fattori
start: 01/12/11         end: 31/12/12 

Food quality and safety measures in Afghanistan

FAO officer: Mary Kenny
start: 01/01/10         end: 30/04/11

Renforcement du Comité National pour le Codex

FAO officer: Catherine Bessy
start: 02/02/10          end: 31/12/11

Food safety capacity building in Azerbaijan on strategic planning and food control

FAO officer: Mary Kenny
start: 01/02/07            end: 31/02/09

Review of food inspection system in Fiji

FAO officer: Dirk Schultz
start: 01/06/08            end: 31/05/11

Atelier national d’information et sensibilation

FAO officer: Catherine Bessy
start: 01/06/08            end: 31/05/11

Appui à la creation du Comité National du Codex

FAO officer: Catherine Bessy
start: 01/08/08          end: 30/06/11

Appui au Comité National du Codex Alimentarius

FAO officer: Catherine Bessy
start: 01/12/08            end: 31/12/10

Regional project on quality linked to geographical origin and traditions in America Latina

FAO officer: Emilie Vandecandelaere
start: 17/05/10          end: 31/12/11

Needs assessment analytical capacity food safety

FAO officer: Mary Kenny
start: 04/09/08          end: 31/12/10

Support realization GI potential in the Ukraine

FAO officer: Emilie Vandecandelaere
start: 04/09/08          end: 31/08/11

Needs assessment to improve safety fresh fruit and vegetables

FAO officer: Yuriko Shoji
start: 14/09/08          end: 31/12/09

Strengthening food control system and establishing a national Codex Committee in Yemen

FAO officer: Fatima Hachem
start: 01/09/04          end: 31/08/06

Inter regional food safety

FAO officer: Mary Kenny
start: 01/11/10          end: 31/10/12

FAO/WHO Global Initiative for Food-related Scientific Advice Facility (GIFSA)

FAO officer: Mary Kenny
start: 01/10/08            end: 30/09/13

Support to specific quality schemes

FAO officer: Emilie Vandecandelaere
start: 01/02/07          end: 31/01/13

Strengthening Vietnamese SPS capacities for trade: improving safety of fresh fruit and vegetables

FAO officer: Shashi Sareen
start: 01/03/10          end: 29/02/12

Capacity Building Food Inspection System in Vietnam

FAO officer: Shashi Sareen
start: 20/10/09          end: 31/12/11

Food safety Information, Education and Communication in Vietnam

FAO officer: Shashi Sareen
start: 20/10/09          end: 31/12/11

Coffee beans © FAO
Improving the quality of coffee through the prevention of mould formation