Mécanisme forêts et paysans


Charcoal production alone contributes to almost a quarter of the country’s deforestation, with 300,000 hectares of forests a year lost to tree felling. In a new policy brief, researchers with CIFOR outline actions that must be taken to curb misinformation among communities and strengthen weak restrictions around tree cutting to...
El cacao, es un regalo del bosque que por un lado viene cambiando muchas vidas a partir de generar esa relación amigable con el medioambiente; y por otro lado, a nivel de su transformación, brinda oportunidades a las personas que se dedican a cuidarlo, recolectarlo y transformarlo en un producto...
Ramiro Batzin, IUCN Councillor and Director of Sotz’il – an indigenous organisation from Guatemala, highlights the important and intrinsic relationship between indigenous governance and conservation ahead of the World Summit of Indigenous Peoples and Nature on 3 September 2021.
Grassroots support for the world’s 1.5 billion smallholder farmers – who are highly vulnerable to climate threats – to help them diversify their crops, products and practices is increasing food security while conserving forests, storing carbon and creating resilient landscapes. This was the message arising from a virtual “independent dialogue” held...
Video highlights of the Forum featuring the sessions held and translated in many languages, speakers and some photos of our  community partners connecting to the event online in their respective areas.