No. 04/02

Welcome to FAO's NWFP-Digest-L. a free e-mail journal that covers all aspects of non-wood forest products.A special thank you to all those who have shared information with us.

1. XII World Forestry Congress - first call for voluntary papers and posters
2. Bamboo research program
3. Botanicals
4. Maranhao exports medicinal plant to Italy
5. Tree resin may help control cholesterol
6. Brazil nut oil, a luxury product made in Laranjal do Jari
7. FRIM in deal for drug bio-prospecting
8. UN conference backs indigenous peoples' drug payout
9. India gives communities a stake while preserving biosphere
10. Web discussion on community based ecotourism
11. Newsletter - Organic Production of Medicinal, Aromatic and Natural Dye Plants (MADPs)
12. Global Leaflet
13. Community Forestry Resource Center (CFRC)
14. Forest Club of Russian non-governmental organizations
15. Web sites
16. USDA/FS International Programs to Host International Seminars
17. Conference Announcement
18. Other events
19. Property rights in the sustainable management of non-timber forest products in British Columbia, Canada.
20. Publications of interest

1. XII World Forestry Congress - first call for voluntary papers and posters


From 21 to 28 September 2003, the international forestry community will meet in Quebec City, Canada, for the XII World Forestry Congress. For seven days, participants as individuals and from various governments, education and research, industry and non-government organizations will get together to analyse, discuss and participate in the largest and most important forestry meeting worldwide.

The XII World Forestry Congress will be an open forum where discussion will focus on individuals, communities and forests under the theme "Forests, source of life".

Individuals are invited to submit voluntary papers and posters as a means to express new ideas and provide information on practical experiences, conceptual models and interesting initiatives. Papers will be published in the Congress proceedings and posted on the Congress website. On behalf of the XII World Forestry Congress, we are calling for papers (each with an abstract) or abstracts for posters to be submitted to the Forestry Department of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) by 30 June 2002 for early consideration or by 30 September 2002 at the latest.

Detailed guidelines for authors are available on the XII World Forestry Congress website www.wfc2003.organd by mail, fax or e-mail on request. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words, and papers should not exceed 3 000 words or ten pages, including tables and bibliography. Authors may present posters in a computer-assisted format. Steps will be taken to ensure balanced representation from geographic regions and from differing points of view.

For more information on the areas, topics and sub-topics likely to be included in the programme, please contact:

XII World Forestry Congress
FAO, Forestry Department
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel: 39.06.57055879
Fax: 39.06.57052151
E-mail: [email protected]

2. Bamboo research program

From: Jochen Statz [[email protected]]

Below is a brief description of an EU-funded bamboo research program that is being coordinated here at our Institute. A project website is under preparation and should be operational by mid-May.

Guadua Bamboo - Research for Sustainable Management and Markets of Bamboo in Colombia and Costa Rica

Duration: November 2001 to October 2004

The overall objective of the project is to improve the basis for sustainable production and management of bamboo, notably of Guadua angustifolia, to the benefit of local growers and processors in Latin America.

Field research regions of the project comprise the eje cafetero (coffee growing region) of Colombia and Costa Rica on the producers' side, as well as potential bamboo export markets in Germany and Great Britain.

The specific research objectives include:

¿ to assess the potential of bamboos as a sustainable, economically viable resource for farmers;

¿ to improve the quality of the raw material through improved selection and propagation techniques;

¿ to improve knowledge of stand management techniques and to define grading standards in order to provide higher quality raw material and/or adequate raw material for defined uses;

¿ to optimize the value added chain increasing, in particular, the economic benefits of local growers and processors; and

¿ to set up a comprehensive information system on Guadua production and use, including inventory data from Colombia and Costa Rica.

