Les évaluations des ressources forestières mondiales

Cartes et figures

L'Évaluation des ressources forestières mondiales produit des cartes et des figures pour faciliter la compréhension de l'état des ressources forestières. Nous vous encourageons à télécharger ce matériel et de l'utiliser, avec la citation suivante: FAO, 2015. Évaluation des ressources forestières mondiales. FAO. Rome.

Climatic domains
Income categories
Annual change in forest area (1990-2015)
Annual change in forest area (2010-2015)
Naturally regenerated forest area change (1990-2015)
Naturally regenerated forest area change (2010-2015)
Planted forest area change (1990-2015)
Planted forest area change (2010-2015)
Average growing stock per hectare (2015)
Per capita forest area (ha per person) (2015)
Carbon stock in forest living biomass (2015)
Change in carbon stock in forest living biomass (1990-2015)
Carbon stock per ha (2015)
Contribution of forestry and logging to GDP (2011)
Proportion of forest area covered by forest management plans (2010)
Proportion of forest in protected areas (2015)
Proportion of privately owned forest (2010)
Proportion of publicly owned forest (2010)
Total wood removals (2011)
Industrial roundwood removals (2011)
Proportion of industrial roundwood on total wood removals (2011)
Proportion of woodfuel on total wood removals (2011)
Population change (1990-2013)