Mécanisme forêts et paysans


FFF’s work planned for 2018-2022 (Phase II) comes at a time of renewed global efforts toward sustainable development when more and more governments are developing integrated climate responses and strategies for sustainable rural economies and reducing poverty. Collectively, forest and farm producers have the transformative potential to achieve sustainable development...
Today in Guatemala was launched the Rural Agroforestry Business School (Escuela Rural de Negocios Agroforestales (ERNA). Since 2015, FFF has supported the cooperative FEDECOVERA (Federación de Cooperativas de Las Verapaces, Responsabilidad Limitada) to develop this rural school of agroforestry business with a focus on youth and women as a contribution...
This Annual Report for 2016 provides detailed information on the FFF work in ten partner countries – the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Guatemala and Nicaragua in Latin America; the Gambia, Kenya, Liberia and Zambia in Africa; and Myanmar, Nepal and Vietnam in Asia – and at regional and global levels...
To strengthen the capacity of Forest and Farm Producer Organizations (FFPOs) in Liberia, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) through the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) programme on March 28, 2017 signed a Letter of Agreement (LoA) with the Farmers Union Network of Liberia (FUN) value...
Nepal has three decades of experience in community governance of forests, which is one of the most successful examples in the world. There are around 19,000 Community Forest User Groups (CFUGs), conserving around 1.7 million ha of forests with the involvement of more than 11.6 million people. CFUGs generally tend...