مرفق الغابات والمزارع

Community-Centered Practices Drive Sustainable Agriculture in Tanzania

New report from IIED and MVIWAARUSHA captures the role of smallholder farmers and their organizations in Northern Tanzania for preserving agrobiodiversity.

Smallholder farming families in Tanzania play a vital role in producing varied and nutritious food for households and market demand. But how can we ensure that this agricultural production is sustainable, protects natural resources, and empowers farmers? Enter Mtandao wa Vikundi vya Wakulima na Wafugaji Mkoa wa Arusha (MVIWAARUSHA), an organization representing over 12 000 smallholder farmers in Northern Tanzania.

MVIWAARUSHA envisions a future where farmers and pastoralists have strong rights and socio-economic empowerment, achieving sustainable livelihoods from agriculture and animal crops. To achieve this vision, the organization promotes agroecological productivity and the preservation of agrobiodiversity in both agricultural and forest landscapes. And the results speak for themselves - Karatu and Monduli districts, rich in agrobiodiversity, have seen immense success through MVIWAARUSHA's efforts.

Building stronger local networks for sustainable livelihoods

The secret to MVIWAARUSHA's success lies in its focus on knowledge management and community-centered practices. By drawing heavily on its members' indigenous knowledge of plant and animal cultivation and cultivating partnerships with external projects, MVIWAARUSHA has been able to expand its members' knowledge and experience. This includes strengthening local groups and networks, developing professional staff capabilities, enhancing local communication through media, and developing microcredit facilities that provide savings and loans to members from their own pooled resources.

But it's not just about knowledge transfer - MVIWAARUSHA is actively building a community of entrepreneurs that support agrobiodiversity. By promoting the role of both men and women in agroforestry ventures, the organization is creating a sustainable future for smallholder farmers in Tanzania. Market research, business development and support for processing and packaging is emerging in key areas such as the production of sunflower oil, pigeon pea, honey, and potentially coffee and other crops. These products are developed from agroforestry systems that maintain agroecological functions and climate resilience.

Seeds of conservation

At the heart of it all is a deep respect for the environment and a commitment to preserving agrobiodiversity. Seed production – especially of local climate-resistant varieties of multiple crops and medicinal plants – and of local and exotic trees – has been crucial to agrobiodiversity conservation. By developing community seed banks and local tree nurseries, MVIWAARUSHA is helping farmers to maintain control over and access to a wide diversity of crops varieties.

Through MVIWAARUSHA, smallholder farmers in Tanzania are empowered to take charge of their future. The organization provides the tools and resources needed to build sustainable livelihoods that protect natural resources and promote entrepreneurship. With a focus on knowledge management and community-centered practices, MVIWAARUSHA is a model for sustainable agriculture and agrobiodiversity conservation. 

Find out more about the importance of agrobiodiversity and Mtandao wa Vikundi vya Wakulima na Wafugaji Mkoa wa Arusha in the new report by IIED, available here