No. 03/02

Welcome to the NWFP-Digest-L. a free e-mail journal that covers all aspects of non-wood forest products.A special thank you to all those who have shared information with us.

1. New publication in FAO's Non-Wood Forest Products series
2. American Indian Ethnology Database
3. Plants for a future
4. Bananal island on the ecotourist trail
5. The Equator Initiative
6. Request for assistance - Terminalia catappa
7. Request for assistance - Brazil
8. New Diploma/M.Sc. in "Woodland Management, Products And Services"
9. Oxford Forestry Institute training courses
10. Ethnobotany in Hawaii
11. University of Maranhao develops cosmetics using acerola extracts
12. Research shows that buriti oil could prevent skin cancer
13. Global Information Network on Medicinal Plants: MEDPLANT
14. Success Stories of Sustainable Forestry
15. Forest products certification
16. Expert Meeting on Harmonizing Forest-related Definitions for Use by Various Stakeholders
17. International symposium on medicinal plants and phytomedicines
18. International Conference on Forest Rehabilitation
19. Other events
20. Publications of interest

1. New publication in FAO's Non-Wood Forest Products series

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Rattan. Current research issues and prospects for conservation and sustainable development.

This publication (no. 14 in FAO's NWFP series) contains the outcome of the Expert Consultation on Rattan Development, held at FAO, Rome from 5 to 7 December 2000 and which was jointly organized with the International Network on Bamboo and Rattan - INBAR and co-funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

The report includes a summary of discussions, recommendations and background papers and is organized according to the four thematic areas considered by the consultation: Resources, uses and present action programmes; country reports on the status of rattan resources and uses in Africa and Asia; Review of policy, institutional and socio-economic aspects governing the rattan sector; and Identification and discussions on required actions to enhance the sustainable development of the rattan sector.

The 20 background papers give a comprehensive overview of the situation and prospects for the development of the rattan sector in Asia and Africa.

This publication is available online at the following

Copies can be purchased from FAO's Sales and Marketing Group ([email protected])

2. American Indian Ethnology Database

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

This is an electronic database containing food, drug, dye, fiber and other plants used by native North American peoples (a total of over 47 000 items). 291 Native American groups and 3 895 species from 243 different plant families are represented.

3. Plants for a future

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

This project, based in the UK, seeks to gather together and disseminate information on the many useful properties of plants, particularly rare and unusual plants which have medicinal, edible or other uses. They maintain a database of over 7 000 plant species. The project practices vegan-organic permaculture with emphasis on creating an ecologically sustainable environment and perennial plants.

4. Bananal island on the ecotourist trail

From: Amazon News, 14/3/02 [[email protected]]

Bananal Island in Brazil is the largest fluvial island in the world, with an area of two million hectares. It is divided into two protected areas, the Indigenous Park and the Araguaia National Park.

The island is inhabited by the Karaja and Javae Indians, and they are beginning to see ecotourism as a means of guaranteeing their survival. The island has attracted the interest of researchers from around the world because of its unusual combination of scrubland, swampland and tropical forest.

5. The Equator Initiative

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

The Equator Initiative will highlight successful initiatives undertaken by communities in the Equatorial belt, which promote poverty alleviation through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. The Equator Initiative has been designed to support the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) and the Convention on Biodiversity.

For this initiative, UNDP is partnering with BrasilConnects, the Government of Canada, the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), IUCN - The World Conservation Union, the Television Trust for the Environment (TVE), and the UN Foundation to showcase highly successful and innovative partnerships for sustainable development in tropical ecosystems. The Equator Initiative aims to identify, highlight and honour these successful initiatives through theInnovative Partnership Awards for Sustainable Development in Tropical Ecosystems Learning Exchange Programme andKnowledge Generation and Policy Impact Campaign

In the first component of the programme, five successful initiatives will be presented at the WSSD with a monetary award of US$30,000, a trophy, and a certificate of recognition. Representatives of the recognized initiatives will be invited to attend the World Summit in Johannesburg, 26 August to 4 September 2002.

The closing date for applications in 5 May.

6. Request for assistance - Terminalia catappa

From: Victor Acosta Avila ([email protected])

I am writing from Peru. Does anyone have any information on the possible industrialization of the plantTerminaliacatapa? This plant grows well in this part of the world.
Victor Acosta Avila
Romulo Espinar 117 (Esquina Colegio Rosa Agustina)
Iquitos , Loreto,
E-mail:[email protected]

7. Request for assistance - Brazil

From:Rodrigo Matta Machado ([email protected])

I would appreciate to receive any info on NWFP in the Brazilian Atlantic forest area.

