Global Forest Resources Assessments

Socio-economic functions of forest resources

Forest ownership by subregion, 2005
Private forest ownership by type of forest owner and subregion, 2005
Management of public forests by subregion, 2005
Trends in public and private ownership of forests by region, 1990–2005
Trends in management of public forests by region, 1990–2005
Forest revenue collection by country, 2005
Public expenditure on forestry by country, 2005
Distribution of forest revenue collection at the global level, 2005
Distribution of public expenditure on forestry at the global level, 2005
Net revenue collection and public expenditure on forestry, 2005
Value of industrial roundwood removals, 2005
Countries with high values of NWFP removals, 2005
Trend in forest area designated for social services by region, 1990–2010