Research Partners and their Contributions

Partner 1: University of Freiburg, Institute of Forest Policy, Market and Marketing Section, Freiburg, Germany

¿ Overall coordination of the Project

¿ Research on the socio-economic framework of bamboo production and the marketing chain of bamboo based products

Partner 2: University of Costa Rica, Faculty of Agronomy, Research Center for Grains and Seeds, San José, Costa Rica

¿ Scientific coordination of the biological research within the Project

¿ Genetical selection of Guadua angustifolia and Dendrocalamus giganteus with desirable agronomic and industrial characteristics

¿ Research on large scale microprogagation of selected bamboo plant material

Partner 3: Technical University of Pereira, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Pereira, Colombia

¿ Improvement of silvicultural management of Guadua stand in Colombia

¿ Research on carbon fixation and other environmental impacts of Guadua stands

Partner 4: Tropical Agriculture Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), Turrialba, Costa Rica

¿ Inventory of Guadua bamboo stands in the coffee growing region of Colombia and of bamboo stands in Costa Rica

¿ Provide a comprehensive information system on Guadua bamboo

¿ Assist other Project partners in experimental design planning and other methodolgical issues

Partner 5: Imperial college of Science, Technology and Medicine, Department of Biology, London, United Kingdom

¿ Provide clear and assessable ways in which the quality of Guadua bamboo culms and clumps can be defined and measured

¿ Develop a scheme to define the optimum characteristics of Guadua bamboo culms for desirable qualities of end products

¿ characterize the eco-profile of Guadua bamboo products using Life-Cycle-Assessment, also comparing Guadua products with alternative materials

Funding for this research project is being provided by the European Union under its Fifth Research and Technological Development (RTD) Framework Programme (project reference: ICA4-CT-2001-10091)

The project Web site is under construction; for preliminary information consult:

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Jochen Statz
Market and Marketing Section
Institute of Forest Policy
University of Freiburg - Germany
Tel: +49 761 203-8500
Fax: +49 761 203-3729
[email protected]

3. Botanicals

From: Alan Pierce [[email protected]]

As part of our work with the Rainforest Alliance's sustainable botanicals program, we created an annotated collection of guidelines, standards and regulations for botanicals.Subscribers to the FAO NWFP listserve may find this draft interesting.It can be found at the following website:

4. Maranhao exports medicinal plant to Italy

From: Amazon News, 11/4/02 [[email protected]]

Small-scale agriculturists from 30 municipalities in Maranhao, Brazil, are to export medicinal plants to Italy. The first shipment, which consists of eight different species, will be dispatched in the next two months. The exportation of the plants is being financed by the National Family Agriculture Bank.

Among the plants to be exported are barbatimão, which is used to reduce inflammation and açoita-cavalo, an anti-inflammatory with anti-cancer agents. Other products include copaiba, andiroba and sesame oils. The shipment is worth around US$200,000.

The plants are being selected and certified by the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA). Around 400 families are involved in the production of the plants.

5. Tree resin may help control cholesterol

From: CFRC Weekly Summary, 8 May 2002 ([email protected])

Associated Press, 3 May 2002

For more than 2,000 years, healers in India have used a tree resin as a folk medicine to treat a variety of ailments. Modern researchers now find it effective in controlling high cholesterol.

The tree is known in India as guggul. Its sap contains a compound that blocks the action of a cell receptor, called FXR, which helps regulate a body's cholesterol level, said David D. Moore, a molecular biologist at the Baylor School of Medicine in Houston. He is co-author of a study appearing today in Science Express, the electronic version of the journal Science.

"Our results suggest that other compounds that could affect FXR could also control cholesterol," Moore said. "This mechanism is completely different from the action of statin drugs," which are taken by millions to control cholesterol."

For the complete article, visit:

6. Brazil nut oil, a luxury product made in Laranjal do Jari

From: Amazon News, 4/4/02 [[email protected]]

Virgin Brazil nut oil "made in Amapa" is being exported around the world. The product can already be found in Parisian supermarkets. It is hoped that, in the long term, the oil will challenge the dominance of olive oil on the national and international markets.

As well as being nutritious and rich in selenium, the product comes with a "green seal". The production area in Laranjal do Jari is protected by environmental laws and is managed by co-operatives formed by the traditional populations of the region.

7. FRIM in deal for drug bio-prospecting

From: BIO-IPR List Serve GRAIN Los Banos [[email protected]]

New Straits Times, 4 March 2002

The Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM) has signed a memorandum of understanding with Japanese-owned Nimura Genetic Solutions (M) Sdn Bhd (NGS) to collaborate in bio-prospecting of new drugs. FRIM, and the country at large, are expected to benefit from collaborative research and development programmes through technology transfer, intellectual property rights and patent ownership related to new discoveries in drug and food supplement.

