Food safety and quality
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OECD Unique Identifier details

SYN-IR1Ø2-7 x MON-15985-7 x MON-88913-8 x MON 887Ø1-3
Commodity: Cotton
Traits: Glyphosate tolerance,Lepidoptera resistance,Dicamba tolerance,Glufosinate tolerance
Name of product applicant: Monsanto do Brasil Ltda.
Summary of application:

“Commercial release, with the exemption of analysis and the issuance of a new Conclusive Technical Opinion, of cotton resistant to insects and tolerant to herbicides COT102 x MON 15985 x MON 88913 x MON 88701 and cotton tolerant to herbicides MON 88913 x MON 88701 , generated by crossing the respective individual events through classical genetic improvement and expressing the proteins Cry1Ac, Cry2Ab2, Vip3A, CP4 EPSPS, PAT and DMO”.

Date of authorization: 08/11/2018
Scope of authorization: Food and feed
Links to the information on the same product in other databases maintained by relevant international organizations, as appropriate. (We recommend providing links to only those databases to which your country has officially contributed.):
Summary of the safety assessment (food safety):
The pyramiding of different gene constructs in the same Genetically Modified Plant (PGM) can be done in several ways. Using in the transformation, expression cassettes constructed in continuity (tandem) in the same DNA strand; through co-transformation (by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Biobalistica, or other method) into separate DNA strands; by re-transforming an already GM event with another build; or simply by the natural cross between two Genetically Modified Plants (PGM) with independent gene constructs. The present opinion refers specifically to the last case, in view of the interest of the company Monsanto in waiving the analysis and issuing by CTNBio of a new Conclusive Technical Opinion, on cotton resistant to insects and tolerant to herbicides COT102 x MON 15985 x MON 88913 x MON 88701 and herbicide-tolerant cotton MON 88913 x MON 88701. The company intends to place on the Brazilian market cotton PGMs containing more than one genetic construct in the same commercial genotype, which originated from the crossing of more than one cotton cultivar, also genetically modified whose approval for commercial release occurred in Brazil independently, that is, by individual event. The consultation is based on Article 4 of Normative Resolution No. 5, which says: “At the discretion of CTNBio, upon consultation, the analysis and issuance of a new technical opinion on GMOs that contain more than one event, combined through genetic improvement, may be waived. classic and that have already been previously approved for commercial release by CTNBio”.
Where detection method protocols and appropriate reference material (non-viable, or in certain circumstances, viable) suitable for low-level situation may be obtained:
Molecular traddicional methods.
Relevant links to documents and information prepared by the competent authority responsible for the safety assessment:
Authorization expiration date (a blank field means there is no expiration date) not applicable
Organization/agency name (Full name):
National Biosafety Technical Commission
Contact person name:
Paulo Augusto Viana Barroso
Physical full address:
SPO Area 5 Qd 3 Bl B S 10.1 Brasilia DF
Phone number:
Fax number:
Country introduction:

Brazil had the first biosafety law approved in 1995. After the identification of the need to improve the biosafety system of Brazilian genetically modified organisms, a new law was published. The Law 11.105 / 05 establishes a technical committee dedicated to the analysis of the safety aspects of genetically modified organisms and a council of ministers that is dedicated to the analysis of the socioeconomic aspects of the commercial release of genetically modified organisms. In this context, Brazil already has several commercial products that involve genetically modified organisms (plants, human and veterinary vaccines, microorganisms for fuel production) and products derived from new genetic modification techniques.

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At the discretion of, and upon consultation with, CTNBio, a new analysis and issuance of technical opinion may be released on GMOs containing more than one event, combined through classic genetic improvement and which have been previously approved for commercial release by CTNBio

Contact details of the competent authority(s) responsible for the safety assessment and the product applicant:

Dr. Paulo Augusto Viana Barroso (President of national Biosafety Commission)

Name of product applicant: Compañia Agricola S.A.S
Summary of application:

Authorization of the genetically modified cotton COT102 x MON15985 x MON88913 x MON88701 resistant to lepidoptera and coleoptera pest attack and tolerant to herbicides Dicamba, glyphosate and glufosinate

Date of authorization: 14/10/2016
Scope of authorization: Food
Links to the information on the same product in other databases maintained by relevant international organizations, as appropriate. (We recommend providing links to only those databases to which your country has officially contributed.):
Summary of the safety assessment (food safety):
Based on the risk assessment, it can be concluded that the event shows the same risks as its conventional counterpart. Therefore the National Technical Biosafety Committee for GMO use exclusively in Health and human consumption (CTNSalud) recommends its authorization.
Where detection method protocols and appropriate reference material (non-viable, or in certain circumstances, viable) suitable for low-level situation may be obtained:
Relevant links to documents and information prepared by the competent authority responsible for the safety assessment:
Authorization expiration date (a blank field means there is no expiration date)
Organization/agency name (Full name):
Ministerio de salud y proteccion social
Contact person name:
Daniel Rubio
Physical full address:
Carrera 13 No. 32- 76 piso 12, Bogotá
Phone number:
330 5000 ext 1256
Fax number:
Country introduction:

The 4525 decree of 2005, established the Ministry of Health and Social Protection as the competent authority for GMO for health and food purposes and creates the National Biosafety Technical Committee for GMO's used in health and food purposes (CTNSalud).

The CTNSalud is composed by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the National Food and Drug Surveillance Institute (INVIMA) and the Technology and Innovation Administrative Department (COLCIENCIAS). This committee is responsible for the assesment of risk assessments; to inquire for any additional information; assessment of any measurements in accordance to the Cartagena Protocol; and the recommendation for the authorization of GMO for health or food purposes.