8. New Diploma/M.Sc. in "Woodland Management, Products And Services"

From: Richard Mather ([email protected])

Non-wood functions and products of forests are a major component of this new course.

The Forest Products Research Centre (FPRC) of Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College has prepared an outline for the above course with a view to delivery in 2002 or 2003. Before undergoing formal validation we must demonstrate to the University College that: [1] there is a demand for the course; and [2] that the content is appropriate to the needs of all interest groups including employers and volunteer organizations.

The FPRC greatly appreciates comments from individuals and organizations concerning: [1] the relevance of the course; [2] course content, structure, delivery and assessment; [3] any expressions of interest in attending such a course; and [4] absolutely any other suggestions or issues that you think should be taken into consideration.

Please note that the following is a very short summary. Those wishing to comment or express interest may require a more detailed description of modules, course context and anticipated benefits. This can be obtained by e-mail from me.


PHILOSOPHY: The ethos of the course is that discipline-crossing approaches are essential to all aspects of woodland management, conservation, accreditation, product utilization and the provision of services to communities and rural development. The course will be aligned with the policies, practices, needs and values of major interest-groups, employers, legislative bodies and certification concerns.

BENEFICIARIES: The main beneficiaries are employers, employees and those seeking employment in areas as widely ranging as: biodiversity conservation; rural development; impact assessment and certification; woodland industries, production and service provision; education; development and poverty alleviation; recreation and leisure; and many other aspects of woodland or rural resource management. The course aims to be broadly relevant for application at local, national and international levels.

DELIVERY AND COST: The course is designed to be accessible and affordable to those in full-time employment as well as to others wishing to undertake either full or part-time study. The mode of course delivery requires short periods of college attendance and is therefore suitable for those in full-time work or residing outside the United Kingdom. Subject to demand, the possibility exists for delivering taught components in two summer-courses over a two-year period. Full M.Sc. fees for residents of the European Union are c. £3,000. Persons and institutions wishing to know the latest fee structures for non-EU residents are advised to contact the FPRC (see below).

MODULES: The full M.Sc. programme comprises a research project and eight recommended modules.

1. Woodland ecology and heritage
2. Woodland management planning
3. Community forestry
4. Wood science
5. Primary and secondary processing technologies
6. Woodland industries, non-timber forest products, marketing and trade
7. Accreditation, certification and impact assessment
8. Research methods and IT skills

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Richard Mather
Forest Products Research Centre
Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College
Queen Alexandra Road
High Wycombe
Buckinghamshire HP11 2JZ
United Kingdom
Tel. +44(0)1494-522141 Ext. 3214
Fax. +44(0)1494-605051
E-mail:[email protected]

9. Oxford Forestry Institute training courses

From:[email protected]

ProForest and the Oxford Forestry Institute are pleased to announce the development of a programme of intensive training courses, which will be held in Oxford from 9-21 September 2002. The Programme provides a range of up-to-date courses dealing with current issues for those involved in sustainable natural resource management.

The suite of courses has been designed to provide comprehensive coverage of key topics such as certification, standards development, ecology, and sustainable forest management. All the courses are based on up-to-date practical experience and are designed to bring together key players in a range of fields to provide a unique training opportunity.

Delegates can select the combination of courses that suits their needs and attend them in one integrated event. The courses range from one-day introductions to four-day intensive courses, and fees start at £100 per day.

Attractive discounts are available for delegates attending more than one course and for multiple bookings. Accommodation in one of the University colleges, at a special rate, can be arranged.

For more information, please contact:

ProForest, 58 St Aldates, Oxford, OX1 1ST, UK
Telephone +44 1865 243439
Fax +44 1865 790441
E-mail:[email protected]

10. Ethnobotany in Hawaii

From: [email protected]

Plants in Human Affairs

From the beginning of time, plants have played a role in human affairs, influencing the evolution of civilizations and cultures, human migration, medicine and health care, wars, art, mythology and religion. This three-week, two-course programme introduces students to the science of ethnobotany, ethnomedicine, and plants and civilization through lectures, field trips and diverse presentations by local experts.