    FRIM director-general Datuk Dr Abdul Razak Mohd Ali said the R&D activities would begin in June and NGS would take up laboratory space at FRIM's forest reserve in Kepong at a cost of RM300,000 over five years. He said that NGS would benefit from FRIM's vast experience in tropical rain forest diversity, its large pool of research expertise and the extensive range of supporting research facilities available within FRIM's campus where one gets the feeling of working with nature, a feeling not available anywhere else in this country.

    Nimura specializes in isolation, characterization, fermentation and extraction of useful and active compounds from microorganisms, particularly from the soil for the purpose of drug discovery. FRIM will stand to benefit from royalties once NGS has been able to isolate and test microbes against bacteria and disease organisms and then sell the microbes to pharmaceutical manufacturers.

    FRIM said drug discovery was a very lengthy process requiring between 10 and 15 years of painstaking research and development, and cost over US$150 million (RM570 million) for the development of a single drug.

8. UN conference backs indigenous peoples' drug payout

From: Conserve Africa International[email protected]

A global environmental conference recently hammered out guidelines to encourage big business to pay indigenous communities for the right to use native plants to make commercial drugs and cosmetics. Delegates from 166 countries adopted global guidelines at the end of a two-week UN sponsored conference designed to encourage leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to strike deals with countries where they use genetic resources.

9. India gives communities a stake while preserving biosphere

From: Newsfront, 1 May (Nora Perez - [email protected])

An innovative initiative is helping to secure the future of the Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve <> in south India and its globally significant marine coastal life by involving local communities in promoting eco-tourism and other ventures that create jobs while protecting the area's threatened natural environment.

The local Ramanathaswamy Temple draws tourists from all regions of India, and this flow of visitors can be a springboard for introducing eco-tourism to the Biosphere Reserve.

The Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve -- the first of its kind in South and Southeast Asia -- is one of India's biologically richest coastal regions. It is home to 3,600 species of plants and animals, including .... 17 mangrove tree species.

The reserve is among a world network of biosphere reserves recognized by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) <> for their role in conserving ecosystems, fostering sustainable development, and supporting research and education on these issues.

UNDP, with the Global Environment Facility <>, has allocated US$7.5 million for the programme. Co-financing by the Government of India and the Government of Tamil Nadu brings total project funding to $26.5 million.

The initiative will strengthen the role of local communities, particularly women, in managing the reserve in ways that are ecologically sound, equitable for groups with a stake in the unique area, and economically viable.

The M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation <>, a regional centre supporting environmentally friendly rural development, is implementing the project.

The Tamil Nadu Government is setting up the Gulf of Mannar Trust to support the project. It will include a wide cross-section of community representatives in decision making, moving from top-down government regulation to a participatory approach. The trust will coordinate allocations from government agencies and departments and mobilize funding from the public, donor agencies, and the private sector. The first such institution in India, the Trust will also help other coastal areas of Tamil Nadu replicate the initiative's successful results.

10. Web discussion on community based ecotourism

From: RECOFTC E-letter No. 2002.8

This web discussion arose out of the Regional Meeting for Southeast Asia: Community Based Ecotourism from 3-7 March 2002 in Chiang Mai Thailand. The conference brought out many issues but participation was a limited. Only a few community representatives were able to attend the conference and it was too focused upon discussions on the profitability of the tourism industry. Little emphasis was given to the issues and concerns of local communities who are affected both positively and negatively by tourism activities.

In order to provoke wider discussion this web-based discussion group has been initiated. We invite all to contribute their ideas, concerns and suggestions.

To join the discussion, please go to: <>

To post documents on the web board please contact RECOFTC at: [email protected]

11. Newsletter - Organic Production of Medicinal, Aromatic and Natural Dye Plants (MADPs)

From: Subhash Mehta ([email protected])

AGPC, FAO, Rome has commissioned the Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Tradition (FRLHT), Bangalore, India, to bring out a Global Newsletter on "Organic Production of Medicinal, Aromatic and Natural Dye Plants ("MADPs").

Peter Griffee and some of his colleagues at FAO Rome have suggested that I request you to kindly contribute material on one or more of the subjects, with recent publications, reports, articles or case studies, etc by 31 July 2002.Relevant photographs of plants, etc. with suitable captions and numbering would also be very useful. Full credit will be given to your contribution in the Newsletter.

