No. 10/03

Welcome to FAO's NWFP-Digest-L a free e-mail journal that covers all aspects of non-wood forest products. A special thank you to all those who have shared information with us.

Back issues of the Digest may be found on FAO's NWFP home page:

1. World Forestry Congress: Quebec Declaration on Non-Wood Forest Products
2. Papua New Guinea: Eaglewood Management Project
3. Fruits for the future
4. Monograph on Benzoin
5. Indigenous Fruit Trees: Irvingia gabonensis and Dacryodes edulis
6. NTFPs Revisited
7. UN steps up action on traditional knowledge
8. Kenya: Illicit trade in bushmeat
9. Liberia: Forest Protection Laws
10. Zambia: Maureen Mwanawasa Community Initiative (MMCI) embarks on mushroom drying projects
11. Global forum calls to curb illegal logging and promote responsible forest investment
12. Sustainable Tourism Certification Network of the Americas launches in Brazil
13. Indian study courses
14. Web sites and e-zines
15. Events
16. Towards a Global Tree Conservation Atlas
17. Publications of interest
18. Employment opportunity: Forestry Officer (Non-Wood Forest Products), FAO
19. Employment opportunity: Non-Timber Forest Products Coordinator, Fall Brook Centre
20. Miscellaneous: Personal Profiles sought


1. World Forestry Congress: Quebec Declaration on Non-Wood Forest Products

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Quebec Declaration on: Strengthening Global Partnerships to Advance Sustainable Development of Non-Wood Forest Products
XII World Forestry Congress, Side Event, 20 September 2003

The full-day side event was organized by the International Union of Forestry Research Organization (IUFRO, Group 5.11 Non Wood Forest Products), the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N. (FAO Non-Wood Forest Products Programme) and was attended by approximately 50 people from around the world. The objectives of the meeting were to identify and prioritize emerging issues for the development of the NWFP sector; and to draw the attention of the WFC and forest resources decision makers on key policy and research recommendations for the years ahead.

Background documents were prepared based on the outcome of a pre-Congress global e-consultation process along the themes: Commercialization: A reality check; Linking NWFP Management with Livelihood Development; and Institutional and Policy Dimensions. The three background papers and participant contributions were presented and discussed in plenary that were followed by group discussions along the WFC themes: Forests for the Planet; and Forests for People.

NWFPs are of growing importance in both the North and the South. There is increasing evidence of this importance in the North.

NWFPs are harvested from wild to intensively managed systems.
NWFP uses, users and production approaches change over time, and are significant at all levels of society, from local to global.

There are important opportunities to manage forests for multiple purposes and products that will increase forest values.

Issue 1:There is a profound lack of information necessary to realize the full benefits of NWFPs for individual, community and national well-being; decision-makers, forest managers and resource users alike lack information about economic, ecological and social characteristics of NWFPs and their uses.

Recommendation 1a: The participants of the side event on NWFPs of the WFC recommend that government efforts be strengthened to conduct research and generate, compile and disseminate information and statistics to key stakeholders on NWFP resources and their socioeconomic and ecological values.

Recommendation 1b: The participants recommend that governments and development agencies support education and public awareness programs for NWFP conservation and sustainable use.

Issue 2: Lack of protected rights to access and benefit from NWFP resources can adversely affect their conservation and sustainable use and discourage investment in the resource.

Recommendation 2a: The participants recommend that governments, with assistance from concerned agencies and organizations, develop and implement policies and legislation to provide secure access and benefits to the people whose livelihoods are dependent on or supplemented by non-wood forest products.

Recommendation 2b: The participants recommend that governments, with assistance from concerned agencies and organizations, ensure that stakeholders, particularly collectors, growers and traders are provided incentives to sustainably manage NWFP resources.

Issue 3: Individuals, communities and institutions generally lack the technical, financial, political and social capacity to influence policies and generate information necessary to manage and monitor NWFP resources effectively.

Recommendation 3a: The participants recommend that governments, with assistance from concerned agencies and organizations, support programs and projects to build individual, institutional, and community-based capacity to manage NWFPs through multi-stakeholder participation.

Recommendation 3b: The participants recommend that governments and research agencies give priority to research and the development and dissemination of management practices to be integrated into multi-purpose forest and agroforest resource management.

These statements and recommendations are supported by documents and summaries of the side event produced by contributors and participants of the side event and e-consultation and will be found

2. Papua New Guinea: Eaglewood Management Project

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Upon request of the Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG), FAO is assisting the PNG Forest Authority in the sustainable management and commercialization of eaglewood (Gyrinops ledermanii,also known as agarwood, aloeswood or gaharu) through its Technical Cooperation Programme "Eaglewood Management Project" TCP/PNG/2901(A).

Eaglewood is a valuable non-wood forest product that has been commercially exploited in Papua New Guinea for approximately ten years. High external demand combined with low national capacities with regard to eaglewood production and commercialisation has resulted in uncontrolled exploitation and inappropriate trade structures which marginalize local producers. Rough estimates indicate that if unsustainable harvest and trade continue, eaglewood resources in certain areas will be totally depleted by 2005 not only threatening the tree species but also leading to substantial economic losses.

The objectives of the 20-month project, which started in October 2003, are (i) to strengthen institutional capacities of technical staff from governmental and non-governmental organizations at the national level and the management capacities of local resource owners and producers at the grassroots level; and (ii) to assist the governmental organizations concerned in the elaboration of a national eaglewood conservation and management strategy. This strategy will be based on the assessment of the ecological and socio-economic impact of eaglewood production and the identification of appropriate processing and harvesting technologies, including inoculation techniques to promote oleorosin production. Collaboration among all stakeholders concerned will be enhanced.

Expected project outputs:
¿ Sustainable management strategies, guidelines and policy measures on eaglewood as part of the eco-forestry policy are formulated.

¿ The extension and regulatory capacity of governmental and non-governmental organizations is strengthened.
¿ Effective training and awareness campaigns on eaglewood management at grassroots level are carried out.
¿ Workable community-based eaglewood management models on customary land in three selected areas are designed and undertaken.