Held in a natural Hawaiian setting, this unique 21-day University of Minnesota course is supplemented by online resources and readings. The courses are open to undergraduate and graduate students.

Dates:July 27 - August 17, 2002
Cost:$2000 + Tuition and Airfare
Cost includes meals, transportation and lodging
Location:Kohala Center, Kamuela, Hawaii's Big Island

Registration Deadline: 31 May 2002

This course is offered in partnership by the Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of Minnesota Academic Health Center and the Kohala Center in Kamuela, Hawaii. For more information or to register,

or contact Nancy Feinthel at ([email protected]) or +1-612-624-5166.

Herbal Apprenticeship Program and Distance Learning

Advanced Herbal Training for Acupuncturists

Subscribe to our

For more information, please contact:

David Leonard, L.Ac.
Medicine at your Feet
Post Office Box 539
Makawao HI 96768-0539
[email protected]

11. University of Maranhao develops cosmetics using acerola extracts

From: Amazon News, 21/3/02[email protected]

Rich in vitamin C, with antioxindant properties, acerola could be the newest weapon in the battle against ageing.

The Department of Chemical Technology at the Federal University of Maranhao is developing cosmetic products using extracts from the plant. Twelve products, including moisturizing creams and shampoos, have already been developed.

The fruit contains anti-ageing agents that combat free radicals. The products must undergo further tests before being commercialized.

12. Research shows that buriti oil could prevent skin cancer

From: Amazon News, 28/2/02[email protected]

A biologist from the Federal University of Acre, Nívea Maria de Paula Fernandes, has spent the last six years studying the economic and nutritional importance of the buriti palm (Mauritia flexuosa), which is commonly found on Amazonia's floodplains. Her study revealed that buriti oil has the ability to filter and absorb ultra-violet rays which cause skin cancer.

In the light of this discovery, the cosmetic company Natura has already begun large-scale production of moisturizing products using buriti oil.

13. Global Information Network on Medicinal Plants: MEDPLANT

From: Rolie Srivastava [email protected]

MEDPLANT is a global `network of networks' dedicated to supporting and linking existing regional initiatives to build partnerships and improve collaboration on the sustainable use and conservation of medicinal plants.

MEDPLANTemerged out of a recognition that few mechanisms exist to allow organizations and agencies working on medicinal plant issues to share information on their activities, their successes and challenges. Although several regional initiatives exist, there is an expressed need for an international network that would allow existing regional networks to maintain their regional identity while sharing their experiences and learning from lessons of other agencies/individuals around the world.

To address this need MEDPLANT has created an information sharing and interactive website and would like to invite to visit it at

For more information, please contact:

Rolie Srivastava
Project Co-ordinator
Networking on Medicinal Plants
c/o International Development Research Centre
P.O. Box 8500
Ottawa, Canada K1G 3H9
Email:[email protected]

14. Success Stories of Sustainable Forestry

From:[email protected]

USDA, in cooperation with the National Association of Resource Conservation and Development Councils, has just launched an interactive website that will collect and make available Success Stories of Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry, and Community Development activities and projects, both domestic and international (with US partnerships)

In addition to maintaining a searchable on-line database of these stories, we will be selecting stories for a special publication for distribution nationally and at the World Summit on Sustainable Development.

Information about the project (an invitation and a data entry template) is available at the website, where stories may be submitted or reviewed.

For more information, please contact:

Jeri L. Berc, Ph.D.
Special Assistant to the Deputy Chief
Soil Survey and Resource Assessment
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
P.O. Box 2890 Room 5234 S
Washington D.C. 20013
+1-202 690-4979
+1-202 690-4390 (fax)
E-mail:[email protected]

15. Forest products certification

From: Vag-Lan Borges[email protected]

Interesting and fresh publications on forest certification can be downloaded from the European Forest Institute's Certification Information System (CIS) site.

16. Expert Meeting on Harmonizing Forest-related Definitions for Use by Various Stakeholders

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

The proceedings of the Expert Meeting on Harmonizing Forest-related Definitions for Use by Various Stakeholders are now online. You can find them under URL:

17. International symposium on medicinal plants and phytomedicines

From: Ernest Rukangira ([email protected])

International Colloquium on Medicinal Plants, Health, Environment and Development
International Workshop on Sustainable Trade and Conservation of Medicinal Plants;

Rabat, Morocco

2-4 May 2002

The symposium is being held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and the University of Rabat.

