Mecanismo para Bosques y Fincas

Thriving Together: CDTNA's Agrobiodiversity Approach to Sustainable Growth

New case study from IIED and CDNTA highlights how forest and farm producer organizations unite producers in local forest and farm landscapes

A tale of community empowerment and sustainable growth is unfolding in Zambia's Choma District's forest landscapes, where a group of dedicated smallholder farmers have united under the banner of the Choma District Tree Nursery and Growers Association (CDTNA). Their mission? To enhance the socio-economic status of local tree growers by revolutionizing the agroforestry landscape.

In the heart of Choma District, a network of nurseries flourishes and the visionary members of CDTNA have nurtured and raised over 338,000 diverse seedlings. These botanical treasures reach programs, government agencies, NGOs, schools, colleges, fellow farmers, and individuals alike. Through the association's unwavering commitment to supplying planting materials and sharing knowledge, the vibrant tapestry of agrobiodiversity in the local forest and farm landscape comes alive.

Unveiling CDNTA’s distinctive approach

While CDTNA's primary focus lies in providing inputs for agroforestry, it goes above and beyond conventional norms. The association stands out by empowering farmers to take charge of their destinies, transcending the boundaries of producer organizations. CDTNA transforms scattered individual nursery producers into a formidable, commercially successful enterprise development model. Its ever-expanding membership, inclusive of both men and women, creates a dynamic environment that fuels growth, inspiring newcomers to strive for excellence.

The journey towards success is paved with shared knowledge and unwavering support from CDTNA and its members. The association serves as a catalyst for capacity development, forging valuable connections within and beyond its network. Collaborating with forestry, agricultural, and environmental sectors, CDTNA actively engages in farmer-to-farmer education programs, enlightening field exchanges, and inspiring tours.

These endeavours bridge the gap, enabling members to transfer invaluable skills and knowledge. Through such initiatives, CDTNA has empowered individual growers to form cohesive smallholder group enterprises, unlocking new horizons of employment for youth and single parents, while amplifying opportunities and networks.

A Future Blossoming with Possibilities

CDTNA envisions a future where it operates independently, a testament to its resilience and ambition. The association aspires to secure land for trading and expansion, while broadening its fundraising efforts to strengthen overall governance. Regular meetings will be convened, where members collaborate on a collective business strategy, while seeking funding to acquire solar-powered pumps and additional water storage.

By developing cutting-edge greenhouse facilities, CDTNA will nurture sensitive species and create controlled environments for applying pesticides and fungicides. Furthermore, the association seeks additional government support through the Farmers Input Support Programme (FISP), securing a brighter future for all.

Strengthening overall governance and updating the constitution to address emergent issues are critical steps on CDTNA’s path to success. New membership categories will ensure fair fees and shared costs, preventing the unfair disadvantage of smaller-scale individual members. CDTNA aims to enhance its collective bargaining power, establishing itself as a bulking center that attracts buyers.

To foster greater diversity, the association actively encourages female representation in the executive committee and general membership, igniting innovative discussions to attract more women. Diversifying the range of cultivated species will unlock new income streams, necessitating comprehensive market research to identify untapped markets and effective marketing strategies. Finally, by seeking additional training on cultivating various plants, CDTNA will fortify its capacity to provide exceptional services to clients and expand its networks beyond the existing clientele.

The work of the Choma District Tree Nursery and Growers Association is unveiled in a new report by IIED and CDTNA. This report encapsulates the indomitable spirit, unwavering dedication, and remarkable achievements of CDTNA. Discover the transformative impact of this association as it blazes a trail towards sustainable agriculture and community empowerment.

Find out more about the work of the Choma District Tree Nursery and Growers Association in the new report by IIED and CDTNA, available here.