¿ Promising extraction methods are tested.
¿ Cost-effective fungal inoculation techniques adapted to PNG conditions are developed.

As a result, it is expected that the assistance will contribute to sustaining the management of eaglewood resources and the livelihood of people using eaglewood resources.

For further information please contact:
Mr Michael Avosa, National Project Coordinator, PNG Forest Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
email[email protected],
Mr Sven Walter, Forestry Officer, FAO NWFP Programme, Rome, Italy,
email[email protected]

3. Fruits for the future

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

"Fruits for the future" is a series of monographs published by the International Centre for Underutilised Crops. The publications are an output of a research project funded by the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) for the benefit of developing countries.

We have some copies of the following two monographs available for free distribution (until supplies last):
Fruits for the Future 2: Ber

Pareek, O.P
. 2001.Ber. International Centre for Underutilised Crops, Southampton, UK.
Fruits for the Future 3: Safou,Dacryodes edulis(G. Don) (in French)
Kengue, J.
2002. Safou,Dacryodes edulis. International Centre for Underutilised Crops, Southampton, UK
Please send an e-mail to[email protected]should you wish to receive a copy
For more information about other titles in this series, please contact:
International Centre for Underutilised Crops
Institute of Irrigation and Development Studies
University of Southampton
Southampton SO17 1BJ
E-mail:[email protected]

4. Monograph on Benzoin

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

An electronic version of a Monograph on Benzoin (balsamic resin from styrax species), which was published by FAO's Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP Publication: 2001/21, 2001 (E)) can be found on our Web site at the following

For hard copies of this publication, please contact:
Mr. P. Durst
Senior Forestry Officer
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Tel: (66) 02-697-4000; Fax: (66) 02-697-4445
E-mail:[email protected]

5. Indigenous Fruit Trees: Irvingia gabonensis and Dacryodes edulis

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Edouard Kengni has advised that he has just successfully defended his PhD thesis at the University of Yaounde in Cameroon. His thesis was on "Food value of fruits from indigenous fruit trees in the Lowland Humid Tropics of West and Central Africa: case ofIrvingia gabonensisandDacryodes edulisin Cameroon".

For more information, please contact:
Mr. Edouard Kengni
Humid Tropics of Western and Central Africa
World Agroforestry Centre
P.O. Box 2067 (Messa)
Tel: (237) 223 75 60
Fax: (237) 223 74 40;
E-mail:[email protected]

6. NTFPs Revisited

From: Sarah Gillett[email protected]

In June 2003 the International Forestry Review published a special issue "NTFPs Revisited", guest edited by Dr. Anna Lawrence of the Environmental Change Institute (ECI). Some of the papers are available for downloading from the ECI

7. UN steps up action on traditional knowledge

Source: BIO-IPR, GRAIN Los Banos [[email protected]]

In a delicate balancing act between developing and industrialized countries, the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) has agreed to intensify efforts to protect traditional knowledge and genetic resources, but stopped short of committing to a full international treaty. WIPO's General Assembly (Sept 22-Oct 1) authorized "the possible development of an international instrument or instruments", only after a divisive debate. Brazil, Venezuela, and some African countries insisted on an international treaty within two years, but industrialized nations wanted a more gradual approach.

Francis Gurry, WIPO's Assistant Director-General and legal counsel, hailed the compromise, which was reached 18 months after the UN agency first began discussions on traditional knowledge and similar issues. "The agreement is a major step towards the full recognition of the value of the contribution of traditional knowledge", Gurry told The Lancet.

The debate centers on ownership of genetic resources and traditional knowledge. Although indigenous peoples might know of a plant's specific medicinal qualities, they rarely know why it works -- a precondition for being classed as the "inventor" under patent law. Accusations have flown for years that pharmaceutical companies have exploited indigenous communities for their resources and knowledge.

Although "bio-piracy" continues, Gurry believes the tide may be turning.
WIPO is trying to provide guidance via model contracts, available on the internet, and other materials that can be used by indigenous peoples and their lawyers in negotiations. But given that biodiversity is richest in the remotest regions, this approach has obvious limitations. According to Gurry, one of the effects of the work to date has been to increase awareness among western enterprises of the importance of respect for traditional knowledge. For instance, the Kalahari Desert's indigenous San people finally signed an agreement in March for a fixed percentage of the royalties paid by Pfizer Inc to the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. The South African laboratory had patented P57, a hunger suppressant found in the Hoodia plant (with potentially vast commercial potential as an antiobesity drug), without acknowledging the traditional knowledge of the San who had used it for centuries to keep hunger at bay during long hunting trips.

WIPO officials hope there will be some form of internationally agreed action on traditional knowledge, folklore, and genetic resources in the next three to four years.

(Source: Clare Kapp,The Lancet, 11 October 2003, Vol 362, No 9391)

8. Kenya: Illicit trade in bushmeat

Source: The Nation (Nairobi), 26 October 2003

Unauthorised trade in game meat is reportedly the second largest illegal business in the world after drug trafficking. With populations of animals having been decimated in West and Central Africa, the focus is now turning to Kenya. Mr Ian Saunders of the African Environmental Film Foundation made this revelation during a talk in Nairobi on the "Bushmeat Crisis" in Kenya, which was hosted by the Kenya Wildlife Coalition (KWC).

A former soldier-turned-conservationist, Mr Saunders wants Kenyans sensitised on the illegal bushmeat business. "When one talks of the illegal bushmeat trade, it is the countries of West and Central Africa that immediately spring to mind. But it is these countries and those further afield that pose an external threat to one of Kenya's greatest natural resources: Wildlife."

According to an Irish non-governmental organization, the illegal global bushmeat trade is worth more than $5.5 billion a year. The meat is smuggled from Africa to various destinations in Europe and the United States. Mr Saunders fears that countries such as Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Cote d'Ivoire could soon become like Nigeria, where the numbers of game become very low. "The eyes of the cartels will turn to other countries such as Kenya to supply the massive demand," he warns.

