Фонд поддержки лесных и фермерских хозяйств


Only 10 percent of global funds reach the local level, with just 1.7 percent accessible to locally controlled organizations. Accessing climate funding can require complicated applications to government and finance authorities.This new toolkit empowers producer organizations to present themselves as the right partners for financing. 
This global campaign was designed in 2021 to amplify messages from Indigenous leaders on conservation and environmental action, and to help raise attention to the World Summit of Indigenous Peoples and Nature hosted at the IUCN's World Conservation Congress. 
Charcoal production in Kenya and Zambia has traditionally been informal, particularly in poor rural communities with few or no other income-generating options. But in recent years charcoal producers have organized into associations, improved kilns, initiated tree planting and regeneration activities.
The conference will bring together stakeholders in the commercial forestry sector to discuss Commercial Forestry Investment for Wealth Creation, Enhancing Manufacturing, Food Security, Health and attainment of 10% tree cover in Kenya.
The objective of the conference is to promote understanding and sharing of knowledge, good practices and solutions among and between scholars, practitioners, private sector and policy makers on sustainable and equitable wood fuel value chains and to advocate and explore strategies for their scaling-up.