Глобальная оценка лесных ресурсов

Maps and Figures

The world's forests 2010
The world's forests
Forest area as a percentage of total land area by country
Regional and subregional breakdown used in FRA 2010
Annual change in forest area by region, 1990 -2010
Annual change in forest area by country, 2005-2010
Trends in carbon stocks in forest biomass, 1990-2010
Characteristics of the world’s forests, 2010
Trends in area of planted forests, 1990–2010
Proportion of planted forests consisting of introduced species, 2010
Trends in area of forest designated for conservation of biodiversity by region, 1990–2010
Percentage of forest area in protected areas by region, 2010
Trends in wood removals 1990–2005
Trends in value of wood removals, 1990–2005
Forest revenue collection by country, 2005
Public expenditure on forestry by country, 2005
Forest area covered by a national forest programme by region, 2008
Forest ownership by region, 2005
Management of public forests by region, 2005
Designated functions of forests, 2010
Trends in area of forest with a management plan by region, 1990–2010