The conservationist says bushmeat is probably already being exported from Kenya. According to Mr Saunders, gangs or cartels operate from Nigeria and Ghana. In 2001, two West Africans were jailed in the UK for smuggling and illegally selling endangered species and bushmeat in London's Dalston Market. Their market is thought to be primarily African expatriates in the UK. British police uncovered more than 2 tonnes of bushmeat.

The KWC is made up of several NGOs. They include the African Environmental Film Foundation, the Born Free Foundation, the East African Wildlife Society, Youth for Conservation, Friends of Conservation, Pan African Conservation Network and the Bill Woodley Mount Kenya Trust.

But just what exactly is bushmeat? According to a recent rapid survey (as opposed to a full scientific study) carried out by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), bushmeat is the term used to refer to meat from both the small and large wildlife species. These include rodents, birds, duikers, bush pigs, impala, gazelles, elephant and buffalo. According to the IFAW survey, over time, the hunting of these wildlife species for commercial and domestic purposes has been on the rise. The survey concludes that this fact, coupled with deforestation and interference with nature, pose a grave danger to wildlife.

The IFAW survey was meant to establish the extent of bushmeat consumption in Kenya. Like the IFAW, other conservationists believe that one of the main causes of declining animal populations in much of Africa is this illicit trade.

Some participants argued that unless benefits to landholders were increased, and proceeds from wildlife used in community development, the animals would continue to be seen as a freely exploitable and uncared-for resource that benefits only those who get to it first.

Historically, in the East African region, bushmeat has been seen purely as a subsistence activity undertaken by traditional hunter/gatherer societies. The increasing human population, acute poverty and widespread unemployment, however, have led to a greater reliance on natural resources.

Bushmeat is in demand because it is generally cheaper than domestic meat. In various surveys, it was found that affordability was the main reason why rural households cited bushmeat as the most important meat protein source. The larger species are generally preferred due to the bigger quantities of meat per carcass.

Also, respondents in many areas surveyed showed a preference for their taste. With declining wildlife numbers, hunter's catch per effort has reduced in most survey areas. Profit motives and the increased value of bushmeat have led hunters to continue supply although the hunting effort required is now far greater. To improve catch per effort, more sophisticated and unsustainable hunting methods are used such as wire snaring, night torch hunting, and the use of semi-automatic weapons.

According to a report by the NGO Traffic, the year-round demand for bushmeat has resulted in the gradual erosion of traditional hunting seasons. Increased numbers of hunters and traders that rely on bushmeat revenues have led them to hunt and trade for longer periods of the year. The Youth for Conservation group, working in tandem with the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, have carried out research on snares and other hunting techniques. Speaking at the KWC gathering, the youths' programme officer Steve Itela said that these devices of death are largely non-selective, explaining that a wire snare set for a small antelope could also cause the slow and agonising death of an elephant. He added that whereas this traditional form of hunting used to be for the subsistence of impoverished families, today it has become commercialized with bushmeat being sold regionally and also internationally. Youth for Conservation and the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust de-snaring teams have removed 34 852 snares since 1999.

According to a survey by Traffic, all hunters using snares reported a catch per effort of 1.539 kg/hour of effort, while hunter using traditional traps reported a catch effort of 0.723 kg/hour of effort. Hunters using night torching (use of powerful lights to blind animals combined with ringing a bell) reported 1.198 kg/hour of hunting effort.

Full story:

9. Liberia: Forest Protection Laws

Source: October CEPF E-News,[email protected]

Three landmark laws have been signed representing an important step forward in securing protection for Liberia's globally important biodiversity. The three laws-the Protected Forest Area Network Law, the Sapo National Park Act and the Nimba Nature Reserve Act-aim to protect Liberia's forests from deforestation, fragmentation and degradation.

Preparation of the laws was led byFauna & Flora International (FFI)with technical input from numerous Liberian and international partners and with financial support principally from the European Commission, the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) and the Panton Trust. All three laws were passed by the Liberian legislature earlier this year and will come into force shortly.

Liberia contains two of the three remaining large blocks of Upper Guinean rainforest: the Lofa-Gola-Mano block in the northwest contiguous with Sierra Leone, and the southeast Liberian block that extends into Taï National Park of Côte d'Ivoire. The Upper Guinean Forest, CEPF's strategic focal area in the Guinean Forests of West Africa hotspot, is a coastal rain forest belt covering six countries from western Togo to eastern Sierra Leone. Today roughly 40 percent of the original Upper Guinean forest cover survives in Liberia alone.

The first of the laws amends the New National Forestry Act of 2000. It defines a series of eight protected area types and the uses permitted and prohibitions for each, establishing a coherent legal framework for conservation of forest resources.

The second Act expands Sapo National Park - Liberia's first and only fully protected area- to more than 180 000 ha, an increase of 38 percent. Biological surveys coupled with GIS and remote sensing analysis since 2001 have demonstrated that Sapo Park is among West Africa's least disturbed lowland rainforest areas, with populations of forest elephants, chimpanzees, pygmy hippos and other species whose West African ranges have been severely reduced outside of Liberia. Botanical collection experts who visited the Park in late 2002 found six species new to science in just ten days.

The third Act creates the Nimba Nature Reserve out of the former Nimba East National Forest. Analysis indicates this mountainous reserve could be as great as 13 568 ha. The reserve is contiguous with the Nimba Nature Reserves of Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire, which together were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1981.

Together, these laws represent significant progress toward the overall goal of creating a biologically representative network of protected areas covering at least 30 percent of the country's existing forest area or about 1.5 million ha. The government of Liberia committed to establishing this network, including an expansion of Sapo National Park and creation of Nimba Nature Reserve, as part of a Memorandum of Understanding signed withConservation International-one of five CEPF donor partners-in 2002.

"During the unrest CEPF kept relationships with grantees alive and did not withdraw support from any projects that could be safely conducted," CEPF Executive Director Jorgen Thomsen said. "The signing of this legislation at this critical political juncture demonstrates that conservation achievement is possible even in very difficult circumstances."