The articles will be received and reviewed by our Series Editors ([email protected] and [email protected], then forwarded to Peter for his and colleagues' approval before electronic publication. In case of any major changes, the manuscript will be returned to the author for necessary modifications and resubmission. We would also appreciate your help in forwarding this appeal and or giving us the names, addresses and e-mails of any other persons/organizations known to you and involved in organic production of MADPs.

FRLHT, a public trust since 1993, has been entrusted by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, to support the planning of a major program for "In-situ Conservation of Medicinal Plants" in Southern India and to undertake its technical coordination. It has been working in close collaboration with State Forest Departments, Research Institutes, NGOs and CBOs in pursuance of this conservation program, which to date has resulted in the establishment of 54 in-situ conservation parks (average size of each park is 200 ha), 13 ethnobotanical gardens, 100 000 house gardens and a network of nurseries and seed centres.

The Newsletter aims to bring together the experiences of persons and organizations in organic agriculture/horticulture and forestry, from across the globe, in one volume. It will also perhaps be the first publication covering the entire gamut of organic production of MADPs. The Newsletter will consist of case studies based on actual experiences of the people in this field.

Do indicate your interest in contributing to the Annual with the topic/subject you would like to focus on and write to Series Editor, FRLHT, for any clarifications/assistance you may require.

For more information, please contact:

Series Editor -
Organic Farming Annual,
Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Tradition (FRLHT),
# 50, M.S.H Layout, II Stage,
3rd Main, 2nd cross, Anandnagar,
Bangalore- 560 024
Tel: +91-080-3336909/3434465
Fax: +91-080-3334167
E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

12. Global Leaflet

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

USDA Forest Service International Programs has announced the first edition of their newsletter, "Global Leaflet."This first issue covers fire and how the Forest Service engages in this topic around the world.It features research, policy and management issues from Indonesia, Russia and Brazil.Visit their website at to view this new issue.

13. Community Forestry Resource Center (CFRC)

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Community Forestry Resource Center (CFRC) seeks to inform and encourage the long-term health and prosperity of small, privately owned woodlots, their owners, and their communities. The cfc-news list-serve highlights events, activities, and resources for individuals and groups interested in independent third-party certification of family forests and wood

To subscribe to the cfc-news mailing list, please send an email to [email protected]. In the body of the message type: subscribe cfc-news

If you have questions about this listserve, please contact [email protected].

For more information about CFRC, please visit and

Past listserve postings are available in the library of

14. Forest Club of Russian non-governmental organizations

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

The Russian NGOs` Forest Club is an informal working group, which consists of representatives from the largest NGOs working actively for Russian forest conservation. The Club also publishes a Forest Bulletin, copies of which are available on their Web site.

15. Web sites

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

SciDevNet is a new website devoted to news and information on issues in science and technology relevant to developing countries. It is sponsored by Nature and Science, in association with the Third World Academy of Sciences, and carries a special section on intellectual property issues.

16. USDA/FS International Programs to Host International Seminars

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

From August through October 2002, the USDA Forest Service International Programs will host three comprehensive seminars designed for natural resource managers around the world.These intensive and interactive seminars, which feature fascinating site visits and in-depth case analyses, are designed to stimulate debate and discussion among participants.We invite senior level policy makers, land managers and other professionals working in natural resource management to apply to our seminars in:

Protected Area Management

8-24 August 2002

Cost: US $4 500

The International Seminar on Protected Area Management is hosted by the University of Montana in collaboration with Colorado State University and the University of Idaho.Participants will discuss and see examples of innovative approaches to critical protected area management issues, including resource assessment and planning tools, techniques to address visitor interests and impacts, and mechanisms to reconcile resource protection with development pressures.For further information, please visit or contact Dr. James A. Burchfield by phone at 1-406-243-6650 or by e-mail, [email protected]

Forest and Natural Resources Administration and Management

25 August-12 September 2002

Cost: US $5 600

Colorado State University's College of Natural Resources will host the 18th International Seminar on Forest and Natural Resources Administration and Management.In the past, over 414 managers from 112 nations have attended this seminar, which focuses on strategies and methods to develop, manage, and conserve natural resources for the sustained delivery of goods and services to meet the full range of human needs.For further information, please visit contact Ms. Ann Keith by phone at 1-970-490-2449 or by e-mail, [email protected]

Watershed Management

27 September-13 October 2002

Cost: US $4 000

Jointly offered by the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point and the USDA Forest Service International Programs, the seminar combines instruction with discussions to engage participants on critical global and regional watershed management issues.For further information, please visit or write to Dr. Earl Spangenberg, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point,College of Natural Resources, Stevens Point, WI 54481-3897 or by e-mail, [email protected]

No funding is available through the USDA Forest Service International Programs or through the Universities.Seminar organizers can direct applicants to potential sources of financial assistance upon request.

