森林遗传资源是具有现实或潜在经济、环境、科学或社会价值的树木或其他木质植物物种本身或它们之间维存的可遗传承续的材料。树木是森林生态系统的基础性物种,世界上60 000种树木物种中有许多也是其他生态系统的重要组成部分,例如热带稀树草原和农业景观。多数树木物种具有高水平的遗传多样性,为提高木质和非木质林产品的生产提供着巨大潜力,为提供环境服务也提供着巨大潜力。但是,这一潜力仍在很大程度上尚未得到发挥。

Indicators of the genetic diversity of trees – State, pressure, benefit and response
This study reviews issues related to the development of indicators for tree genetic diversity. It includes a historical account of the development of science-based indicators for tree genetic diversity. It also includes a section on relevant data, data sources, and databases. The study proposes a set of four operational indicators for monitoring tree genetic diversity. The proposed indicators could support efforts towards sustainable forest management, as well as the development of indicators for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.