Mécanisme forêts et paysans


What role does forest governance play in tackling climate change and biodiversity loss? Hear FFF’s David Kaimowitz explain his vision for 2030 for the future of sustainable forest management and how it can be achieved when he speaks at Chatham House’s annual forest governance event at 13:00 BST.     
Watch the session about the role of community groups, producers organizations and civil society organizations in teaching people about forests. Hear from three different people representing producer organizations in Tanzania, Kenya and Latin America. 
The Just Rural Transition’s new brief sets out the importance of securing land and natural resource rights for the world's most vulnerable populations. This launch event will feature the author Alexandre Corriveau-Bourque, and a panel of experts. 
Join us to discuss some of the common factors affecting the resilience of Indigenous Peoples and local communities. Mainly, we will be focusing on the connections between territory, Indigenous knowledge and learning, as well as solidarity, which help Indigenous communities to cope and adapt to their changing environment.
The Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) organized a new season of global dialogue to give visibility to indigenous communities and their perspectives on human rights, forest conservation, climate change, and sustainable development in the Amazon region.