Mécanisme forêts et paysans


In this interview published by IUCN, David Kaimowitz of the Forest and Farm Facility shares his thoughts on the role of the global organisation he now manages, discusses a new report on Forest Governance by Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, and touches on connections to primary forests.
How strong is the evidence, and how confident can policymakers be that bolstering communal land rights is a climate solution? A new report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean...
This new UN report shows evidence that Indigenous and Tribal Peoples are the best guardians of the forests of Latin America and the Caribbean. Improving tenure of forests by Indigenous and Tribal Peoples can lower deforestation rates and biodiversity loss, avoiding C02 emissions, but more investment is urgently needed to address rising threats. 
IIED Blog: Guest blogger David Kaimowitz explains why global ambition to restore the world’s forests will only be achieved if the huge potential of forest and farm producers is realised.
Forest and farm organizations supported by the FFF in ten core countries implemented a wide range of successful activities in 2020, despite the pandemic. Grassroots organizations and indigenous and traditional knowledge are proving their value in the pandemic, helping communities cope with often immense hardship. The FFF distributed a total of...