17. Conference Announcement

From: Jochen Statz[email protected]

Management of Secondary Forests in the Tropics and Subtropics - A Challenge for Science and Practice

15 and 16 July 2002

Organiser: Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences, University of Freiburg, Germany

Coordinator: Institute of Silviculture

Background: The full potential of secondary forests is seldom recognised, and remains largely untapped. Research and development programmes have failed to make the most of the potential that lays in the planned management of these forests.

Thematic focus: This conference will look into ways of tapping the untapped potential of secondary forest for sustainable development. Scientists and practitioners in Europe have a particular responsibility in this process due to its significant financial, technical and scientific engagement in the tropics and sub-tropics.

For more information, please contact: [email protected]

18. Other events

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Income Opportunities From Field and Forest - Landowners Conference

8-9 June 2002

Glouster, Ohio USA

Participants will have the opportunity to learn from national experts about ways they can diversify the income they earn from their land by the use of Special Forest Products. Topics include: woodland plants and mushrooms, agriculture, business development, and stewardship with numerous sub-topics within each group including wild simulated ginseng, mushroom cultivation, composting, specialty crops, markets and trends, business and marketing planning, watersheds, and agroforestry.

Sponsors: Rural Action Sustainable Forestry and Sustainable Agriculture and the National Center for the Preservation of Medicinal Herbs

For more information, please contact:

Cynthia Brunty
P.O. Box 21
87 1/2 High St.
Glouster, OH USA

IFOAM 2002 Organic World Congress "Cultivating Communities"

21-28 August 2002

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

"Cultivating Communities" was chosen as the motto for the Congress to highlight the role of organic agriculture in sustaining healthy, vibrant communities whether they be communities of micro-organisms in the soil, communities of beneficial insects in the orchard or rural and urban communities anywhere in the world.

The Congress will explore issues, the current research and practical applications of organic agriculture in plenary sessions, workshops, panel discussions and posters. There will be simultaneous translation in English/French/Spanish for all plenary keynote speakers and for some other sessions.

For more information, please contact:

IFOAM 2002
c/o Bldg. 20, 8801 East Saanich Road
Sidney, British Columbia, V8L 1H3
Telephone: (250) 655 5652
Fax: (250) 655 5657
Email: [email protected]
Odyssey of Natural Products - Vth SEANN Workshop
2-5 September 2002
Paro, Bhutan

Presentations at the Vth South East Asian Countries NTFP (Non Timber Forest Products) Network (SEANN) workshop includes a wide variety of subjects, including medicinal plants, edible mushrooms, fruit products, etc.

For more information, please contact the Secretariat:

M.K. Bhattacheryya
General Manager
Bhutan Tourism Corpn. Ltd.
C/o RCPL Travel Services
61, Shivalik Apts., Alaknanda
New Delhi-110019, India
Tel: +91-11-6483153
Fax: +91-11-6437561
Email : [email protected] or [email protected]

Australian New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics (ANZSEE) 2002 Conference

2-4 December 2002

Sydney, Australia

Theme: Strategies into action: regional and industry policy applications of ecologically sustainable development.

The conference will explore how regional strategies (local to national and beyond) and industry (i.e. sectoral) policies can help create an ecologically sustainable economy.

If you would like to contribute a paper, please send, for consideration, a 200-300 word abstract to Mark Diesendorf <[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>> by Friday 28 June 2002. Abstracts will only be accepted as plain text located in the body of emails (i.e. not as an attachment).

