مرفق الغابات والمزارع


Watch the Yale Forest Forum for the final webinar in the series, The Promise and Practice of Community-Based Forestry. Presentation by Duncan MacQueen, Principal Researcher, Natural Resources Research Group at the International Institute for Environmental Development.
Watch the reply of the Inaugural Land Dialogue webinar on Indigenous Peoples forests governance, hosted by the Tenure Facility, Land Portal, Ford Foundation and Thomson Reuters Foundation. Speakers: Myrna Cunningham, David Kaimowitz, Silvana Baldovino and Carlos Enrique Espinosa Peña.
An event of the Global Alliance of Territorial Communities as part of the US Climate Action Week with the participation of indigenous and local communities from the Amazon Basin, Brazil, Indonesia and Mesoamerica. David Kaimowitz will speak at the event.
The objective of the conference is to promote understanding and sharing of knowledge, good practices and solutions among and between scholars, practitioners, private sector and policy makers on sustainable and equitable wood fuel value chains and to advocate and explore strategies for their scaling-up.
Preserving Latin America’s forests is vital to fight the climate crisis and deforestation is lower in indigenous territories. Read the article about the new report produced by FAO and the Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean (Filac).