Фонд поддержки лесных и фермерских хозяйств


A new WWF report researched by IIED and featuring an FFF case study, shows that sustainable forest management benefits when indigenous peoples and other local communities living in and around forests have adequate access rights and incentives. Their local models of governance can help protect forests better than other forms of forest stewardship.
The contribution of Norway to the FFF, through the Flexible Multi-partner Mechanism, has enabled the FFF to provide support to Tanzania (new core country), and to strengthen the activities in Liberia and the Gambia (network countries).
The objective of this session is to share innovative solutions from Forest and Farm Producer Organizations in response to the COVID-19 crises as an element of building longer term, multi-dimensional resilience. Solutions range from managing risks and maintaining functionality of the smallholder production systems, increasing digital communication means, improving market ...
Youth migration shapes economies and ecologies profoundly. Young men and women bring vibrancy to rural communities. But in rural areas, young people must weigh up their chances for prosperity: whether to remain in their place of origin, migrate in search of education or work, 
The webinar will take place on Tuesday 16 June, 11:00am – 12:30pm (Rome time).