Global Forest Resources Assessments

FRA country reporting process

Since 2005, the backbone of FRA has been the country reporting process where the best available and most recent information from all countries and territories is compiled and analyzed.

FAO requests all countries to submit a comprehensive report following a standardized format and methodology. Reports are prepared by officially nominated national correspondents and submitted to FAO.

FRA 2025 reporting builds on previous assessments. The reporting content has been further streamlined to increase efficiency and reduce countries’ reporting burden. The changes made respond to recent developments in the international forest policy arena, such as the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests 2017-2030 (UNSPF), the Paris agreement and Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Furthermore, the online reporting platform created for FRA 2020 has been further developed to facilitate reporting and ensure data quality. These changes have been made with the support of international experts consulted during the Eighth Expert Consultation on FRA, held virtually in September 2022.