Mecanismo para Bosques y Fincas

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The Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) works directly with producer organizations to help them become stronger, amplify their potential and connect with each other. Since 2012, FFF has worked in...

Charles Nyanjul describes the comparative advantages of forest and farm producer organizations that make them so well placed to fight hunger, poverty and climate change. Citing from the experience of...

Transforming gender relations: upscaling collective action in women’s entrepreneurship

Strengthening gender equality in business is an important and valid entry point to achieve Sustainable Development Goals that leave no-one behind. Making progress on gender means tackling entrenched power inequalities...

The World’s Largest Private Sector?

More than 1.5 billion smallholders throughout the world depend on forest landscapes to produce food, fuel, timber and non-wood forest products to meet their subsistence needs and generate cash income. Despite the large number...

Jeffrey Campbell, Manager of the FAO Forest and Farm Facility, brings to the fore the acute agroecological knowledge that people who have lived in or around forests possess.

Vu Le Y Voan, Vice Director of the International Cooperation Department of the Viet Nam National Farmers Union (VNFU), explains how market and analysis development training supported by the Forest...

Vu Le Y Voan, Vice Director of the International Cooperation Department of the Viet Nam National Farmers Union (VNFU), explains how small-scale forest and farm producers can contribute to halting...

FFF Summary report 2012-2017

During its first phase from December 2012-December 2017, FFF has worked in 10 partner countries, regionally and globally to provide direct support to the people whose livelihood depends on landscapes of forest...

Reducing rural poverty through farmer-to-farmer exchange

Farmer-to-farmer exchange is a concrete example of South-
South Cooperation among FAO member countries, which
put rural people back in the drivers seat. It helps countries
and regions learn from...

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