10. Zambia: Maureen Mwanawasa Community Initiative (MMCI) embarks on mushroom drying projects

Source: The Post (Lusaka), 22 October 2003

THE Maureen Mwanawasa Community Initiative (MMCI) has embarked on two pilot projects to dry mushrooms in Kasempa and Ndola rural. First lady Maureen Mwanawasa said after she toured the Technology Development and Advisory Unit (TDAU) of the University of Zambia yesterday, that the two areas during the rainy season had a lot of mushrooms, which could be dried and preserved. She said this would help people to sell and secure some for food security.

Maureen said her organisation had been trying to change the attitude of women clubs for them to do activities that gave them profit and enabled them pay for health services, send their children to school and attain food security. She said her visit to TDAU followed an enquiry for a mushroom solar drier, manufactured by the unit.

Full story:

11. Global forum calls to curb illegal logging and promote responsible forest investment

Source: World Bank (Washington, DC), Press Release, 24 October 2003

With a call to curb illegal logging - which today represents worldwide annual losses in revenues and assets in excess of $10 billion - and to increase responsible forest investments in developing countries and economies-in-transition, a two-day multistakeholder Forest Investment Forum ended today in Washington.

A statement issued by the sponsoring organizations - the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Forest Trends, Program on Forests (PROFOR), the World Bank, and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) - emphasized that this gathering, which included leaders of multinational forest companies, governments, ministries, international development and financial institutions, and environmental and civil society organizations was a crucial platform to move ahead a sustainability agenda for the forest sector.

"We must act now to implement sustainable forest management, as forests are fundamental in the fight against poverty and the maintenance of biodiversity," said Ian Johnson, World Bank Vice President for Sustainable Development.

It is estimated that some 1.6 billion people worldwide depend on forests for their livelihoods. Sixty million indigenous peoples depend on forests for their subsistence. Forest resources also represent a survival base for as many as 200-300 million small farmers around the world.

"Inaction is not an option," said Odd Gullberg, Chief Operating Officer for the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. "Population growth, rising standards of living, and industrialization are placing pressure on forest products and services. Investment in forestry, which increases each year, can support responsible forestry if businesses, governments, financial institutions, and NGOs work together."

Forests worldwide harbour 90 percent of land-based biodiversity, including numerous threatened and endangered plant and animal species. Forests provide valuable goods like timber and medicines, and important services such as regulating climate change by storing carbon and filtering drinking water. Despite their importance, many of the world's richest forests are rapidly disappearing.

"This Forum was a critical junction in the road to productive dialogue between international investors in forestry, governments, development institutions, and environmental organizations," said Brooks Jaeger, Vice President for Global Threats at WWF. "These leaders have chosen to collaboratively explore the links between financial performance and forest conservation, and work toward solutions that will sustain the world's forests for generations to come."

Full story:

12. Sustainable Tourism Certification Network of the Americas launches in Brazil

Source: Rainforest Alliance [email protected]

The first Sustainable Tourism Certification Network of the Americas was launched on 30 September 2003 at the Regional Conference of the Americas on Sustainability Certification of Tourism Activities in Bahía, Brazil, organized by the World Tourism Organization (WTO), and hosted by the Instituto de Hospitalidade and the Brazilian Government. The network constitutes one of the components of an international partnership effort lead by the Rainforest Alliance, the World Tourism Organization, The International Ecotourism Society and the United Nations Environment Program to promote integration of sustainability into tourism policies and higher environmental and social standards for tourism. The launch of this network brought together representatives from leading certification programs in the region and other supporting organizations to exchange their own experiences related to certification and to define common objectives.

Sustainable tourism certification is viewed as one of the tools that can help ensure environmental and social responsibility among tourism operations, particularly in fragile areas that are rich in plant and animal species and threatened with destruction. "While tourism can produce serious negative impacts for local people and the environment, it has the potential to provide incentives for conservation and for local communities when it is properly developed and managed," said Rainforest Alliance Executive Director Tensie Whelan.

The growth of nature-related tourism has spurred the development of an ever-increasing number of independent certification programs, all making their own concerted efforts to control unchecked development and to foster responsibility among so called eco-establishments. The network recently created is intended to encourage dialogue among these various participants and to act as a regional clearinghouse for certification information and technical assistance. "This network presents an opportunity for governments, non-profits and other stakeholders in the region to share ideas and to work collaboratively to help small and medium sized, locally based tourism operations to better their livelihoods and to protect natural resources in the process," explained Whelan.

Participants at the network launch meeting defined their mission as follows: "To promote sustainable tourism in the region through the strengthening of tourism initiatives based on mutual respect and recognition, joint efforts, harmonization (balancing) of systems and the sharing of information and experience." Network objectives include the establishment of common work tools among network members and a joint marketing strategy, the generation of a set of "best management practices" for sustainable tourism based on existing regionally and nationally accepted standards, and the definition of strategies to promote the participation of tourism operations, focused on small scale operations, to implement best practices and certification processes.

The network grows out of the Sustainable Tourism Stewardship Council (STSC) feasibility study (available, coordinated by the Rainforest Alliance, which presented its final conclusions in early 2003. An 18-month worldwide consultation process concluded that there is a need to create regional platforms to disseminate information about certification and to address key issues such as the participation of small and medium-sized and community based certification operations, financial sustainability, marketing, monitoring and evaluation and accreditation.

The Rainforest Alliance will serve as the initial secretariat for this network. Through national liaisons, the network encourages participation of representatives from a variety of stakeholder groups and welcomes all initiatives that are managing certification programs in the region.

The mission of the Rainforest Alliance is to protect ecosystems and the people and wildlife that live within them by implementing better business practices for biodiversity conservation and sustainability.

