Mecanismo para Bosques y Fincas

Cuestiones clave

IUCN’s Member Indigenous Peoples Organizations are leading the organizing of the World Summit of Indigenous Peoples and Nature. This summit will be held virtually during the IUCN World Conservation Congress. 
Register to join this online session, which is co-sponsored by FFF, at the 2021 Food Systems Pre-Summit. Hear how traditional practices can be replicated at scale and how best to include indigenous people in the construction of equitable and resilient food systems.
Last year, a proposal to replace the Brooklyn Bridge’s walkway with wooden planks sourced from a Guatemalan rainforest won a City Council-sponsored competition. Some environmentalists in New York say the proposal is misguided, and that creating any demand for tropical hardwood is a mistake no matter where it’s sourced from. ...
What role does forest governance play in tackling climate change and biodiversity loss? Hear FFF’s David Kaimowitz explain his vision for 2030 for the future of sustainable forest management and how it can be achieved when he speaks at Chatham House’s annual forest governance event at 13:00 BST.     
Watch the session about the role of community groups, producers organizations and civil society organizations in teaching people about forests. Hear from three different people representing producer organizations in Tanzania, Kenya and Latin America.