Forest and Farm Facility


This IIED report presents research findings on how forest and farm producer organisations and their members can take practical advantage of shared labelling and certification schemes to enhance their market presence. It sheds light on challenges and opportunities of implementing shared label schemes and participatory guarantee systems for smallholders and ...
You are invited to attend this event during the FAO World Forest week to hear about the latest development, opportunities and continuing challenges faced by smallholder producer organizations to access finance to make agri-food systems, including forestry, more inclusive and sustainable.
This event in Mexico aims at creating links between indigenous and community leaders and potential donors and allies interested in investing in and strengthening the capacities and processes of indigenous and community financing mechanisms.
The conference will be an occasion for sharing and learning common challenges and lessons learnt on developing climate-resilience business models with forest and farm producer organisations. How business models can foster diversification – not uniformity.
On 22 September the Shandia initiative created by indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLC) was launched to guarantee direct financing for actions to stop climate change and land degradation and for the protection of biodiversity by local organizations. The Mesoamerican Territorial Fund is an alternative financial mechanism, managed directly by IPLCs.