Commodity: |
Corn / Maize |
Traits: |
Coleoptera resistance,Glyphosate tolerance |
Name of product applicant: |
Syngenta |
Summary of application: |
Upload: |
Date of authorization: |
22/12/2011 |
Scope of authorization: |
Food and feed |
Links to the information on the same product in other databases maintained by relevant international organizations, as appropriate. (We recommend providing links to only those databases to which your country has officially contributed.): |
Biosafety Clearing House (BCH)
Summary of the safety assessment (food safety): |
Please see the EU relevant links below. |
Upload: |
Where detection method protocols and appropriate reference material (non-viable, or in certain circumstances, viable) suitable for low-level situation may be obtained: |
Event specific real-time quantitative PCR based method for genetically modified maize SYN-IR6Ø4-5xMON-ØØØ21-9. - Validated by the European Union Reference Laboratory established under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003. Please see the EU relevant links below. |
Relevant links to documents and information prepared by the competent authority responsible for the safety assessment: |
Opinion of the European Food Safety Authority
Method for Detection
Reference Material
Upload: |
Authorization expiration date (a blank field means there is no expiration date) |
21/12/2021 |
Organization/agency name (Full name): European Union
Contact person name: Alexandre Huchelmann
Physical full address: European Commission B232 04/106 1047 Brussels
Phone number: 3222954092
Fax number:
Country introduction: The process for authorising a new GMO is based on the EU regulation on GM food and feed (1829/2003). An application for authorising food or feed consisting of or made from a GMO must be submitted to the national authorities. The national authority then sends the application to the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) for a risk assessment. EFSA then makes the application summary available to the public. No matter where in the EU the company applies, EFSA assesses the risks the GMO presents for the environment, human health and animal safety. If the application covers cultivation, EFSA delegates the environmental risk assessment to an EU country which sends EFSA its risk assessment report. After performing the risk assessment, EFSA submits its scientific opinion to the European Commission and to EU countries. The opinion is made available to the public, except for certain confidential aspects. Once EFSA publishes its risk assessment, the public has 30 days to comment on the Commission website for applications under Reg. 1829/2003, and on the Joint Research Centre website on the assessment report of the "lead" EU country for applications under Directive 2001/18. Within 3 months of receiving EFSA's opinion, the Commission grants or refuses the authorisation in a proposal. If it differs from EFSA’s opinion, it must explain why. National representatives approve the Commission’s proposal by qualified majority in: (1) The Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health if the application was submitted under Reg. 1829/2003; (2) The Regulatory Committee under Directive 2001/18/EC if the application was submitted under Dir. 2001/18. The proposal is adopted if the Committee agrees with it. If there is no opinion, the Commission may summon an Appeal Committee where EU countries can adopt or reject the proposal. If the Appeal Committee makes no decision, the Commission may adopt its proposal. Authorisations are valid for 10 years (renewable).