For more information, please contact:
Sandra Jimenez
Rainforest Alliance
Apartado 11029-1000
San José, Costa Rica,
Tel/Fax: +506-234-8916
E-mail:[email protected]

13. Indian study courses

From: [email protected]

"Indian Traditional Medicine: Options for Public Health"
17-24 November 2003
Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
This course will look at alternatives to the crumbling allopathic public health system in South Asia focusing on more sustainable methods of health improvement through traditional medicines, eco-restoration, and pollution control. It will be conducted in the village regions of Udaipur, Rajasthan in the company ofgunies(traditional village healers), ayurveds, botanists, ecologists and veteran community education development workers who now collaborate closely to forge a more sustainable lifestyle.

14. Web sites and e-zines

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Rainforest Alliance: Back to School, Back to Nature
Starting soon, teachers will be able to download a free conservation curriculum for grades K-6. Find out more about this exciting new program, upcoming special events and how to get school supplies that help support conservation.

15. Events

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Non-Timber Forest Products Conference. Working with all the Forest
4 and 5 November 2003
Duncan, BC, Canada
What you will learn about:
¿ What is happening with NTFPs in Canada
¿ Potential employment and business opportunities
¿ Information on how NTFPs can be used
¿ New ways of looking at the forest as a whole ecosystem
¿ Re-claiming traditional practices through NTFPs
For more information, please contact:
Stella Johnny, NTFP Coordinator
Cowichan Tribes
5760 Allenby Road,
Duncan, BC V9L 5J1, Canada
Tel: +1-(250) 748 3196
Fax: +1-(250) 748 1233

Técnicas de análisis multivariados aplicados a estudios de Biodiversidad, ecología y conservación de recursos naturals.

26 January - 6 February 2004.
The workshop will be in Spanish and will be held at the Instituto de Ciencias Ambientales y Biodiversidad, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Exactas y Tecnología, Universidad de Panamá.

Deadline for registration: 15 November 2003.
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Cristina Garibaldi, M.Sc., Instituto de Ciencias Ambientales y Biodiversidad, ICAB-Universidad de Panamá, Estafeta Universitaria,

Telefax. (507) 223-6757; 223-5207.
E-mail:[email protected]

Meeting on Trade, Environment and Sustainable Development
25-26 March 2004
Jeju, Korea
This meeting will be held prior to the Eighth Special Session of the UNEP Governing Council and the Global Ministerial Environment Forum.

For more information, please contact: Beverly Miller, Secretary for UNEP Governing Council; tel: +254-2-623-431; fax: +254-2-623-929; e-mail:[email protected];

Management of Tropical Dry Forest Woodlands and Savannas: Assessment, Silviculture, Scenarios
12-14 April 2004
Brasilia, Brazil
For more information, please contact:
Professor Dr José Imaña Encinas, University of Brasilia, Forestry Department Caixa Postal 04357, 70919-970, Brasilia, DF, Brazil;

Tel: +55-61-2736026
Fax: +55-61-3470631
E-mail:[email protected]

Sharing indigenous wisdom: an international dialogue on sustainable development
6-10 June 2004
Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States
This conference brings together scholars, policy makers, practitioners, and concerned individuals from around the world in a forum that encourages dialogue, learning, solidarity, and cross-fertilization of ideas and international concepts of sustainable development.

For more information contact: College of Menominee Nation/Sustainable Development Institute; tel: +1-715-799-5600; fax: +1-715-799-5951;

2th International Symposium on Gender and Forestry
Gender and Forestry: Challenges to Sustainable Livelihoods and Forestry Management
1-10 August 2004
Arusha, Tanzania
The Conference is being organized by the Gender and Forestry Research Group of International Union of Forest Research Organizations, IUFRO, in collaboration with ENVIROCARE, University of Dar-es-Salaam, Sokoine University, Morogoro.

The aim of the symposium is to identify areas in which women and men have access to forest resources in the effort of improving livelihoods of resource poor people and sustainable forestry management locally and globally. The symposium focuses on such themes as women and forestry, gender, poverty and sustainable development, forest resource utilization and income generating activities for local people, ideology, religion and environmental responsibility.

Objectives include:
* To identify non-wood forest products for medicine and food and see how best women can use such resources for poverty reduction without damaging the environment.

* To address forestry gender issues of national, regional and global importance.
* To promote transparent multistakeholder verification of compliance with forestry management standards that protect the livelihoods of the poor and vulnerable groups such as women.

* To discuss the implementation of national, regional and global laws, conventions and agreements for the sustainable management of forests.

* To share knowledge with various stakeholders about how best to link forestry management with development assistance, with a special focus on women and their integration into other sectors programs.

* To enhance women's support for forestry ownership, control and rights of use of forests and sharing of benefits.
* To identify consequences of globalization and introduction of new forestry species on ownership of forestry resources and nature conservation.

* To catalyze funding for local action in support of gender for biodiversity conservation in forestry.
For more information regarding the organization of roundtable workshops on specific areas within the theme and Regions are also welcome. For further information contact the above address or Prof. Ruth Meena at[email protected]

Those who find the Symposium of interest and want to participate without any presentation, please send an e-mail to[email protected]and you will get further information in the second announcement.

Interested parties are invited to send an abstract of 500 words by30 November 2003to:
Prof. Elizabeth Ardayfio-Schandorf
the Chair, Technical Committee
Department of Geography and Resource Development
University of Ghana
Legon, Accra
Email:[email protected]

16. Towards a Global Tree Conservation Atlas

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

The UK's Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) are sponsors of a report 'Towards a Global Tree Conservation Atlas', which highlights the plight of five 'flagship' species which the Global Trees Campaign is working hard to save.

This summary document outlines the need for spatial data on tree species as a tool for conservation action. It introduces plans for a tree species mapping programme that will build on the forest mapping information management expertise of UNEP-WCMC. A Global Tree Conservation Atlas will be one of the main outputs of the Global Trees Campaign( The Campaign focuses on trees as flagship species for conservation of ecosystems and landscapes, and enables local people to carry out rescue and sustainable use operations. Working in partnership with organizations around the globe, the Global Trees Campaign aims to save the world's most threatened tree species and their habitats through information, conservation and wise use.

