Food safety and quality
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Online Edition: "Specifications for Flavourings"

Flavouring Allyl hexanoate
Synonym(s) Allyl caproate
Latest JECFA evaluation 1996 (Session 46)
Status of specification Full
Chemical name 2-Propenyl hexanoate
JECFA number 3
CAS number 123-68-2
FEMA number 2032
COE number 2181
FLAVIS number
Molecular weight 156.22
Chemical formula C9H16O2
Physical form/odour Colourless to light yellow stable mobile liquid with fatty-fruity pineapple odour
Solubility Insoluble in water and in propylene glycol, soluble in ethanol, fixed and organic oils, and soluble in organic solvents
Solubility in ethanol 1ml in 6ml 70% ethanol
Boiling point (°C) 185°
Assay min % 98.0%
Acid value max 1
Refractive index 1.422-1.426
Specific gravity 0.884-0.890
Other requirements Allyl alcohol 0.1% max
ID Test IR