Useful links
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Stacked events:
Contact details of the competent authority(s) responsible for the safety assessment and the product applicant:
Name of product applicant: |
Syngenta Crop Protection AG |
Summary of application: |
Upload: |
Date of authorization: |
19/09/2016 |
Scope of authorization: |
Food and feed |
Links to the information on the same product in other databases maintained by relevant international organizations, as appropriate. (We recommend providing links to only those databases to which your country has officially contributed.): |
EU Register of authorised GMOs
Summary of the safety assessment (food safety): |
Please see the EU relevant links below. |
Upload: |
Where detection method protocols and appropriate reference material (non-viable, or in certain circumstances, viable) suitable for low-level situation may be obtained: |
Method for detection: Event specific real-time quantitative PCR based methods for SYN-BTØ11-1, SYN-IR162-4, SYN-IR6Ø4-5 and MON-ØØØ21-9 maizes; the detection methods are validated on the single-trait events and verified on genomic DNA extracted from seeds of SYN-BTØ11-1 × SYN-IR162-4 × SYN-IR6Ø4-5 × MON-ØØØ21-9 maize. Reference material: ERM®-BF412 (for SYN-BTØ11-1) and ERM®-BF423 (for SYN-IR6Ø4-5) accessible via the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, and AOCS 1208-A and AOCS 0407-A (for SYN-IR162-4), AOCS 0407-A and AOCS 0407-B (for MON-ØØØ21-9) accessible via the American Oil Chemists Society. |
Relevant links to documents and information prepared by the competent authority responsible for the safety assessment: |
Method for detection
Reference Material
Opinion of the European Food Safety Authority
Upload: |
Authorization expiration date (a blank field means there is no expiration date) |
18/09/2026 |
Organization/agency name (Full name): European Union
Contact person name: Alexandre Huchelmann
Physical full address: European Commission B232 04/106 1047 Brussels
Phone number: 3222954092
Fax number:
Country introduction: The process for authorising a new GMO is based on the EU regulation on GM food and feed (1829/2003). An application for authorising food or feed consisting of or made from a GMO must be submitted to the national authorities. The national authority then sends the application to the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) for a risk assessment. EFSA then makes the application summary available to the public. No matter where in the EU the company applies, EFSA assesses the risks the GMO presents for the environment, human health and animal safety. If the application covers cultivation, EFSA delegates the environmental risk assessment to an EU country which sends EFSA its risk assessment report. After performing the risk assessment, EFSA submits its scientific opinion to the European Commission and to EU countries. The opinion is made available to the public, except for certain confidential aspects. Once EFSA publishes its risk assessment, the public has 30 days to comment on the Commission website for applications under Reg. 1829/2003, and on the Joint Research Centre website on the assessment report of the "lead" EU country for applications under Directive 2001/18. Within 3 months of receiving EFSA's opinion, the Commission grants or refuses the authorisation in a proposal. If it differs from EFSA’s opinion, it must explain why. National representatives approve the Commission’s proposal by qualified majority in: (1) The Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health if the application was submitted under Reg. 1829/2003; (2) The Regulatory Committee under Directive 2001/18/EC if the application was submitted under Dir. 2001/18. The proposal is adopted if the Committee agrees with it. If there is no opinion, the Commission may summon an Appeal Committee where EU countries can adopt or reject the proposal. If the Appeal Committee makes no decision, the Commission may adopt its proposal. Authorisations are valid for 10 years (renewable).
Useful links
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Stacked events:
Contact details of the competent authority(s) responsible for the safety assessment and the product applicant:
Name of product applicant: |
Syngenta S.A |
Summary of application: |
Upload: |
Date of authorization: |
10/06/2020 |
Scope of authorization: |
Food |
Links to the information on the same product in other databases maintained by relevant international organizations, as appropriate. (We recommend providing links to only those databases to which your country has officially contributed.): |
Summary of the safety assessment (food safety): |
Based on the risk assessment, it can be concluded that the event shows the same risks as its conventional counterpart. Therefore, the National Technical Committee for GMO use exclusively in health and human consumption (CTNSalud) recommends its authorization.
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Where detection method protocols and appropriate reference material (non-viable, or in certain circumstances, viable) suitable for low-level situation may be obtained: |
Relevant links to documents and information prepared by the competent authority responsible for the safety assessment: |
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Authorization expiration date (a blank field means there is no expiration date) |
Organization/agency name (Full name): Ministerio de salud y proteccion social
Contact person name: Daniel Rubio
Physical full address: Carrera 13 No. 32- 76 piso 12, Bogotá
Phone number: 330 5000 ext 1256
Fax number:
Country introduction: The 4525 decree of 2005, established the Ministry of Health and Social Protection as the competent authority for GMO for health and food purposes and creates the National Biosafety Technical Committee for GMO's used in health and food purposes (CTNSalud).
The CTNSalud is composed by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the National Food and Drug Surveillance Institute (INVIMA) and the Technology and Innovation Administrative Department (COLCIENCIAS). This committee is responsible for the assesment of risk assessments; to inquire for any additional information; assessment of any measurements in accordance to the Cartagena Protocol; and the recommendation for the authorization of GMO for health or food purposes.
