Changement climatique, énergie et alimentation
Conférence de haut niveau sur la sécurité alimentaire mondiale: les défis du changement climatique et des bioénergies Rome, 3-5 juin 2008


Climate change and disaster risk management

28-29 February 2008
Philippines room - FAO HQ - Rome

Day 1: Thursday 28 February 2008, morning

8.30 – 9.15   

  • Registration and Information: FAO Main Lobby, Building A (Joyce)
  • Opening Remarks: Mr José M. Sumpsi Assistant-Director General Technical Cooperation Department
  • Meeting Overview:  Purpose and Expected Outputs

9.30 – 11.15   
Session 1: Climate Change, Food Security and Disaster Risk Management: Issues Paper

  • Issues Paper: Thomas Tanner

11.15 – 11.30 Coffee Break  

11.30 – 13.00
Session 2: Good Practice for DRM:  Implications of Climate Change on Food Security and Livelihoods

  • Implications of Climate Change for DRM: Preparedness and Early Warning in Sudden Onset Disasters (Gentiloni)
  • Good practice in Fisheries: Climate Change Adaptation and Livelihoods: Perspectives from Peru  (Badjeck)
  • Good Practice in Addressing Climate Change Adaptation Deficits due to Extreme Climatic Events:  Perspectives from Asia (Ramasamy)

13.00– 14.00 Lunch Break

Day 1: Thursday 28 February 2008, afternoon

14.00 – 15:30

  • Working Groups and Group Reports

15:30 – 15.45 Coffee Break  

15:45 – 17.30
Session 3: Emerging Trends in Disaster Risk Management: Local, National and International Strategies to Address the Consequences of Climate Change on Food Security

  • Local/Community-based Strategies: Perspectives from CARE (Van Til)
  • New Trends in DRM:  National Strategies to Address Climate Change, Food Security and Livelihoods (Suarez)
  • Strategies to Enhance International Cooperation: Global Assessment, International Cooperation, and Voluntary Guidelines for Fire Management (Goldammer)
  • Critical Trends in Global Information and Early Warning:  Food Security (Josserand)

17.30 – 18.00 FAO DRM Working Group

  • Overview: FAO DRM Working Group (Nyberg)
  • Climate Change, Livelihoods and Adaptation: Overview of Case Studies (Baas)
  • Good practice in Fisheries: Community-based Strategies, Vulnerability and Adaptation in Coastal Areas (Hermes and Brown)

20.00 Group Dinner

Day 2: Friday 29 February 2008, morning

8.30 – 9.00    Meeting Overview: Summary – Day 1 and Expected Outputs – Day 2

9.00 – 10.30  
Session 4:  Emerging trends in Financing Modalities for Disaster Risk Management:  Local, National and International Strategies to Address the Costs and Consequences of Climate Change on Food Security.

  • Financing Modalities for Disaster Risk Management:  Climate Change and Adaptation Funds (Pingali)
  • GFDRR Perspectives:  International Financing Modalities to Support Capacity-Building – Climate Change, Food Security and DRM (Chiapparino)
  • Role of Risk Transfer and Risk Sharing Instruments: Climate Change Adaptation and DRM (Subran)
  • Innovative Financing and Land Degradation:  Perspectives from IFAD (Weill-Hallé)

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee Break  

11.00 – 12.30  
Session 5:  Key Messages and Recommendations 

  • Summary Conclusions – Session Leaders presentations and discussion

12.30– 13.30 Lunch Break

Day 2: Friday 29 February 2008, afternoon

13.30 – 15.00 Working Groups and Group Reports

15:00 – 15.15 Coffee Break

15.15 – 17.00 Plenary Session – Key Messages and Recommendations term

  • What are the key messages and recommendations that participants at this Expert Meeting want to convey to the global community at the High Level Conference in June 2008?
  • What is are our statement and agenda for priority actions? 
  • How can FAO and partners best use DRM to support member states’ efforts to address climate change and food security? For example, through capacity building, institutional structures, technical advice and/or other considerations?

17.00 – 17.30 Closing Remarks