Mecanismo para Bosques y Fincas

Cuestiones clave

David comes to the Forest and Farm Facility from serving as a Senior Advisor to the Climate and Land Use Alliance (CLUA) and senior consultant to the Latin American Regional Office of the FAO. He brings to the position extensive experience as a manager, rural policy analyst, grant-maker, communications strategist, ...
In this report published by We Effect (FFF partner), you can read about how economic interests combined with climate change are increasing global pressure on land and natural resources. At the same time civic space is shrinking and defenders of human rights and the environment are being threatened and murdered. ...
Forest-based communities play a key role in protecting forest resources and improving theresilience of forest-dependent people in times of crisis. Sophie Grouwels from FFF will make some closing remarks.
Many countries have been trying to solve climate change with more corporates to participate. However, with multi-million dollars flowing into the market, what will be the most effective ways to finance the projects. Moreover, will there be any innovative solution to minimize loss and maximize climate benefits.
The sixth edition of this biennial publication showcases the breadth of work and main achievements and partnerships of FAO Forestry in implementing the FAO Strategic Objectives as well as its linkages to the SDGs. It presents more than 35 stories and case studies demonstrating the impact of FAO Forestry’s work in ...
Forest farmer exchange visits play a significant role in sharing new ideas and techniques to encourage the sustainable incorporation of trees into farm landscapes. On behalf of the Forest and Farm Facility, IUCN organised an exchange visit from Nepal, Viet Nam and Myanmar to the Khao Chakhan Community Forest Enterprise ...
While the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed, and made worse, deeply entrenched vulnerability and inequality in our society, it has shown how local communities and grassroots organisations are indispensable in championing any change and are already innovating to build a better future.
Millions of unique smallholder producers and artisans make a huge contribution to the world economy but few can compete in globalised markets. Their high per unit production costs, lack of uniformity and constraints on scale make it difficult for their collective business models to compete against industrial scale monocultures. While ...
Participatory demand surveys with forest and farm producer organisations (FFPOs) have helped FFF and IIED to identify what knowledge, training materials and approaches best strengthen those FFPOs. By improving their capacity to generate income through sustainable businesses, FFPOs can deliver climate resilient landscapes and improved livelihoods .
FFF will be co-hosting several sessions: i) Building multidimensional resilience to scale-up nature-based solutions for adaptation (NbS): the power of community-based Organizations (22 September), ii) How can community-led nature-based technologies help local communities adapt to climate change? (23 September), iii) Community-led NbS for adaptation: lessons for building back better from COVID-19 (24 September).