تغير المناخ، الطاقة والأغذية
المؤتمر الرفيع المستوى المعني بالأمن الغذائي العالمي: تحديات تغيّر المناخ والطاقة الحيوية روما5-3 يونيو /حزيران 2008


DATE: 15-16 February 2008

VENUE: FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy

In the context of preparations for the High-Level Conference on World Food Security and the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy, FAO seeks participation of a wide range of civil society organizations with strong interest in the projected impacts on food security of climate change and increasing use of bioenergy. These include, inter alia farmers’, fishers’ and other producers’ and consumers' organizations, indigenous peoples organizations, academic institutions, environmental and development NGOs.

Participation in this stakeholder consultation is open to interested civil society representatives and attendance is free of charge, although space is limi