Useful links
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Stacked events:
Contact details of the competent authority(s) responsible for the safety assessment and the product applicant:
Name of product applicant: |
Syngenta Seeds K.K. |
Summary of application: |
Upload: |
Date of authorization: |
06/11/2007 |
Scope of authorization: |
Food and feed |
Links to the information on the same product in other databases maintained by relevant international organizations, as appropriate. (We recommend providing links to only those databases to which your country has officially contributed.): |
OECD BioTrack Product Database
Summary of the safety assessment (food safety): |
Please see the link below. |
Upload: |
Where detection method protocols and appropriate reference material (non-viable, or in certain circumstances, viable) suitable for low-level situation may be obtained: |
Relevant links to documents and information prepared by the competent authority responsible for the safety assessment: |
Food safety assessment performed by Food Safety Commission of Japan
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Authorization expiration date (a blank field means there is no expiration date) |
Organization/agency name (Full name): Food Safety Commission Secretariat,Cabinet Office,
Contact person name: Ms Yuki Tomokuni
Physical full address:
Phone number:
Fax number:
Country introduction: Safety assessments of GM foods are mandatory under the Food Sanitation Law in Japan. The Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (MHLW) legally imposes safety assessments of GM foods so that those that have not undergone safety assessments would not be distributed in the country. MHLW receives application and requests the Food Safety COmmission of Japan (FSCJ) to evaluate the safety of GM foods in terms of human health. Safety assessments are carried out by FSCJ.
Useful links
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Stacked events:
Contact details of the competent authority(s) responsible for the safety assessment and the product applicant:
Name of product applicant: |
Syngenta Seeds, Inc. |
Summary of application: |
Upload: |
Date of authorization: |
12/12/2007 |
Scope of authorization: |
Food |
Links to the information on the same product in other databases maintained by relevant international organizations, as appropriate. (We recommend providing links to only those databases to which your country has officially contributed.): |
Summary of the safety assessment (food safety): |
During the risk assessment of this GMO based on existing knowledge to date, no toxic or allergic effects neither substantial nutritional changes are observed. The event is as safe as its conventional counterpart.
For more detail please find attached the risk assessment summary in this page.
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Where detection method protocols and appropriate reference material (non-viable, or in certain circumstances, viable) suitable for low-level situation may be obtained: |
Relevant links to documents and information prepared by the competent authority responsible for the safety assessment: |
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Authorization expiration date (a blank field means there is no expiration date) |
Organization/agency name (Full name): CIBIOGEM
Contact person name: Mtra. Andrea Genoveva Solano Rendón
Physical full address:
Phone number:
Fax number:
Country introduction: México ha buscado garantizar la inocuidad de los productos biotecnológicos para el uso y consumo de su población.
Desde 1984 el artículo 282 bis 1 de la Ley General de Salud, contempló que la Secretaría de Salud debería regular aquellos productos biotecnológicos, o sus derivados, destinados al uso o consumo humano.
En un inicio, con fundamento en este artículo, la Secretaria de Salud evaluó la inocuidad alimentaria de productos biotecnológicos, para su comercialización con fines de uso o consumo humano. A partir de 2005, con la entrada en vigor de la Ley de Bioseguridad de Organismos Genéticamente Modificados (LBOGM), se realizó la adecuación de la regulación para dar lugar a la Autorización que es el acto administrativo mediante el cual la Secretaría de Salud, a través de la Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS), autoriza Organismos Genéticamente Modificados (OGMs), a efecto de que se pueda realizar su comercialización, así como su utilización con finalidades de Salud Pública o de Biorremediación.
Las facultades que corresponden a la Secretaría de Salud se estipulan en el artículo 16 de la LBOGM y lo relativo a la Autorizaciones se describe en los artículos 91 al 98 de dicha Ley.
Quienes pretendan obtener una Autorización para Comercialización e Importación de OGMs deben presentar ante COFEPRIS, una solicitud por escrito acompañada de la información a que se refiere los artículos 23 al 32 del Reglamento de la Ley de Bioseguridad de OGMs.