The meetings are convened and organized by the Moroccan Network of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, The University of Rabat/The Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy; the Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM)/University of Oslo (UiO), Norway; Conserve Africa International, London, UK and Denzil Phillips International, London, UK. The Moroccan government and other international organizations support the Symposium.

The Symposium will focus on R & D issues relating to medicinal plants for traditional human and veterinary medicine, aromatic and cosmetic plants, phytomedicines and other plants-derived natural products.

I.International Workshop on Sustainable Trade and Conservation of Medicinal Plants Resources:

The broad objectives are:

1. Identify key challenges, experiences and opportunities in promoting indigenous knowledge, bioprospecting and benefit sharing for sustainable conservation of medicinal plants;

2. Review current action and share experiences from different regions on sustainable use and conservation of medicinal plants, Indigenous knowledge, IPR, benefit sharing, bioprospecting and access to Medicinal Plants Genetic Resources;

3. Share experiences and information on sustainable conservation, domestication, propagation and production of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants;

4. Identify feasible approaches for sharing benefits with local communities and for enhancing the sustainable and conservation of medicinal plants.

The specific objectives are:

a) To discuss the present status, successful experiences and perspectives of sustainable use and conservation of medicinal plants in the process of indigenous knowledge, benefit sharing and bioprospecting.

b) To discuss the prerequisites for achieving sustainable use and conservation of medicinal plants and formulate relating proposals.

c) To assess the impact of trade in medicinal plants on the conservation of the resource base.

d) To support the dissemination of successful experiences in the areas of benefit sharing, bio-prospecting and indigenous knowledge pertaining to conservation and management of medicinal plants.

e) To identify key challenges experiences and opportunities in promoting medicinal plants and natural products business and bioprospecting.

f) To identify proposals for advancing indigenous knowledge, bioprospecting and benefit sharing relating to medicinal plants and natural products.

g) To give participants a hands-on practical experience and working examples of community action on sustainable use and conservation of medicinal plants.

Main Topics:

a) Action and proposals for sustainable use and conservation of medicinal plants;

b) Trade and bioprospecting in medicinal plants;

c) Bioprospecting, indigenous knowledge and benefit sharing.

If you wish to attend the International Workshop, please send an e-mail to: The Workshop Coordinator, Conserve Africa International, London, UK at[email protected]

II.International Colloquium on Medicinal Plants/ Health/ Environment and Development

The objectives are:

1. Assess the status of R&D in the area of medicinal plants and phytomedicines and provide a forum for information exchange on research activities, results and initiatives.
2. Stimulate action & support of R&D, growth and sustainable development of medicinal plant use, conservation and production.
3. Provide recent contributions at the scientific and technological levels in the sector of the Medicinal Plants and Aromatic Plants.
4. Address the sector with value-added potentials by highlighting the socio-economic and medical importance of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants at regional and international levels.
5. Evaluate and develop the contribution of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in public health systems.

Among the issues that will be addressed by the Colloquium sessions are:

a. Ethnobotany, Traditional Medicine, Pharmacopoeia;

b. Physiotherapy, phytodrugs and phytofoods, medicinal plants and phytotherapy;

c. Technology, quality and legal aspects;

d. Extraction of raw material, phytochemistry, analytical methods, quality and standardization;

e. Pharmacology, biology, research methodology in medicinal plants, toxicology of natural products, toxicological evaluation of plants used in food as flavourings and biotechnology.

f. Ethnobotanical investigations, production of drugs from medicinal plants, chemical, biological and pharmacological studies, ethnomedicine and drug discovery;

g. Validation, standardization and value addition in phytomedicines;

h. Biodiversity, Conservation of Medicinal and, Aromatic plants Resources; the Colloquium will be characterized by scientific presentations and lectures highlighting research advances in the areas of Medicinal/Aromatic Plants and phytomedicines.