If you want to keep informed about the ANZSEE 2002 conference you can subscribe to an announcement list. You do not have to be registered for the conference to be on this list. To subscribe send a message to: [email protected]

To find out more about the ANZSEE 2002 conference or to register, visit the conference website: <>

The ANZSEE society homepage is: <>

"Ecological economics: the knowledge-base for creating an ecologically sustainable economy"

19. Property rights in the sustainable management of non-timber forest products in British Columbia, Canada.

From: Sinclair J Tedder, FOR:EX [[email protected]]

Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) is a term used to describe over 200 species of forest resources, other than timber, harvested for commercial, personal and traditional purposes in British Columbia, Canada.The report "Property rights in the sustainable management of non-timber forest products" provides the institutional context to move the discussion of managing NTFPs in British Columbia to the development stage.NTFPs can be characterized as common pool resources (CPRs) and as such are inherently difficult to manage from a typical state-based regulatory approach.While a great deal of literature has been written on CPRs, little of that literature focuses on NTFPs.This paper examines the literature regarding the management of CPRs, the role property rights play in the stewardship of forest resources, and presents a legal review of the existing structure of property rights and resource management institutions in British Columbia.

The paper concludes that given the complex ecological, social and economic characteristics which define NTFPs, that a single management approach will not provide an effective, efficient and equitable management regime for NTFPs.After examining various management models (ranging from state to common property and private approaches) and operational constraints, the paper finds that in principle, government agencies should maintain a prescriptive role, but minimize any operational role.The report recommends that a mix of management systems be used, drawing from the strengths of each in appropriate circumstances.Given that there are no active models specifically designed to manage NTFPs in British Columbia, the report recommends that a pilot project be initiated to test and monitor a variety of approaches.If the report's recommendations are accepted, the pilot will provide further opportunities for research into how property rights can be used to overcome CPR management issues as they pertain to NTFPs.

To view an electronic copy of the report go to:

This report was jointly funded by the Ministry of Forests and Forest Renewal BC.

For further information or to provide comment and input to non-timber forest products and their management in British Columbia or elsewhere, please send an email to: [email protected]

20. Publications of interest

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Armesto, J.J., Smith-Ramirez, C. and Rozzi, R. 2001. Conservation strategies for biodiversity and indigenous people in Chilean forest ecosystems. In Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 2001, 31: 4, 865-877. IS:0303-6758

For more information, please contact the authors at: Laboratorio de Ecologia de Bosques, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile.

Brown, K. & Lapuyade S. 2001. A livelihood from the forest: gendered visions of social, economic and environmental change in Southern Cameroon. In Journal-of-International-Development. 2001, 13: 8, 1131-1149. ISSN 0954-1748

This paper explores divergent perceptions and experiences of social, economic and environmental change of villagers in southern Cameroon, arguing that the economic crisis has impacted very differently on men and women within the same community and within households. The analysis highlights shifts in cropping patterns towards increased food crops, especially cassava and plantain, for cash. Sources of livelihood for men have diversified in the face of economic crisis, whereas women have reduced room to manoeuvre. This results in women becoming increasingly dependent on utilizing non-timber forest products for cash in order to meet their livelihood needs. However pressures on the forest are increasing for a number of reasons and access to land and trees is becoming constrained, so future benefits from forest products will be contingent on clear, well defined and enforced community property rights.

For more information, please contact the authors at: School of Development Studies, Overseas Development Group, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK.

Danell, E. 2001. Mushrooms as a non-timber forest product and its potential for maintaining biodiversity. In Currents-Uppsala. 2001, No.25-26, 28-30. ISSN: 1403-6304. For more information, please contact the author at the: Department of Forest Mycology and Pathology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE-90187 Umea, Sweden.

Gustad, G. 2001. Non-timber forest products and harvesting of Adansonia digitata L. in the municipality of Cinzana, Mali. In Aas (Norway). Norges Landbrukshoegskole, NLH. 2001. 68p.

For more information, please contact: Library, Agricultural Univ., POB 5012, N-1432 Aas - Norway. E-mail: [email protected]

Ikechi Mgbeoji, "Patents and Traditional Knowledge of the Uses of Plants: Is a Communal Patent Regime Part of the Solution to the Scourge of Bio Piracy?", Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, Vol 9, Issue 1, Fall 2001, 24 pp.

Jones, Eric T.; McLain, Rebecca J.; Weigand, James. Nontimber Forest Products in the United States. 2002. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.