Courtesy translation
Mexico has sought to guarantee the safety of biotechnological products the use and consumption of its population. Since 1984, article 282 bis 1 from the General Law of Health, considered that the Secretary of Health should regulate those biotechnological products, or their derivatives, intended for food and feed use. Initially, the Secretary of Health evaluated the food safety of biotechnological products, based on this article, for commercialization with purposes of food, feed and processing. Subsequently in 2005, with the entry into force of the Law on Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (LBOGM), the regulation was adapted to give rise to the Authorization, which is the administrative act through which the Secretary of Health, by means of the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), authorizes Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), to their commercialization, as well as their use for purposes of public health or bioremediation.
The faculties that correspond to the Secretary of Health are stipulated in Article 16 of the LBOGM and what is related to the Authorizations is described in Articles 91 to 98 of this Law. Those who seek to obtain an Authorization for GMOs merchandising and importation, must present to COFEPRIS, a written request accompanied by the information referred into articles 23 to 32 of the Regulation of the Law on Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms.
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Contact details of the competent authority(s) responsible for the safety assessment and the product applicant:
Name of product applicant: |
Syngenta Philippines |
Summary of application: |
Corn MIR604 contains modified cry3A gene from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp tenebriones, conferring the resistance to rootworm and phosphomannose isomerase (pmi) gene from Escherichia coli, encodes the enzyme phosphomannose isomerase (PMI) that allows the plants to utilize mannose as a carbon source and is used as a selectable marker.
Corn GA21 contains Zea mays, source of mepsps gene, which confers tolerance to herbicide.
Backcrossing was used to move the trait into an inbred background to generate a fixed inbred for each trait. The fixed transgenic inbreds are then crossed to produce a commercial hybrid containing both events, MIR 604 x GA21
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Date of authorization: |
13/12/2012 |
Scope of authorization: |
Food and feed |
Links to the information on the same product in other databases maintained by relevant international organizations, as appropriate. (We recommend providing links to only those databases to which your country has officially contributed.): |
Summary of the safety assessment (food safety): |
Syngenta Philippines had filed an application with attached technical dossiers to the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) for a biosafety notification for direct use as food, feed and for processing under Department of Agriculture (DA)- Administrative Order (AO) No. 8 Part 5 for combined trait corn: MIR604 x GA21 which has been genetically modified for insect protection and herbicide tolerance.
A safety assessment of combined trait product corn: MIR604 x GA21 was conducted as per Administrative Order No. 8 Series of 2002 and Memorandum Circulars Nos. 6 and 8, Series of 2004. The focus of risk assessment is the gene interactions between/among the transgenes.
Review of results of evaluation by the BPI Biotech Core Team in consultation with DA-Biotechnology Advisory Team (DA-BAT) completed the approval process
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Where detection method protocols and appropriate reference material (non-viable, or in certain circumstances, viable) suitable for low-level situation may be obtained: |
Relevant links to documents and information prepared by the competent authority responsible for the safety assessment: |
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Authorization expiration date (a blank field means there is no expiration date) |
Organization/agency name (Full name): Bureau of Plant Industry
Contact person name: Geronima P. Eusebio
Physical full address: San Andres St., Malate, Manila
Phone number: 8524-9588 loc 230
Fax number:
Country introduction: In 1987, scientists from the University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB) and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), the Quarantine Officer of the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI), and the Director for Crops of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCARRD), recognizing the potential harm of the introduction of exotic species and genetic engineering, formed a committee and formulated the biosafety protocols and guidelines for genetic engineering and related research activities for UPLB and IRRI researchers. The committee went on to draft a Philippine biosafety policy, which was submitted to the Office of the President. On October 15, 1990, recognizing the potential for modern biotechnology both in improving the lives of the people and in creating hazards if not handled properly, President Corazon C. Aquino issued Executive Order 430 creating the National Committee on Biosafety of the Philippines (NCBP) that will formulate, review and amend national policy on biosafety and formulate guidelines on the conduct of activities on genetic engineering. The NCBP is comprised of representative of the Departments of Agriculture (DA); Environment and Natural Resources (DENR); Health (DOH); and Science and Technology (DOST), 4 scientists in biology, environmental science, social science and physical science; and 2 respected members of the community. On July 16, 2001, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo issued the Policy Statement on Modern Biotechnology, reiterating the government policy on promoting the safe and responsible use of modern biotechnology. On April 3, 2002, Department of Agriculture Administrative Order No. 8, Series of 2002 was issued implementing the guidelines for importation and release into the environment of Plants and Plant Products Derived from the Use of Modern Biotechnology. On March 17, 2006, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo issued Executive Order No.514 Establishing the National Biosafety Framework, prescribing guidelines for its implementation, reorganizing the National Committee on Biosafety of the Philippines, and for other purposes. On December 8, 2015, the Philippine Supreme Court declared DA AO8 null and void and any application for contained use, field testing, propagation and commercialization, and importation of GMOs was temporarily enjoined. In response to the nullification of DA AO8, the Technical Working Group composed of representatives from the Departments of Agriculture (DA), Science and Technology (DOST), Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Health (DOH), and Interior and Local Government (DILG) drafted the Joint Department Circular No. 1, Series of 2016 (JDC No.1, S2016) titled 'Rules and Regulations for the Research and Development, Handling and Use, Transboundary Movement, Release into the Environment, and Management of Genetically-Modified Plant and Plant Products Derived from the Use of Modern Biotechnology'. There were series of meeting and five public consultations conducted before the JDC No.1, S2016 was approved and signed by the Secretaries of the abovementioned agencies on March 7, 2016 and took effect on April 15, 2016. Under this Circular, more government agencies were involved such as the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) to regulate applications for contained use and confined test of regulated articles; Department of Agriculture (DA) to evaluate applications for field trial, commercial propagation and transboundary movement of regulated articles; Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to evaluate environmental risks and impacts of regulated articles; Department of Health (DOH) to evaluate of environmental health impacts of regulated articles; and Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) to supervise public consultation during field trial.
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Stacked events: As stipulated in Section 20, Article VIII. of the DOST-DA-DENR-DOH-DILG Joint Department Circular No. 01, series of 2021, titled Rules and Regulations for the Research and Development, Handling and Use, Transboundary Movement, Release into the Environment, and Management of Genetically Modified Plant and Plant Products Derived from the Use of Modern Biotechnology, plants produced through conventional breeding of genetically modified parental lines with approved individual events are not considered novel. The permit holder or an authorized licensee of registered events may request the listing of their stacked events in either the BPI Approval Registry for Commercial Propagation or the BPI Approval Registry for Direct Use, as applicable.
Listing in the BPI Approval Registry for Propagation
If each parental event has a Biosafety Permit for Commercial Propagation, the stacked events may be listed in the BPI Approval Registry for Commercial Propagation. The permit holder or an authorized licensee of registered events may also request the BPI to list any sub-stacks or intermediate stacks.
Listing in the BPI Approval Registry for Direct Use
If each parental event has a Biosafety Permit for Direct Use, the stacked events may be listed in the BPI Approval Registry for Direct Use. The permit holder or an authorized licensee of registered events may also request the BPI to list any sub-stacks or intermediate stacks.
Registration under the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority
For the commercial propagation of plants with stacked events involving multiple plant-incorporated protectants (PIPs), each individual PIP must first be registered under the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA). Additionally, the stacked PIP × PIP must be registered as a new product under the FPA in accordance with its guidelines on the registration of biorational products.
Contact details of the competent authority(s) responsible for the safety assessment and the product applicant: Bureau of Plant Industry 692 San Andres St, Malate, Manila 1004
Name of product applicant: |
Syngenta Korea |
Summary of application: |
Upload: |
Date of authorization: |
13/03/2008 |
Scope of authorization: |
Food and feed |
Links to the information on the same product in other databases maintained by relevant international organizations, as appropriate. (We recommend providing links to only those databases to which your country has officially contributed.): |
Summary of the safety assessment (food safety): |
Please see the link below(in Korean).
Upload: |
Where detection method protocols and appropriate reference material (non-viable, or in certain circumstances, viable) suitable for low-level situation may be obtained: |
Relevant links to documents and information prepared by the competent authority responsible for the safety assessment: |
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Authorization expiration date (a blank field means there is no expiration date) |
Organization/agency name (Full name): Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
Contact person name:
Physical full address: Osong Health Technology Administration Complex, 187, Osongsaengmyeong 2-ro, Osong-eup, Cheongwon-gun, Chungcheonbuk-do, 363-700, Korea
Phone number: 82-43-719-2360
Fax number:
Country introduction:
Useful links
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Stacked events:
Contact details of the competent authority(s) responsible for the safety assessment and the product applicant:
Name of product applicant: |
Syngenta Seeds (Thailand) Limited. |
Summary of application: |
Upload: |
Date of authorization: |
04/12/2022 |
Scope of authorization: |
Food |
Links to the information on the same product in other databases maintained by relevant international organizations, as appropriate. (We recommend providing links to only those databases to which your country has officially contributed.): |
Summary of the safety assessment (food safety): |
The food safety assessment performed by the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC) as advisory and technical arm of Thai FDA. BIOTEC conduct food safety assessment according to codex guideline and based on the safety data and information provided by the applicant (as specified in Annex 2 attached to Notification of the Ministry of Public Health No.431). According to the existing scientific data and information available during the safety assessment, it is concluded that the stacked event MIR604 x GA21 maize is substantially equivalent to its untransformed counterpart, except for the added insect resistance and herbicide tolerant trait, hence, is deemed as safe as its conventionally counterpart. |
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Where detection method protocols and appropriate reference material (non-viable, or in certain circumstances, viable) suitable for low-level situation may be obtained: |
Relevant links to documents and information prepared by the competent authority responsible for the safety assessment: |
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Authorization expiration date (a blank field means there is no expiration date) |
Organization/agency name (Full name): National Burequ of Agricultural Commodity and Food
Contact person name: Director of Office of Standard Development
Physical full address: 50 Phahonyothin Rd., Lardyao, Chathuchak, Bangkok 10900
Phone number: +6625612277 ext.1401
Fax number: +6625613373
Country introduction: National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards (ACFS) is a governmental agency under the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC) responsible for the development of national agricultural and food standards. The Agricultural Standards Act B.E. 2551 (2008) establishes the mechanisms for the development of Thai Agricultural Standards (TAS) as either voluntary or mandatory standards. This is based on scientific data, consumer’s health and fair trade. Within the TAS, there are four standards relating GM food assessment, namely Principle for the Risk Analysis of Foods Derived from Biotechnology (TAS 9010-2006), Assessment of Possible Allergenicity (TAS 9011-2006), Guideline for the Conduct of Food Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from Recombinant-DNA Plants (TAS 9012-2006) and Guideline for the Conduct of Food Safety Assessment of Foods Produced Using Recombinant-DNA Microorganisms (TAS 9013-2006). These standards are adapted from relevant Codex standards. Safety assessment for imported GM crops and foods is done by the cooperation of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC)via the Committees relating National Committees to consider technical and political issues. The Committees comprise representatives from all relevant governmental and non-governmental key sectors including experts on genetic modification, toxicity and others.
The safety assessment process of GM food in Thailand is on a voluntary basis. According to the current laws and regulations, there is no approval authority.
Useful links
Relevant documents
Stacked events: The safety assessment for stacked events is divided into two patterns. The first pattern is for stacked events whose GM parents have never approved by FDA or other competent authority. Those stacked events shall be fully assessed in line with GM foods. Another pattern is introduced for the safety assessment of stacked event lines where from GM parents had already been approved. In the second pattern, the information of the parents could be used for consideration, as appropriate. However, the information relevant to interaction between genes and new proteins of stacked event should be mainly taken into account.
Contact details of the competent authority(s) responsible for the safety assessment and the product applicant: Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC)
Name of product applicant: |
Syngenta Seeds (Thailand) Limited. |
Summary of application: |
Upload: |
Date of authorization: |
04/12/2022 |
Scope of authorization: |
Food |
Links to the information on the same product in other databases maintained by relevant international organizations, as appropriate. (We recommend providing links to only those databases to which your country has officially contributed.): |
Summary of the safety assessment (food safety): |
The food safety assessment performed by the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC) as advisory and technical arm of Thai FDA. BIOTEC conduct food safety assessment according to codex guideline and based on the safety data and information provided by the applicant (as specified in Annex 2 attached to Notification of the Ministry of Public Health No.431). According to the existing scientific data and information available during the safety assessment, it is concluded that the stacked event MIR604 x GA21 maize is substantially equivalent to its untransformed counterpart, except for the added insect resistance and herbicide tolerant trait, hence, is deemed as safe as its conventionally counterpart. |
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Where detection method protocols and appropriate reference material (non-viable, or in certain circumstances, viable) suitable for low-level situation may be obtained: |
Relevant links to documents and information prepared by the competent authority responsible for the safety assessment: |
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Authorization expiration date (a blank field means there is no expiration date) |
Organization/agency name (Full name): National Burequ of Agricultural Commodity and Food
Contact person name: Director of Office of Standard Development
Physical full address: 50 Phahonyothin Rd., Lardyao, Chathuchak, Bangkok 10900
Phone number: +6625612277 ext.1401
Fax number: +6625613373
Country introduction: National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards (ACFS) is a governmental agency under the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC) responsible for the development of national agricultural and food standards. The Agricultural Standards Act B.E. 2551 (2008) establishes the mechanisms for the development of Thai Agricultural Standards (TAS) as either voluntary or mandatory standards. This is based on scientific data, consumer’s health and fair trade. Within the TAS, there are four standards relating GM food assessment, namely Principle for the Risk Analysis of Foods Derived from Biotechnology (TAS 9010-2006), Assessment of Possible Allergenicity (TAS 9011-2006), Guideline for the Conduct of Food Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from Recombinant-DNA Plants (TAS 9012-2006) and Guideline for the Conduct of Food Safety Assessment of Foods Produced Using Recombinant-DNA Microorganisms (TAS 9013-2006). These standards are adapted from relevant Codex standards. Safety assessment for imported GM crops and foods is done by the cooperation of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC)via the Committees relating National Committees to consider technical and political issues. The Committees comprise representatives from all relevant governmental and non-governmental key sectors including experts on genetic modification, toxicity and others.
The safety assessment process of GM food in Thailand is on a voluntary basis. According to the current laws and regulations, there is no approval authority.
Useful links
Relevant documents
Stacked events: The safety assessment for stacked events is divided into two patterns. The first pattern is for stacked events whose GM parents have never approved by FDA or other competent authority. Those stacked events shall be fully assessed in line with GM foods. Another pattern is introduced for the safety assessment of stacked event lines where from GM parents had already been approved. In the second pattern, the information of the parents could be used for consideration, as appropriate. However, the information relevant to interaction between genes and new proteins of stacked event should be mainly taken into account.
Contact details of the competent authority(s) responsible for the safety assessment and the product applicant: Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC)
Name of product applicant: |
Special case: please show below |
Summary of application: |
Upload: |
Date of authorization: |
05/11/2015 |
Scope of authorization: |
Feed |
Links to the information on the same product in other databases maintained by relevant international organizations, as appropriate. (We recommend providing links to only those databases to which your country has officially contributed.): |
Summary of the safety assessment (food safety): |
After the evaluation of reports released by Scientific Risk Assessment Committee and Socio- economic Assessment Committee Biosafety Board has approved the use
of genetically modified maize MIR604xGA21 and products thereof for animal feed.
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Where detection method protocols and appropriate reference material (non-viable, or in certain circumstances, viable) suitable for low-level situation may be obtained: |
Relevant links to documents and information prepared by the competent authority responsible for the safety assessment: |
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Authorization expiration date (a blank field means there is no expiration date) |
Organization/agency name (Full name): DG of Agricultural Research and Policies (TAGEM)
Contact person name: Dr. Erkan TAÇBAŞ
Physical full address: Universiteler Mah. Dumlupınar Bulvarı, Eskişehir Yolu 10. Km
Phone number: +90 312 307 60 48
Fax number: +90 312 307 61 90
Country introduction: Turkey is party to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) since Jan 24, 2004. Biosafety applications in Turkey are carried out within the framework of the Biosafety Law (no.5977) which entered into force in 26 September 2010 and its relevant regulations (“The Regulation on Genetically Modified Organisms and Products” and “The Regulation Connected with Working Procedure and Principles of Biosafety Board and Committees”). Biosafety Law and two regulations came into force on 26th September 2010.
Main objectives of the Biosafety Law are;
- to prevent risks that may arise from GMO’s and products which are produced by using of modern biotechnology by taking into account scientific and technological developments;
- to establish and implement biosafety system to ensure protection and sustainability of environment, biological diversity and health of human, animal and plant;
- to inspect, regulate and monitor the activities in the scope of the law.
The Law includes specific points regarding research, development, processing, releasing on the market, monitoring, using, import, export, handling, transportation, packaging, labelling, storage and similar operations in relation to GMO and GMOPs.
Veterinarian medicinal products and medicinal products for human use and also cosmetic products which are permitted or certified by the Ministry of Health are out of this Law’s scope.
According to Biosafety Law following actions connected with GMO and GMOPs are prohibited:
- Releasing GMO and GMOPs on the market without approval of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
- Production of genetically modified plants and animals.
- Using GMO and GMOPs in baby food and baby formulae, follow-on baby food and follow-on formulae, infant and kid’s nutritional supplements
According to the Biosafety Law, which was enacted in 2010, the Biosafety Board, which was established within the scope of the Law, was responsible for evaluating the applications regarding GMO and its products.
However, the duties and powers of the Biosafety Board were assigned to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry with the Presidential Circular No. 2018/3 published in the Official Gazette on the date of August 2, 2018.
The task of evaluating the applications related to GMO and its products, performing the secretarial services of the Committees and other duties specified in the Biosafety Law and related regulations has been assigned to General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies (TAGEM) under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry pursuant to Ministerial Approval dated 05/12/2018.
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry makes a “Decision” about applications on GMO and products via taking Scientific Committees’ risk assessment and socio-economic assessment into account.
For each application the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry assigns a new committee and each committee makes different assessment for each application. It is important to note that in Turkey food and feed each have a different assessment application.
Members of scientific committees are selected from the List of Experts.
11 members are selected for each GMO application.
List of Experts has been made up by the evaluation of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry from the applicants who applied via using the Biosafety Clearing-House Mechanism of Turkey. Applicants were faculty members and experts of Universities and TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey).
To date, 15 types of GM soybean and 21 types of GM maize were approved as feed for import.
Threshold of labeling of GMO products that are approved by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is 0.9%.
There are not any applications for using GMO and products as food.
After placing GMO and GMOPs on the market; the Ministry controls and inspects whether or not conditions designated by decision are met.
Activities of analysis are performed in laboratories designated by the Ministry.
In the case of any non-compliance detected with relation to the GMO Legislation (such as a failure to specify the contained GMO on the label, identification of an unapproved gene, etc.) legal action is taken.
Application evaluation process is like below:
- Evaluation of application by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 90 days
- Feedback to the applicant 15 days
- Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s “Decision” 270 days
(Starts from feedback to the applicant)
Establishing of Scientific Committees
Report preparation of Committees
Report’s public release
Evaluation of public opinions by Committees
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s final decision after taking reports and public opinions into
- Publishing the Positive Decision 30 days
- Reclamation period to Negative Decision 60 days
- Evaluation of reclamation by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 60 days
Useful links
Relevant documents
Stacked events:
Contact details of the competent authority(s) responsible for the safety assessment and the product applicant: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies
Focal Point of the FAO GM Foods Platform
Dr. Erkan TAÇBAŞ
Email: [email protected]