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مرفق الغابات والمزارع


Productores de la Asociación Naciona del Productores de Cafe (ANPROCA) lanzaron oficialmente la marca CAFECITO BOLIVIANO, con el apoyo del Ministerio de Desarrollo y Tierras (MDRYT) y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) a través de su Mecanismo de Bosques y Fincas (FFF, por...
To improve her knowledge in farming, Odilia relies on listening to MVIWATA FM’s agricultural radio programs, and this has helped her as well as other farmers to learn better farming skills.
On International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, David Kaimowitz, Senior Forestry Officer at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Manager of the Forest and Farm Facility, explains why empowering Indigenous Peoples can help fight our climate, nature, and health crises.
In this video, Brenda Asuncion, Hui Mālama Loko Iʻa Coordinator of Kuahawaii, calls for the international community to support resilient Indigenous food systems. IUCN is providing a platform to amplify the indigenous peoples voices and advance their rights & priorities.    
Next time you bite into a square of fairtrade chocolate, stop a moment to reflect on where your sweet treat has come from. About six million people around the world depend on farming cocoa for their livelihoods. Support for cocoa farmers in Madagascar kicks off.