Глобальная оценка лесных ресурсов

Extent of forest resources

The world’s forests
Ten countries with the largest forest area, 2010
Forest area as a percentage of total land area by country, 2010
Forest change dynamics
Annual change in forest area by region, 1990–2010
Annual change in forest area by country, 2005–2010
The systematic sampling grid
Example of steps used in processing Landsat data to classified land cover map and resulting land cover change, 1990–2000
Forest characteristics by region and subregion, 2010
Trends in forest characteristics by region and subregion, 1990–2010
Area of mangroves by country, 2010
Area of bamboo by country, 2010
Area of rubber plantations by country, 2010
Growing stock per hectare by country, 2010
Growing stock composition by subregion, 2010
Growing stock of commercial species by region, 2010