Evaluaciones de recursos forestales mundiales

FRA 2025 Country Reporting Regional Workshops

The FRA 2025 reporting process launched in early 2023 with a workshop to support National Correspondents of Caribbean countries. The first and proceeding regional and subregional workshops focused on providing technical assistance and guidance to National Correspondents on the compilation and finalization of their FRA 2025 country reports. At the same time, these workshops provided a forum for National Correspondents to connect and share experiences with colleagues from other countries of the region. 

This series of 14 workshops was held with great success for a total of 299 National Correspondents from 157 countries of the following regions: Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, the Caucasus, Europe, Latin America, the Near East, North America and the Pacific.

For more information on FRA 2025 Country Reporting Regional Workshops, kindly click on the images below.   

FRA 2025 workshop for the Caribbean
FRA 2025 workshop for the Caribbean
FRA 2025 1st workshop for Latin America
FRA 2025 1st workshop for Latin America
FRA 2025 1st workshop for Asian countries
FRA 2025 1st workshop for Asian countries
FRA 2025 1st workshop for Anglophone Africa
FRA 2025 1st workshop for Anglophone Africa
FRA 2025 workshop for the Pacific
FRA 2025 workshop for the Pacific
FRA 2025 workshop for Near East and North Africa (NENA)
FRA 2025 workshop for Near East and North Africa (NENA)
FRA 2025 2nd workshop for Latin America
FRA 2025 2nd workshop for Latin America
FRA 2025 workshop for FOREST EUROPE signatory countries
FRA 2025 workshop for FOREST EUROPE signatory countries
FRA 2025 2nd workshop for Francophone Africa
FRA 2025 2nd workshop for Francophone Africa
FRA 2025 2nd  workshop for Anglophone Africa
FRA 2025 2nd workshop for Anglophone Africa
FRA 2025 UNECE/FAO Forest Information Week for the Caucasus, Central Asia and Eastern Europe
FRA 2025 UNECE/FAO Forest Information Week for the Caucasus, Central Asia and Eastern Europe
FRA 2025 2nd workshop for Asian countries
FRA 2025 2nd workshop for Asian countries
1st FRA 2025 workshop Francophone Africa virtual
FRA 2025 workshop for Canada and USA virtual