The Campaign is a partnership between Fauna & Flora International and UNEP-WCMC.
PDF versions can be downloaded from the UNEP-WCMC Web site:

or the Global Trees Campaign Web site:

17. Publications of interest

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Angelsen A; Wunder S. 2003. Exploring the forest poverty link: key concepts, issues and research implications.CIFOR Occasional Paper. 2003, No.40,viii + 58 pp. Center for International Forestry Research; Jakarta; Indonesia.

This paper provides a global review of issues, debates and research on the link from forests to poverty alleviation. Definitions are clarified and the key concepts and indicators related to livelihoods and poverty reduction and prevention are explored -- distinguishing between the analysis (using broader welfare elements) and the measurement of poverty (using more tangible, traditional indicators). The potentials and limitations of forests in regard to poverty alleviation are canvassed and their possible roles as safety nets, poverty traps and pathways out of poverty are also explored. A striking gap exists between, on the one hand, the current neglect of forests in many economic development and poverty reduction strategies and on the other, the high (and sometimes unrealistic) expectations regarding the role for forest products in parts of the forest literature. Both positions are critically evaluated. The core discussion addresses how forests can contribute to poverty reduction, distinguishing three main benefit categories. Firstly, non-timber forest products serve subsistence needs, others may have important gap filling or safety net functions and sometimes a few provide regular cash income. Secondly, timber has not traditionally been very pro-poor but the current trends of increased local ownership of natural forests, growing tree commercialization and small scale wood processing could modify that picture. Thirdly, ecological service payments are emerging rapidly but it is uncertain how much the poor will benefit.

Balick M.J.; Arvigo R.; Shropshire G.; Walker J.; Campbell D.; Romero L.; Iwu M.M. (ed.); Wootton J.C.2002. The Belize Ethnobotany Project: safeguarding medicinal plants and traditional knowledge in Belize.Ethnomedicine and drug discovery. 2002, 267-281. The New York Botanical Garden Institute of Economic Botany, Bronx, NY 10458-5126, USA.

The Belize Ethnobotany Project was initiated in 1988, through a collaborative effort of a number of individuals and institutions. This paper discusses some of the components of the project, and its accomplishments and challenges. A checklist of the flora has been produced and includes 3 408 native and cultivated species found in Belize. The multiple-use curve is introduced as a way of determining the most appropriate sample size for ethnobotanical interviews or collections. Valuation studies of medicinal plants found in two areas of local forest are described and compared with values of traditional uses for farming, using a net present value analysis. Studies to determine sustainable levels of harvest of medicinal plants were also initiated in Belize and are ongoing. The link between conservation, drug development and local utilization of medicinal plants is discussed, and the various impacts on conservation considered. The authors' experience with the production of a traditional healer's manual is detailed, and the benefit-sharing programme it resulted in is described. Various local efforts at developing forest-based traditional medicine products are discussed, as is the natural products research program based on Belizean plants. Other results of this project include the development of a medicinal plant forest reserve and a video documentation and teaching programme. Ethnobotanical and related studies in Belize are continuing.

Dovie, D.B.K.; Shackleton, C.M.; Witkowski, E.T.F.; Benjaminsen, T.A. (ed.); Cousins, B. (ed.); Thompson, L. 2002. Accessing natural resources: implications for sustainable management and livelihoods.Contested resources: challenges to the governance of natural resources in Southern Africa. Papers from the International Symposium, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa, 18-20October 2000Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS); Cape Town; South Africa.

The development of sustainable use of natural resources requires knowledge on the extent of use and the state of the resources. This paper examines the role of forests and woodlands in the maintenance of livelihoods. These resources, mainly non-timber forest products, are an important though underestimated part of the economy of many countries in southern Africa.

Gallen, J. 2002. Kava and forests: the challenge of sustainable upland forest management in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.Eighth Annual Conference of the New Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (Inc.), Blenheim, New Zealand, July 2002. Agribusiness & Economics Research Unit, Lincoln University; Canterbury; New Zealand.

A study was conducted to quantify the estimated value of kava (Piper methysticum) and other forest products in two areas in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, viz., Eirke village and Awak pah. Results indicated that forests in Pohnpei should be protected and preserved for the following reasons: (1) the forest provides various non-timber forest resources that have important values to the villagers; if they are not managed, they will eventually be destroyed. (2) non-timber forest products play an important role in the villagers' subsistence level of survival; (3) conservation of the forests could also mean preservation of culture. Preserving culture is the foundation of promoting sustainable forest management; and (4) there are also environmental benefits such as biodiversity, watershed protection and others, thus, the forests must be preserved. The local indigenous villagers have knowledge on forests and non-timber forest products based on their dependence and experience. If the traditional management system is properly used with relevant contemporary management systems, forests in Pohnpei can be managed sustainably. This is due to local villagers who have been living in the area for generations. They know better than anybody else on how the forests can be managed. Sustainable management can be achieved in the presence of traditional management system from the local people.

Gullison, R.E.2003. Does forest certification conserve biodiversity?Oryx37(2):153-165.

Hardy, Y.2003. Canada's forest biodiversity: a decade of progress in sustainable management.Forest Chron.79(3):385-386.

Headland, Thomas N., and Blood, Doris E.,editors. 2002.What Place for Hunter-Gatherers in Millennium Three?SIL International and International Museum of Cultures, Dallas, Texas. ISBN 1-55671-132-8, 129 pages, 28 photographs, tables, figures, maps, index, US$19. To order, send an email to[email protected], or go

This book takes a hard look at the traumatic cultural changes that our planet's remaining hunter-gatherer societies experienced in the twentieth century, and the precarious future that is about to engulf them in the twenty-first century. The book highlights foraging peoples in the tropical forests of Africa and the Philippines, with emphases on tropical deforestation and indigenous human rights.

Kajembe, G.C., Luoga, E.J., Kijazi, M.S., and Mwaipopo, C.S.2003. The role of traditional institutions in the conservation of forest resources in East Usambara, Tanzania.Int. J. Sust. Dev. World10(2):101-107.