Available in May 2002, this 424-page anthology provides the first comprehensive examination of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) in the United States. As the first national overview of NTFP policy and management specific to the United States, it brings together research from numerous disciplines and analytical perspectives--such as biology, ecology, economics, history, ecology, law, entomology, forestry, geography, and anthropology--in order to provide a cohesive picture of the current and potential role of NTFPs. The 32 contributors review the state of scientific knowledge of NTFPs by offering a survey of commercial and non-commercial products, an overview of uses and users, and discussions of sustainable management issues associated with ecology, cultural traditions, forest policy, and commerce. They examine some of the major social, economic, and biological benefits of NTFPs, while also addressing the potential negative consequences of NTFP harvesting on forest ecosystems and on NTFP species populations.

Ordering Information: <>

Kraig M. Hill, Toshiko Takenaka and Kevin Takeuchi (eds), "The WTO and IP Rights: Biodiversity and Developing Countries" in "Rethinking International Intellectual Property: Biodiversity & Developing Countries, Extraterritorial Enforcement, the Grace Period, and Other Issues", CASRIP Symposium Publication Series, No. 6, University of Washington, School of Law, July 2001.

Lal, J.B. 2001. New forest management and silvicultural systems in the Himalayas for production of Non-Wood Forest Products. In Currents Uppsala. 2001, No.25-26, 21-27. ISSN 1403-6304

Leskien, D. and Flitner, M. 2001. Training Tool on Intellectual Property Rights, Biotechnology and Biological Diversity. Elaborated by GTZ and available in English, French, German and Spanish.

Mgumia, F.H. 2001. The traditional ecological knowledge and biodiversity conservation of the miombo woodlands by the Wanyamwezi in Tanzania. In Aas (Norway). Norges Landbrukshoegskole, NLH. 2001. 109 p.

For more information, please contact: Library, Agricultural Univ., POB 5012, N-1432 Aas - Norway. E-mail: [email protected]

Shankar, U., Lama S.D., Bawa, K.S. and Shankar, U. 2001. Ecology and economics of domestication of non-timber forest products: an illustration of broomgrass in Darjeeling Himalaya. In Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 2001, 13: 1, 171-191. ISSN 0128-1283

Extraction of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) is an effective conservation strategy to safeguard biological diversity while enhancing rural income. However, excessive harvests may lead to the extinction of species populations or alternatively domestication by the rural people. Domestication is likely to be facilitated if the species is adaptable, market demand is greater than the production in natural populations, profitability from cultivation is high, and there are not many job opportunities or sufficient agricultural landholding with the forest dwellers. Owing to these circumstances, amliso, a broomgrass (Thysanolaena maxima), has been domesticated in Darjeeling Himalaya during the last three decades. Amliso promotes a sustainable use of fragile and easily degradable lands, provides fuelwood and fodder during lean periods and generates income from its infructescence, commonly used as broomstick. An amliso plantation has a cycle of about six years in which five annual harvests are taken.

For more information, please contact the authors at: G. B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, North-East Unit, Vivek Vihar, Itanagar 791 113, India.

Shanley, P., Pierce, A.R., Laird, S.A. and Guill, S.A. Tapping the green market, Management and certification of non-timber forest products.

Tapping the Green Market explains the use and importance of certification and ecolabelling for guaranteeing best management practices of non-timber forest products in the field. It will prove invaluable for forest managers, policy makers and conservation organizations as well as for academics in these areas. £24.95

A new book from Earthscan Publications and the People and Plants Conservation Series:

Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge. Equitable Partnerships in Practice.

Editor : Sarah A Laird

'There has been much talk and debate about the terms of the Convention on Biological Diversity, but here is a book for fieldworkers on how to implement the Convention in practice...This is a wonderful textbook on fairness and equity in research and on the way to develop commercial products fairly. A must for any field biologist'Professor Sir Ghillean Prance FRS, VMH, Science Director, The Eden Project

This book offers practical guidance on how to arrive at equitable biodiversity research and prospecting partnerships. Drawing on experience and lessons learned from around the world, it provides case studies, analysis and recommendations in a range of areas that together form a new framework for creating equity in these partnerships.

Paperback £24.95 ISBN: 1 85383 698 2 -->


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last updated:  Friday, August 28, 2009