Food safety and quality
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Focal Point Information

Organization/agency name (Full name):
Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization (JSMO)
Contact person name:
Mahmoud Ali AL ZU'BI
Physical full address:
Dabouq area#50 Khair Aldin Al Maani st. P.O.BOX 94i287 Amman- 11194 Jordan
Phone number:
+962 6 530 12 36
Fax number:
+962 6 530 12 35
Country introduction

“Rregulations dealing with  GM products in Jordan , is published  by Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) , Ministry of environment (MOI) and Jordan Food and Drug Administration ( JFDA). Ministry of environment has issued a regulation related to genetically modified organisms, where a higher technical committee in (MOI) should study each case regarding GMO  products and activities  and will grant license upon approval, till now such regulation is not imposed because Ministry of Agriculture  which is responsible for veterinary and plant protection, banns importing any GMO seeds & feeds to be  used in agricultural practices. also Jordan Food and Drug Administration ( JFDA) banns importing any genetically modified food or any raw material to be used in food production".

There has never been any  official GM food safety assessment in Jordan till now.

Regulatory framework:
Structure for GM food safety assessment:
Supplemental information:
Contact details of the competent authority(s) responsible for the safety assessment and the product applicant:
GM food safety assessment guidelines:
Conduct of GM food safety assessment:
Supplemental information on the implementation:
Stacked events
Regulation of stacked events:
Supplemental information on the stacked events:
Production and trade
GM food/feed production:
GM food/feed imports:
Supplemental information on the production and trade:
LLP/AP incidents
LLP/AP incidents:
Supplemental information on the LLP/AP incidents:
Labelling requirement
Labelling requirement:
Supplemental information on the Labelling requirement:
Relevant links to documents and information prepared by the competent authority responsible for the safety assessment
Other relevant documents:
Country information last modified: