Food safety and quality
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香料 Phenylacetaldehyde
同义词 Hyacinthin;1-Oxo-2-phenylethane;alpha-Tolualdehyde;Phenylacetic aldehyde;Benzylcarboxaldehyde;alpha-Toluic aldehyde
JECFA评价 2002 (Session 59)
质量规格的状况 Full
化学名称 Phenylacetaldehyde
JECFA编码 1002
CAS编码 122-78-1
FEMA编码 2874
COE编码 116
分子量 120.15
化学结构式 C8H8O
物理性状/气味 Colourless to slighty yellow oily liquid; very powerful and penetrating pungent green floral and sweet odour of hyacinth type
溶解度 Slightly soluble in water; insoluble in water; soluble in oils, propylene glycol
在乙醇中溶解度 1 mL in 2 mL 80% ethanol
沸点(C) 195°
检测分钟% 95%
最大酸价值 5
折射系数 1.524-1.545
比重 1.023-1.045
其他要求 polymerises upon storage; stable in ethanolic solution. The minimum assay value applies either to the pure compound (freshly prepared) or to a 10% solution in ethanol