Kremen, C., Bugg, R.L., Nicola, N., Smith, S.A., Thorp, R.W., and Williams, N.M. 2002. Native bees, native plants, and crop pollination in California.Fremontia30(3-4):41-49.

Lynch, Kathryn A. & McLain, Rebecca J.2003.Access, labor, and wild floral greens management in western Washington's forests.USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, July 2003.

In this report, Lynch and McLain compare the changes that took place between 1994 and 2002 in the non-timber forest product (NTFP) management regime that governed access to floral greens and other NTFPs in western coastal Washington. The report abstract notes that the study "has several key implications for forest managers, including the need for managers and policymakers to recognize the heterogeneity of the harvester and buyer populations and to consider the possibility that interventions in domains seemingly unrelated to forest management, such as labour policy, might constitute key elements of a sustainable forest management strategy." The report concludes with a list of steps that managers and researchers can take to support sustainable floral greens management.

The report is available

McNeely, J.A.2003. Conserving forest biodiversity in times of violent conflict.Oryx37(2):142-152.

Messinger, O., and Griswold, T. 2002. A pinnacle of bees.Fremontia30(3-4):32-40.

Milner-Gulland, E.J., Bennett, E.L., and et al.2003. Wild meat: the bigger picture.TREE18(7):351-357.

Negi, C.S., and Nautiyal, S.2003. Indigenous peoples, biological diversity and protected area management - policy framework towards resolving conflicts.Int. J. Sust. Dev. World10(2):169-179.

Quan-Le-Tran; Qui-Kim-Tran; Kouda-K; Nhan-Trung-Nguyen; Maruyama-Y; Saiki-I; Kadota-S. 2003. A survey on agarwood in Vietnam.Journal-of-Traditional-Medicines. 2003, 20: 3, 124-131.

Agarwood is a one of the most valuable minor forest products of the Southeast Asian tropical forests. In Vietnam, agarwood is produced from the heartwood of rarely available naturalAquilaria crassnatrees. In the authors' field work in Vietnam, a naturalA. crassnawas found in Khanh Hoa Province. Information on agarwood exploitation and production were gathered by interviewing the local people. The results showed that part of the local people earn their living through agarwood production, but due to over-exploitation, the natural resource for this valuable plant has declined dramatically in the past decades, while the demand for the resource remains constant or even increases. The cultivation ofA. crassnahas started in several places in the country as an initiative for conserving this endangered but economically important plant species.

For more information, please contact: Institute of Natural Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, 2630 Sugitani, Toyama 930-0194, Japan.

Pottinger A.2003. No forest without timber?International Forestry Review. 2003, 5: 2, 87-88, 91, 95-96, 187, 189.
The spotlight on non-timber forest products (NTFPs) has changed the face of forestry, but is also a product of its time, emerging in the context of increasingly pluralistic forest management. Early hopes that NTFPs would underpin rural livelihoods, and rescue rural populations from poverty while providing them with a reason to protect and manage forests, led to exaggerated claims of economic potential. They also tended to overlook the great diversity of products referred to, in terms of biological characteristics, and social and economic value, whilst simultaneously ascribing unreasonably lofty and altruistic goals to some of the world's poorest people. This overview of the contributions to this special issue of IFR points to the more sophisticated understanding of NTFP potential that has been acquired since the early 1990s. Focus on differences among NTFPs has led to literature around more specific groupings, such as bushmeat, indigenous forest fruits, or medicinal plants, each providing a more useful lens for assessing ways in which such products lead to sustainable rural livelihoods and forest management. However, contemplation of NTFPs as a group reminds us that forestry is a complex multi -stakeholder management system, wherein a focus on any one subset of components cannot ignore the ecological and social systems of which they form part. The methodological developments portrayed here advocate a more systemic approach, combining biological and economic approaches with NTFP users' own perceptions and knowledge within adaptive forest management, thereby side-stepping the hazards of the NTFP category.

For more information, please contact the author at: Human Ecology Programme, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, 5 South Parks, Oxford OX1 3UB, UK.

Thorp, R.W., Schroeder, P.C., and Ferguson, C.S.2002. Bumble bees: boisterous pollinators of native California flowers.Fremontia30(3-4):26-31.

USA, Alaska Boreal Forest Council. 2003. Hidden forest values. Proceedings of the first Alaska wide Nontimber Forest Products Conference and Tour, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 8-11 November 2001.General Technical Report Pacific Northwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service.2003, No.PNW GTR 579, iii + 150 pp. Pacific Northwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service; Portland; USA

These proceedings include extended summaries of presentations on the different issues concerning the sustainable and equitable, environmentally and economically viable opportunities for non-timber forest products (NTFP) in Alaska, USA. Topics covered include: the traditional uses of NTFP; biological sustainability; economic opportunities; landholders policy and access to NTFP resources; social, ethical and spiritual aspects of NTFP; and the secrets to success for small businesses.

For more information, please contact: Alaska Boreal Forest Council, P.O. Box 84530, Fairbanks, AK 99708, USA.

Vabi MB; Sikod F; Musiti BW wa.2003. Challenges of reconciling informal and formal land and resource access tenure: evidence from WWF-supported conservation sites in Cameroon.2nd Pan African Symposium on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Africa, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 24-27 July 2000. 2003, 143-151. IUCN The World Conservation Union; Gland; Switzerland.

Waliszewski WS; Sinclair F.2003. Sweetness and light: local knowledge about commercialising non-timber forest products (NTFPs) in Ghana.Tropical Agriculture Association Newsletter. 2003, 23: 2, 9-12

For more information, please contact the author: Environmental Forestry, Centre of Arid Zone Studies (CAZS), University of Wales Bangor (UWB), Gwynedd, LL57 2UW, UK

Zhou JiaJu; Xie GuiRong; Yan XinJian; Milne GWA. 2002. Traditional Chinese medicines: molecular structures, natural sources and applications. Ed. 2, xxvii + 1395 pp. Ashgate Publishing Ltd.; Aldershot; UK.

This new edition provides monographs on over 9000 chemicals (2300 more than the previous edition) isolated from around 4000 natural (animal or plant) sources used in Chinese medicine.

