世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战 罗马,2008 年6月3-5日


Private Sector Stakeholder Consultation

27-28 March 2008
FAO HQ - Rome

Day 1: Thursday, 27 March 2008, morning

8.30 – 09.00 

  • Arrival and registration

9.00 – 09.15 

  • Welcome and opening message:
    A. Mueller, Assistant Director General, FAO
    J. Powell, Deputy Executive Director, WFP
    C. Mersmann, Managing Director, Global Mechanism

9.15 – 10.00
Key Note Sessions: Food security, climate change and bioenergy – establishing a common knowledge base

  • Food production and food security – Views, expectations and potential from the perspective of an agribusiness. (C.Walter, Unilever)
  • Bioenergy – Views, expectations and potential from the perspective of a biofuel producer. (A. R. Herkes, BP Biofuels)
  • How can the finance sector contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation whilst serving its clients? (C. Weddepohl, MAN Investments)
  • Manufacturing – Views, expectations and potential from the perspective of a company that manufactures everything from food preservatives to biodigesters. (P. Van Lelyveld, DSM NV) 

10.00 – 10.45

  • Information by the public private sector working group of the Rome 2007 Initiative on Sustainable Growth- Investing in Emissions Reduction and Rural Development: How to establish a facilitation platform to endorse financial investments that would promote  mitigation and adaptation measures in the agricultural, rural and land use sectors    
  • Robert Tippmann, Head of Policy Advisory Services, EcoSecurities
  • Q&A

10.40 – 11.15  Coffee Break

11.15 – 13.00

  • Identifying key issues and establishing linkages: Can we ensure food production? Can we ensure energy security without compromising food security? What is the role that the private sector can play in addressing the impacts of climate change and bioenergy production on food security, land tenure, water use and rural livelihoods?
  • Overview of key issues and identification of linkages A. Mueller, Assistant Director General, FAO
  • Panel, Q&A and open dialogue

13.00– 14.00  Lunch Break

Day 1: Thursday, 27 March 2008, afternoon

14.00 – 14.30
Introduction of the breakout groups

  • WG 1: Agriculture/Agri-business
  • WG 2: Financial sectors
  • WG 3: Technology Transfer/Energy needs

14.30 – 17.30
Break-out into 3 working groups; facilitated dialogue with open discussions and brainstorming

Day 2: Friday, 28 March 2008, morning

9.00 – 10.30   
Presentations on the outcomes of the breakout groups

  • One representative / the chair of each breakout group to provide the summary of the outcomes from that specific group

10.30 – 11.00  Coffee Break

11.00 – 12.30   
Formulation of key messages and policy options for the High-Level Conference

  • Policy options for national, regional and international action in the context of the post-2012 negotiations
  • Areas of common work and proposals for cooperation and partnerships identified among key private sector partners
  • Possibilities for further areas of collaboration with FAO, IFAD, WFP, the Global Mechanism and other UN system partners

12.30 – 13.00   
Summary of conclusions