Mecanismo para Bosques y Fincas

Cuestiones clave

The Just Rural Transition’s new brief sets out the importance of securing land and natural resource rights for the world's most vulnerable populations. This launch event will feature the author Alexandre Corriveau-Bourque, and a panel of experts. 
Join us to discuss some of the common factors affecting the resilience of Indigenous Peoples and local communities. Mainly, we will be focusing on the connections between territory, Indigenous knowledge and learning, as well as solidarity, which help Indigenous communities to cope and adapt to their changing environment.
The Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) organized a new season of global dialogue to give visibility to indigenous communities and their perspectives on human rights, forest conservation, climate change, and sustainable development in the Amazon region. 
The campaign will share messages from IUCN’s Indigenous Peoples’ Organisation members on the role of indigenous leadership and governance in stewarding and defending nature. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter.
The objective of this webinar is to introduce and showcase five compelling stories. They show how diversification is a solution, both to climate resilience (more secure food from more varied and robust agroforestry systems) and to climate change mitigation (locking carbon into trees and soils in those systems).
The online forum will foster information exchange, capacity enhancement, market engagement, and political action in support of CBNEs. It will provide a venue for sharing, exchanging, partnering, and bringing the issues of the understory to light. 
David Kaimowitz and Myrna Cunningham will speak at the session on the Future of Forest Commons in Latin America, to discuss the recent publication “Forest Governance by Indigenous and Tribal Peoples: An opportunity for climate action in Latin America and the Caribbean.” The objective of the meeting is to promote the exchange ...
We are very sad to hear of Mrs Luandao Hando's death. Lulu was the Vice Chairperson of the Zambia National Forest Commodities Association. Dynamic and bright, she led with proud her tree planting women's group in Choma District. She was the youth representant on the global board of the UN Decade of ...
The other climate change influences average and extreme temperatures, rainfall patterns, cloud formation, and winds. This, in turn, impacts agriculture, human health, water resources, and wildfires. Please connect on ZOOM: Meeting ID: 910 5757 4898 / Passcode: 67864033
Smallholder forest and farm producers are key agents for achieving Sustainable Developement Goals in the context of a Green Recovery. This dialogue promotes grassroots organizations influence on policy.