18. Employment opportunity: Forestry Officer (Non-Wood Forest Products), FAO

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Forestry Officer (Non-Wood Forest Products),
Forest Products Service. Forest Products and Economics Division
Forestry Department
Duties and responsibilities

Under the general supervision of the Chief, Forest Products Service (FOPP), the Forestry Officer (Non-Wood Forest Products) is a member of a team implementing the FAO programme on Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFP). Specifically to:

    ¿ collect and disseminate information and facilitate exchange of technical experience and knowledge of NWFP;

    ¿ contribute to the planning and execution of technical studies and papers on NWFP;

    ¿ ensure focus of NWFP activities on the enhancement of socio-economic opportunities and benefits accruing to local populations;

    ¿ assist in identifying, evaluating and promoting technologies in the field of NWFP processing and utilization;

    ¿ prepare appraisal and feasibility studies in the subject area upon request of member countries;

    ¿ contribute to the development of methodologies, concepts and definitions on NWFP;

    ¿ liaise with the private sector and non-government organizations;

    ¿ provide technical backstopping to field projects;

    ¿ perform other related duties as required

    Minimum requirements

    ¿ Advanced university degree in Forestry, Biology, Economics or related field

    ¿ Five years of professional work experience related to non-wood forest products, including experience in the development, management and evaluation of projects

    ¿ Working knowledge of English, French or Spanish and limited knowledge of one of the other two

Selection criteria

    ¿ Relevance of experience in the utilization of non-wood forest products, including experience in developing countries

    ¿ Relevance and extent of experience in development, management and evaluation of projects

    ¿ Demonstrated analytical skills

    ¿ Excellent communication skills, both written and oral

    ¿ Knowledge of FAO languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic or Chinese)

    ¿ Strong initiative and ability to work in a team

Please send your application by23 December 2003to:
Chief, Forest Products Service (FOPP)
FAO Via delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome ITALY
Fax No: +39 06 57055137
E-mail:[email protected]
For more information, please

19. Employment opportunity: Non-Timber Forest Products Coordinator, Fall Brook Centre

From: Jim Chamberlain[email protected]

Falls Brook Centre: Non-Timber Forest Products Coordinator

Falls Brook Centre (FBC) is an environmental community development demonstration and training centre in rural New Brunswick. Located on 400 acres of farm and forest land, FBC demonstrates the practical application and implementation of sustainable development. Appropriate technology applications of solar energy, wind energy, composting and recycling models, as well as 7 km of fully marked forest trails, an arboretum, herbarium and a forest museum bring visitors on a regular basis. Falls Brook is in a remote, rural environment. We try to "live simply, so that others may simply live". You must have the ability to feel comfortable with wood heat, spring water and a remote rural living experience. Please consult our website ( for further information.

Falls Brook Centre has an opening for a highly motivated, self-directed person to assist the Forestry Program - Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs). This person has post-secondary training, preferably in university sciences (Forest ecology, biology, business, and is very comfortable with a range of computer programs (Power Point, Word Perfect, spreadsheets required). Demonstrated field skills and an understanding of forest certification, social forestry and marketing are a definite asset. He/she is a quick and eager learner, can handle several tasks at once, and is equally at home handling workshop logistics as searching scientific journals for critical information. From broad direction on a project, he/she can discern priorities, establish tasks to be done, carry them out with minimal supervision, initiate and take leadership and meet deadlines. He/she is a good organizer and communicator (bilingualism is preferred), is not afraid of the telephone or public speaking.

In accordance with Falls Brook Centre policies and guidelines, and within the project budget, responsibilities will include:

Practical systems that support sustainable NTFP practices
"Coordinating research into the scientific and socio-economic aspects of NTFPs, and incorporating the information into sustainable harvesting guidelines;

"Implementing and monitoring a third-party auditing system for NTFPS;" Broadening the overall knowledge base regarding NTFPs; and,

"Developing Markets for Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Organic Forest certified NTFPs.
Public Awareness and Education

"Facilitate the establishment of a national framework to support the development of NTFP initiatives;
"Coordinate information flow and lessons learned amongst a diverse group of international organizations working on NTFP issues;

"Establishing a resource centre for NTFPs (literature, online, exhibits, etc.);
"Undertaking seminars and workshops on various aspects of NTFPs as required.

"Partnering with the Forestry and Agriculture programs to market NTFPs locally; and,
"Pursuing funding opportunities that further support the NTFP program." Initiate NTFP marketing activities regionally.
The position of NTFP Coordinator reports to the Forestry Coordinator and must be comfortable working within a multi disciplinary team atmosphere.

This is a full-time position requiring 40 hours a week with a preferred start date of 5 January 2004. Bilingualism (English and French) is required and some travel can be expected. This position is for one year, with a performance reviewing occurring after the first 6 months. Salary is commensurate with experience.

If you are this person, please send a letter by fax or e-mail explaining why you want this job along with a resume outlining your relevant educational, work and volunteer experiences that qualify you for the positionby 14 Novemberto:

Simon J. Mitchell, R.P.F.
Falls Brook Centre Forestry Coordinator
125 South Knowlesville Road
Knowlesville, New Brunswick, Canada E7L 1B1
Tel: +1-(506) 375-4310
Fax: +1-(506) 375-4221
Email:[email protected]

20. Miscellaneous: Personal Profiles sought

Source: H. Gyde Lund, FIU, 6 October 2003,[email protected]

The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) would be interested to hear from readers interested in contributing a personal profile for a web feature entitled "forestry funding success stories" to appear on the website of the Sourcebook of Funding for Sustainable Forest Management ( If you have been successful in receiving funding for study, afforestation, forest management, research, or other projects and would like to share your experiences, then please send an e-mail outlining the size and nature of grant received and what it was used for to[email protected], putting "funding success stories" in the subject line. If accepted, you will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire on your experiences. A small payment will be made for accepted contributions.


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Non-Wood Forest Products Programme

Forestry Department


Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

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last updated:  Monday, August 24, 2009