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Contact details of the competent authority(s) responsible for the safety assessment and the product applicant:
Name of product applicant: Monsanto Comercial, S. de R. L. de C.V.
Summary of application:

Authorization by COFEPRIS: 149

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) genetically modified (COT 102 × MON 15985 × MON 88913 × MON 88701), insect resistant Lepidoptera pest as well as tolerant to dicamba, glyphosate and glufosinate ammonium herbicides

Date of authorization: 23/07/2015
Scope of authorization: Food and feed
Links to the information on the same product in other databases maintained by relevant international organizations, as appropriate. (We recommend providing links to only those databases to which your country has officially contributed.):
Summary of the safety assessment (food safety):
No toxic, allergic or substantial nutritional changes were observed.Therefore it can be ensured that the Cotton COT 102 × MON 15985 × MON 88913 × MON 88701 Genetically Modified (Gossypium hirsutum).OCDE identifier: SYN-IR1Ø2-7 × MON-15985-7 × MON-88913-8 × MON-887Ø1-3 is, based on the existing knowledge to date, as innocuous as its conventional counterpart
Where detection method protocols and appropriate reference material (non-viable, or in certain circumstances, viable) suitable for low-level situation may be obtained:
Relevant links to documents and information prepared by the competent authority responsible for the safety assessment:
Authorization expiration date (a blank field means there is no expiration date)
Organization/agency name (Full name):
Contact person name:
Dra. Consuelo López López
Physical full address:
San Borja #938, Col. Del Valle • Del. Benito Juárez C.P. 03100, México, D.F.
Phone number:
+52 (55) 53227700
Fax number:
Country introduction:

México ha buscado garantizar la inocuidad de los productos biotecnológicos para el uso y consumo de su población.

Desde 1984 el artículo 282 bis 1 de la Ley General de Salud, contempló que la Secretaría de Salud debería regular aquellos productos biotecnológicos, o sus derivados, destinados al uso o consumo humano.

En un inicio, con fundamento en este artículo, la Secretaria de Salud evaluó la inocuidad alimentaria de productos biotecnológicos, para su comercialización con fines de uso o consumo humano. A partir de 2005, con la entrada en vigor de la Ley de Bioseguridad de Organismos Genéticamente Modificados (LBOGM), se realizó la adecuación de la regulación para dar lugar a la Autorización que es el acto administrativo mediante el cual la Secretaría de Salud, a través de la Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS), autoriza Organismos Genéticamente Modificados (OGMs), a efecto de que se pueda realizar su comercialización, así como su utilización con finalidades de Salud Pública o de Biorremediación.

Las facultades que corresponden a la Secretaría de Salud se estipulan en el artículo 16 de la LBOGM y lo relativo a la Autorizaciones se describe en los artículos 91 al 98 de dicha Ley.

Quienes pretendan obtener una Autorización para Comercialización e Importación de OGMs deben presentar ante COFEPRIS, una solicitud por escrito acompañada de la información a que se refiere los artículos 23 al 32 del Reglamento de la Ley de Bioseguridad de OGMs.


Courtesy translation

Mexico has sought to guarantee the safety of biotechnological products the use and consumption of its population. Since 1984, article 282 bis 1 from the General Law of Health, considered that the Secretary of Health should regulate those biotechnological products, or their derivatives, intended for food and feed use. Initially, the Secretary of Health evaluated the food safety of biotechnological products, based on this article, for commercialization with purposes of food, feed and processing. Subsequently in 2005, with the entry into force of the Law on Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (LBOGM), the regulation was adapted to give rise to the Authorization, which is the administrative act through which the Secretary of Health, by means of the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), authorizes Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), to their commercialization, as well as their use for purposes of public health or bioremediation.

The faculties that correspond to the Secretary of Health are stipulated in Article 16 of the LBOGM and what is related to the Authorizations is described in Articles 91 to 98 of this Law. Those who seek to obtain an Authorization for GMOs merchandising and importation, must present to COFEPRIS, a written request accompanied by the information referred into articles 23 to 32 of the Regulation of the Law on Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms.

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Contact details of the competent authority(s) responsible for the safety assessment and the product applicant:

Secretaría de Salud / Teléfono: +52 55 5080 5200 / Correo electrónico: [email protected]%20

Republic of Korea
Name of product applicant: Monsanto Korea Ltd.
Summary of application:

Glufosinate herbicide tolerance, Glyphosate herbicide tolerance , Lepidopteran insect resistance ,  Visual marker, Dicamba herbicide tolerance

Date of authorization: 27/04/2016
Scope of authorization: Food and feed
Links to the information on the same product in other databases maintained by relevant international organizations, as appropriate. (We recommend providing links to only those databases to which your country has officially contributed.):
Summary of the safety assessment (food safety):
Please see the link below(in Korean).
Where detection method protocols and appropriate reference material (non-viable, or in certain circumstances, viable) suitable for low-level situation may be obtained:
Relevant links to documents and information prepared by the competent authority responsible for the safety assessment:
Authorization expiration date (a blank field means there is no expiration date)
Organization/agency name (Full name):
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
Contact person name:
Physical full address:
Osong Health Technology Administration Complex, 187, Osongsaengmyeong 2-ro, Osong-eup, Cheongwon-gun, Chungcheonbuk-do, 363-700, Korea
Phone number:
Fax number:
Country introduction:
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Contact details of the competent authority(s) responsible for the safety assessment and the product applicant: