تغير المناخ، الطاقة والأغذية
المؤتمر الرفيع المستوى المعني بالأمن الغذائي العالمي: تحديات تغيّر المناخ والطاقة الحيوية روما5-3 يونيو /حزيران 2008

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Bioenergy policy, markets and trade and food security
Global perspectives on fuel and food security

18-20 February 2008
Lebanon Room - FAO HQ - Rome

Chair: Prof. M. Askew

Day 1: Monday, 18 February 2008, morning

9.00 – 12.30

  • Welcome (Ghanem, ADG-ES, FAO)

Session 1: What are the main long-term trends in agriculture, energy and food security?

  • Setting the scene (Pingali)
  • Long-term outlook for food agriculture (Schmidhuber)
  • Long-term outlook for bioenergy (Malyshev)
  • Long-term outlook for biofuel feedstock production and technologies (Flavell)

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch Break

Day 1: Monday, 18 February 2008, afternoon

14.00 – 17:30
Session 2: Taking stock of biofuel policies: What, where, how, and why?

  • What policies are driving the biofuel sector at present? (Runge) 
  • What are the economics of 1st generation biofuel feedstock production? (Zilberman)
  • What do we know about transfer efficiency and effectiveness? (de Gorter)
  • Panel presentation (Koizumi, Elbehri, Meyer, Mosoti)       

Discussion leader: Sarris

18.00 – 19.00 Cocktail

Day 2: Tuesday, 19 February 2008, morning

9.00 – 12.30    
Session 3:  The impact of biofuel policies on agricultural markets: production, trade and prices

  • Impacts of biofuel policies on markets, trade and prices (Cluff)
  • Impacts of US biofuel policies on biofuel trade (Tyner)
  • Impacts of EU biofuel policies (Banse)

Discussion leader: Zarrilli

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch Break

Day 2: Tuesday, 19 February 2008, afternoon

14.00 – 17:30
Session 4: Implications of biofuels and climate change for the environment

  • Impacts of biofuels on greenhouse gas emissions (Fritsche)
  • Implications for land use change (Fischer)
  • Impacts on water resources (Moreira)

Discussion leader: Parikh

Day 3: Wednesday, 20 February 2008, morning

9.00 – 12.30    
Session 5: The impact of biofuels and climate change/other long-term drivers on fuel and food security

  • Implications for food availability, access, stability and utilization (Huddleston)
  • Impacts on food security at global and regional levels (Msangi)
  • Food security and bioenergy developments the country level (Maltsoglou)
  • Impacts on fuel security (Jai-in) 

Discussion leader: Ericksen

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch Break

Day 3: Wednesday, 20 February 2008, afternoon

14.00 – 17:30
Session 6: What are policy priorities to address impacts on fuel and food security?

  • Chair's Summary
  • Plenary discussion on key messages for the High-Level Meeting