Mécanisme forêts et paysans


Smallholder producers in Tanzania join forces to access loans and expand enterprises. Leokardia Audax has been working in agriculture in the Kagera region of north-western Tanzania since 1994. She is a mother of seven children and a producer of vanilla, honey and coffee. She and her husband began...
In Bolivia, the Ministry of Rural Development and Lands and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, through the Forest and Farm Facility, signed Investment Support Agreements with producer organizations for a total USD 450,000 to improve the livelihoods of family farmers, indigenous and women's producer groups.
COP27 put food on the menu, but family farmers need more support as they suffer most from climate change's impacts.
Read the success story about the May Phay Collective Group in Bac Kan province in Viet Nam. Seven years ago, the May Phay Collective was a group of nine smallholder producers who had little idea of the potential of their land and collective strength. The Collective Group counts now 16 members and manages...
Des organisations représentant plus de 350 millions d’exploitants et producteurs familiaux publient aujourd’hui une lettre ouverte aux chefs d’État de la planète, les avertissant que la sécurité alimentaire mondiale risque d’être compromise si les gouvernements n’encouragent pas le financement de l’adaptation pour la production à petite échelle, et ne promeuvent...