If you wish to participate in the Colloquium, please send an e-mail to the Colloquium Coordinator at:[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>

For more information on the Symposium content, please contact:

Ernest Rukangira
Executive Director
Conserve Africa International
24 Carterhatch Road, Enfield, Middlesex
London EN3 5LS, United Kingdom
Tel: +442084434852; Fax:+442089482673
E-mail:[email protected]

For general inquiries and assistance (administrative procedures), please contact:

Professor Mohammed Hmamouchi
President of the Symposium
Secretariat of the Symposium
RPMA. B.P. 6203.
RABAT-Instituts. Maroc.
Tel: +212 61 30 37 78
Fax: +212 37 60 25 91
Full information on the content and administrative procedures is available

18. International Conference on Forest Rehabilitation

From: Markopoulos, Matthew ([email protected])

Bringing Back the Forests: Policies and Practices for Degraded Lands and Forests

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

7-10 October 2002

The objectives of this four-day, international conference on solutions to rehabilitation challenges in the forests and grasslands of Asia and the Pacific are to:

· review the current status of rehabilitation efforts and knowledge;

· identify critical issues of policy and implementation that must be addressed if rehabilitation is to become a key component of forest management; and

· encourage cross-disciplinary learning and partnerships among rehabilitation practitioners, resource managers, policy makers and other concerned stakeholders.

Conference organizers are the Asia Pacific Association of Forestry Research Institutions (APAFRI); the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); Forestry Research Support Programme for Asia and the Pacific (FORSPA); Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM); and International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO).

For further details, and to register online, visit the conference homepage at

Alternatively, you can contact:

Mr Alias Abdul Jalil
APAFRI Secretariat
Tel: +6-03-6272 2516
E-mail:[email protected]

19. Other events

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Reforestation Conference: Market Based Approaches to Mined Land Reclamation and Reforestation

Fort Mitchell, Kentucky, USA

15-16 May 2002

The Office of Surface Mining is examining market-based approaches that promote the planting of trees on active abandoned surface coalmines. Benefits of reforestation are many and would include improving wildlife habitat and recreation opportunities, restoration of clean water resources, erosion prevention, carbon sequestration, and the creation of new economies based on forest products. The topics of this forum include: market-based approaches to mined land reclamation, market-based economic and management considerations, and reforestation success stories.

Registration Deadline: 15 April 2002

Specialty Woody Crop Production, Processing and Marketing

Nebraska City, NE, USA

23-24 May 2002

The workshop is being organized by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Cooperative Extension, UNL School of Natural Resource Sciences, and the National Arbor Day Foundation, with financial support from USDA SARE and is free for extension personnel and natural resource professionals in the Midwest.

This workshop offers a unique opportunity to learn about producing & marketing woody decorative florals, specialty fruits & nuts, and medicinals & botanicals on farms and acreages.

What you'll learn about Alternative (Non-Timber) Woody Crops

· major types of alternative woody crops, including woody florals, nuts and fruit, and medicinals/botanicals
· uses of these woody crops
· how to combine woody crops with existing cropping systems
· production considerations
· expected yields
· cost and financial returns, and financial analysis methods
· field performance by species and cultivar
· existing and potential markets for these specialty crops
· market characteristics
· product criteria demanded by buyers
· marketing strategies for the announcement and registration forms.

Implementing Forest Certification: The Real Experience by the First Dual-Certified State and University Forests

Raleigh, NC, USA

6-7 June 2002

The three members of the Southern Center for Sustainable Forests - Duke University, NC State University and the NC Division of Forest Resources - have all recently undergone both SFI and FSC certification of their forests. You will hear from the auditors and the forest managers about the real process, as well as the perspective of the forest products retailer, applications for NIPF landowners, and implications for foresters.

Registration deadline is 30 May. Registration fee is US$125.

For more information on this and other workshops, visit the Forestry Educational Outreach

Program home page

or contact Becky Bowers at 919-515-9563 (phone), 919-515-6883 (fax), or[email protected]

1st Annual Sustainable Forest Management Summit: Science in Policy and Practice - Sharing Successful Regional & Local Initiatives

Wisconsin, USA

17-19 June 2002

For more information, please contact:

Wendy Hinrichs Sanders
Great Lakes Forest Alliance
Post Office Box 722
Hayward, WI. 54843
E-mail:[email protected]

All Division 5 IUFRO Conference "Forest Products Research - Providing for Sustainable Choices"

Rotorua, New Zealand

11-15 March 2003

This Conference, which is being organized by the International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO), will serve as a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience in forest products research at national and international levels. Participants will discuss recent research progress, exchange information and collaborate on research related to the conference theme of "Forest Products Research - Providing for Sustainable Choices".Discussion will consider scientific progress towards meeting the rapidly increasing demands for forest products of all kinds, while maintaining the forest as the source of such products and a resource for the social, economic and environmental benefits.

