世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战 罗马,2008 年6月3-5日



罗马,2008 年6月3-5日





Her Excellency Mary Chinery-Hesse Chief Adviser to the President of the Republic of Ghana

Rev. David Beckman President of Bread for the World Institute, Coordinator of the US Alliance to End Hunger

Mr Louis Michel European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid of the European Community

The Honourable Christiaan De Graaf Minister for Agriculture of the Republic of Botswana

His Excellency Brendan Smith Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Ireland

Son Excellence Monsieur Mahaman Moussa Ministre du développement agricole de la République du Niger

Mr Andrzej Dycha Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Poland

Mr Yuval Eshdat Chief Scientist in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the State of Israel

Excmo. Sr. Don Esteban Elmer Catarina Mamani Embajador y Representante Permanente de Bolivia ante la FAO

His Excellency Almaz N. Khamzayev Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Rome

Excma. Sra. Doña Gladys Francisca Urbaneja Durán Embajadora de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela ante la FAO

His Excellency Sitki Ugur Ziyal Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Turkey to FAO

His Excellency Walter Balzan Ambassador of the Republic of Malta to FAO

Mr Aseffa Abreha Ghebrei Minister Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Rome

Her Excellency Kinga Göncz, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Hungary

His Excellency Albrecht von Boeselager Minister for Health and International Cooperation of the Sovereign Order of Malta

Monsieur Habib Ben Yahiya Secrétaire général de l’Union du Maghreb Arabe


Ms Angela Cropper Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme

Mr Olivier de Schutter UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food

Mr Ali Mchumo Managing Director of the Common Fund for Commodities

Mr Abdelwahab Cherif Project Officer, Islamic Development Bank

Ms Anne Ruth Herkes Vice-President, Policy and Strategic Issues BP Biofuels

Mr Marcel Bruins, International Seed Federation, on behalf of the sectors represented at the Private Sector Forum

Mr Henry Saragigh General Coordinator, La Vía Campesina (Indonesia)

Mr Xavier Beulin Chair of IFAP’s Group on Grains and Oilseeds, and Vice-President of the French Farmers’ Federation (FNSEA)

Mr Benjamin Victor Powless Indigenous Environmental Network (Mohawk Nation)

Mr Grégoire de Kalbermatten Deputy Secretary General UNCCD

Statement by Mr Helir-Valdor Seeder, Minister of Agriculture of Estonia

Address by Ambassador Masao Nakayama Permanent Represantative of the Federated States of Micronesia to the United Nations

Message from Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity

Message from the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development

Message from Dennis Rangi, Executive Director of CABI