تغير المناخ، الطاقة والأغذية
المؤتمر الرفيع المستوى المعني بالأمن الغذائي العالمي: تحديات تغيّر المناخ والطاقة الحيوية روما5-3 يونيو /حزيران 2008

الكلمات والبيانات

تغير المناخ، الطاقة البيولوجية والأمن الغذائي: تحديات من أجل الألف

روما 5-3 يونيو /حزيران 2008

للتحقق منه مقارنة بالتنفيذ!
إشارة إلى أنّ الكلمات والبيانات ستُنشر كما وردت وهي قد تختلف عن الكلمات والبيانات التي يتمّ إلقاؤها. لذا يرجى متابعة البثّ على الشبكة أو التسجيلات الصوتية حرصاً على الدقة

 4 يونيو/حزيران 2008 ، صباحاً



His Excellency Erik Solheim Minister for International Development of the Kingdom of Norway

Son Excellence Monsieur Franco Frattini Ministre des affaires étrangères de la République italienne

His Excellency Michalis Polinikis Charalambides Minister for Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment of the Republic of Cyprus

His Excellency Rashid Ahmad bin Fahad Minister for Environment and Water of the United Arab Emirates

Her Excellency Gerda Verburg Minister for Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Her Excellency Eva Kjer Hansen Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of the Kingdom of Denmark

Excma. Sra. Doña Marigen Hornkohl Venegas Ministra de Agricultura de la República de Chile

Her Excellency Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade of the Republic of Iceland

His Excellency Nazar Mohammad Gondal Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

The Honourable Stephen Smith Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia

His Excellency Fahad Bin Abdulrahman bin Sulaiman Balghunaim Minister for Agriculture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The Honourable Sayyadi Abba Ruma Federal Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

His Excellency Dató Mustapa Bin Mohamed Minister for Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry of Malaysia

His Excellency Paavo Väyrynen Minister for Foreign Trade and Development of the Republic of Finland

His Excellency Abu Baker Al-Mabrouk Al-Mansouri Secretary of the General People’s Committee of the Authority for Agriculture, Animal Wealth and Marine Resources of the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Son Excellence Monsieur Jean-Louis Schiltz Ministre de la coopération et de l’action humanitaire, Ministre délégué aux communications du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Son Excellence Monsieur Denis Sassou Nguesso Président de la République du Congo

Excmo. Sr. Don Leonel Antonio Fernández Reyna Presidente de la República Dominicana

Son Excellence Monsieur Gabriel Ntisezerana Vice-président de la République du Burundi

Son Excellence Monsieur João Bernardo Vieira Président de la République de Guinée-Bissau

Excma. Sra. Doña María Gloria Penayo de Duarte Primera Dama de la República del Paraguay

The Honourable Absalom Themba Dlamini Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Swaziland

Son Excellence Monsieur Abbas El Fassi Premier Ministre du Royaume du Maroc

The Right Honourable Bethuel Pakalitha Mosisili Prime Minister, Minister for Defence and National Security of the Kingdom of Lesotho

His Excellency Hojamuhammet Muhammedov Vice-Prime Minister of Turkmenistan

His Excellency Dr Sahas Bunditkul Deputy Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand

Mr Kamalesh Sharma Secretary-General of the Commonwealth of Nations

Ms Louise Arbour High Commissioner, Office of the High Commission for Human Rights

His Excellency Anatolie Gorodenco Minister for Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova

The Honourable Jim Anderton Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry of New Zealand

His Excellency Mansoor Ben Hassan Ben Rajab Minister for Municipalities and Agriculture Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain

His Excellency Jaime Silva Minister for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries of the Portuguese Republic

Excmo. Sr. Don Álberto Cárdenas Jiménez Secretario de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos

His Excellency Sheikh Abdurrahman Bin Khalifa Bin Abdulaziz Al-Thani Minister for Municipality Affairs and Agriculture of the State of Qatar

Son Excellence Monsieur Saïd Barkat Ministre de l’agriculture et du développement rural de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire

His Excellency Maj. Gen. Htay Oo Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation of the Union of Myanmar

His Excellency Elzubier Bashir Taha Federal Minister for Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of the Sudan

His Excellency Eskil Erlandsson Minister for Agriculture of the Kingdom of Sweden

M. Manfred Bötsch Secrétaire d’État, Directeur général de l’Office fédéral de l’agriculture de la Confédération Suisse

His Excellency Jasem Mohammad Habib Al-Badr Chairman and Director General, Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources of the State of Kuwait

The Honourable Lyonpo Pema Gyamtsho Minister for Agriculture of the Kingdom of Bhutan

His Excellency Obaidullah Ramin Minister for Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

The Honourable William Samoei Ruto Minister for Agriculture of the Republic of Kenya

Excmo. Sr. Don Mario Ernesto Salaverría Ministro de Agricultura y Ganadería de la República de El Salvador

His Excellency Muzahem Al Muheisen Minister for Agriculture of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

His Excellency, Ovídie Manuel Barbosa Pequeño, Head of Delegation and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe

His Excellency Ivo Hlavac First Vice Minister for Agriculture of the Czech Republic

Déclaration de Son Excellence Monsieur Jean Nkueté, Ministre de l’Agriculture et du Développement Rural de la République du Cameroun