世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战 罗马,2008 年6月3-5日


Climate Change and Fisheries and Aquaculture

7-9 April 2008
FAO HQ - Rome

Day 1: Monday 7 April 2008, morning

9.00 – 09.30  Workshop convenes

  • Welcome speech
  • Introductions
  • Objective and goals of the workshop and brief road map for the CC process in HQ
  • Practical matters

09.30 – 10.00  Brief presentation of other HLC Working Group Expert Meetings outcomes

10.00 – 10.15  Coffee break

10.15 – 12.00
Background Paper 1 – Physical and ecological impacts of climate change relevant to marine and inland capture fisheries and aquaculture –  Manuel Barange and R. Ian Perry

  • Presentation by authors
  • Discussion

12.00– 13.30  Lunch Break

Day 1: Monday 7 April 2008, afternoon

13.30 – 15:30
Background Paper 2 – Climate Change and Capture Fisheries – impacts, adaptation, mitigation, and the way forward - Tim Daw, Neil Adger, Kate Brown, Marie-Caroline Badjeck

  • Presentation by authors
  • Discussion

15.30 – 15.45  Coffee break

15.45 – 17:30
Background Paper 3 – Climate Change and Aquaculture – impacts, adaptation, mitigation, and the way forward – Sena De Silva and Doris Soto

  • Presentation by authors
  • Discussion
  • Meeting adjourned

Day 2: Tuesday 8 April 2008, morning

9.00 – 10.30   
General Discussion

  • critical issues identification

10.30 – 10.45  Coffee break

10.45 – 12.00   
Continuation of general discussions

12.00– 13.30  Lunch Break

Day 2: Tuesday 8 April 2008, afternoon

13.30 – 14.00
Consolidated report   

  • Definition of 3 Breakout groups and their terms of reference

14.00 – 14.15  Coffee break

14.15 – 17.30
Consolidated Report Breakout groups
17.30 – 18.00
Meeting adjourned

Day 3: Wednesday 9 April 2008, morning

9.00 –10.30

  • mid point presentations by breakout groups

10.30 – 10.45  Coffee break

10.45 – 12:00
Consolidated Report Breakout Groups and Food Security Options for Decision-Makers Paper Drafting Group

  • Consolidated Report groups continued
  • Options Paper drafting group

12.00– 13.30  Lunch Break

Day 2: Wednesday 9 April 2008, afternoon

13.30 – 15.30   
Breakout and Drafting Groups Continued

15.30 – 15.45  Coffee break

15.45 – 18.00   
Presentation by Breakout and Drafting Groups and Adoption of conclusions and recommendations