Mecanismo para Bosques y Fincas

Cuestiones clave

“Indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants in the forest areas of Latin America have done a great job of taking care of their forests,” said David Kaimowitz, manager of the forest and farm facility at FAO and lead author of the report. 
Based on a review of more than 300 studies, the new report will reveal for the first time the extent to which science has shown that Indigenous and Tribal Peoples are the best guardians of the forests of Latin America and the Caribbean. Watch the Press Conference.
These climate resilience case studies were prepared by forest and farm producer organizations in the partner countries of the FFF. It describes the actions of the communities to find nature based solutions that give climate resilience.
Esta ronda de subvenciones se centrará en las formas en que las organizaciones pueden mejorar la prestación de servicios a sus miembros nacionales o locales. Las subvenciones serán de hasta 75.000 dólares por un año. La fecha límite para la presentación de propuestas, utilizando el formato para las propuestas que figura en ...
Women from the AMPB are changing the game, at the local level and at  the international level, by protecting forests and building their resilience to climate change. Pauline Buffle, from IUCN, wrote this blog at the occasion of the AMPB's 10th anniversary.