Фонд поддержки лесных и фермерских хозяйств

Follow FFF partners at COP27



FFF partners are organizing and participating in events throughout the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Here is a list of the side events organized by partners related to the FFF, and some key messages from the grassroots. 





IIED-led events: 

Closing the gap: partnerships between households, grassroots organisations, intermediaries and providers of finance
Time: Wednesday 9th of November12.30-2pm
Venue: Resilience Hub

How accountability enables locally led adaptation: driving the quality of climate finance
Time: Friday 11th of November 10.30am-12pm
Venue: Resilience Hub 

Locally led adaptation: creating a step-change in climate finance and resilience building
Time: Saturday 12th of November 3.30-4.30pm
Venue: UK Pavilion

For more information: Follow IIED at COP27


AgriCord-led events:

Money where it matters: Driving climate finance to achieve human and environmental rights
Friday 11th of November, 15:00—16:30pm
Venue: Room 4 (Khufu)


FAO-led event:

Decoupling agriculture from deforestation: win-wins for climate, livelihoods and food security
Time: Wednesday 16th of  November, 19:00-20:00 ET
Venue: Food and Agriculture Pavilion

Indigenous Peoples and producer organizations upscaling biocentric climate action
Time: Wednesday 16th of November, 08:30-09:30 GMT+2
Venue: Food and Agriculture Pavilion

For more information: Follow FAO Forestry at COP27


Voices from the grassroots

FFF is amplifying the voices of its partners from indigenous peoples groups and forest and farm organizations who are sharing their key messages to represent the grassroots voices: 

Read the open letter from 350 farmers

Read the recommendations coordinated by AgriCord for COP27

Follow the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests at COP27

Read the declaration for COP27 and beyond of forest and farm producer organizations in Asia (coordinated by AFA)