This Conference includes a session on Non Wood Forest Products under the IUFRO Group 5.11, chaired by Dr. Jim Chamberlain.The session will be focussed on Research Needs for Sustainable Management of Non Wood Forest Products.

For further information, please contact

Dr. Jim Chamberlain,
Non-Timber Forest Products Research Technologist
US Forest Service, Southern Research Station
Coordinator, IUFRO Research Group 5.11 (Non-wood Forest Products)
1650 Ramble Road
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Tel. 540-231-3611
Fax. 540-231-1383
email[email protected]


Conference Secretariat:
Tel: +64 7 343 5846;
Fax: +64 7 343 5507
E-mail:[email protected]

20. Publications of interest

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Amatya, Swoyambhu Man(Ed.). 2000. Proceedings of the Third Regional Workshop on "Community Based NTFP Management".

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Swoyambhu Man Amatya
Department of Forest Research and Survey
PO Box 339
Babar Mahal
Fax: +977-1-220159
E-mail:[email protected]

Anwar, R., Haq, N. and Masood, S.(2001)Medicinal Plants of Pakistan. International Centre for Underutilized Crops, Southampton, UK. ISBN 085-432-739-8.

Berg, J. van den, Dijk, H. van, Dkamela, G.P., Ebene, Y. and Ntenwu, T. 2001. The role and dynamics of community institutions in the management of NTFPs in Cameroon.ETFRNNews32:77-79.

Demmer, J. and Overman, H.2001.Indigenous people conserving the rain forest? The effect of wealth and markets on the economic behaviour of Tawahka Amerindians in Honduras. Tropenbos Series 19. Tropenbos International, Wageningen, the Netherlands. ISBN: 90-5113-053-8

Helbingen, Alan J. Bojanic. 2001.Balance is beautiful: Assessing sustainable development in the rain forests of the Bolivian Amazon. PROMAB Scientific Series 4. ISBN: 90-393-2757-2

Mukherjee, Pulok K.(2002)Quality control of herbal drugs. ISBN: 81-900788-4-4.

An approach to evaluation of Botanicals. 816 pages.

Price: US$295.00 including worldwide delivery by Federal Express Couriers

For more information, please contact:

Business Horizons
G-59, Masjid Moth, GK - 2, New Delhi, 110 048, India
Tel: (91-11) 643 7225,
Fax: (91-11) 623 4505, 646 3676
[email protected]&[email protected]

Singh, K.D.2000.Guidelines on National Inventory of Village Forests. Centre for International Forestry Research. Jakarta, Indonesia. ISBN 979-8764-55-2

Tropenbos International. 2001. Workshop ProceedingsThe balance between biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of tropical rain forests, 6-8 December 1999. (P.J.M. Hillegers and H.H. de Longh, eds).Tropenbos International, Wageningen, the Netherlands. ISBN: 90-5113-050-3. Electronic version available

Tropenbos International. 2001. Seminar ProceedingsSustainable management of African rain forest, November 1999. (B. Foahom, W.B.J. Jonkers, P.N. Nkwi, P. Schmidt and M. Tchatat, eds.). Part I: Workshops. Tropenbos International, Wageningen, the Netherlands. ISBN: 90-5113-047-3. Electronic version available

Tropenbos International. 2001. Seminar ProceedingsSustainable management of African rain forest, November 1999. (W.B.J. Jonkers, B. Foahom and P. Schmidt, eds.). Part II: Symposium. Tropenbos International, Wageningen, the Netherlands. ISBN: 90-5113-051-1. Electronic version available

Scale Dependent Monitoring of Non-Timber Forest Resources Based on Indicators Assessed in Various Data Sources (MNTFR)-


This list is for information related to any aspect of non-wood forest products.

Cross-postings related to non-wood forest products are welcome.

Information on this mailing list can be reproduced and distributed freely as long as they are cited.

Contributions are edited primarily for formatting purposes. Diverse views and materials relevant to NWFPs are encouraged. Submissions usually appear in the next issue. Issues are bi-monthly on average.

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NWFP-Digest-L Sponsor:
Non-Wood Forest Products Programme
Forestry Department
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Fax: +39-06-570-55618
Web site NWFP programme:

last updated:  Friday, August 28, 2009