No. 02/02

Welcome to FAO's NWFP-Digest-L. a free e-mail journal that covers all aspects of non-wood forest products.A special thank you to all those who have shared information with us.

2. An economic analysis of women's dependence on forest resources in the rainforest communities of South-Eastern Nigeria.
3. The propagation and dissemination of indigenous fruit trees in East and Southern Africa
4. Training Programmes on Sustainable NTFP Management for Rural Development
5. TREES 2002-2003 international training courses
6. Amazon News list
7. Newsfront
8. Social benefits of natural woodlands and eucalyptus woodlots in Mukarakate, North Eastern Zimbabwe
9. Equator Initiative seeks nominations for tropical biodiversity awards
10. Web sites
11. Request for help - Astrocaryum huicungo
12. Bamboo charcoal and bamboo vinegar
13. Events
14. Publications of interest
15. Employment Opportunities


From: Ingrid Alldritt, Terminology Officer, FAO. ([email protected] mailto:[email protected])

FAOTERM is a multilingual terminology database in Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish. The database has been developed over many years and was launched on the Internet in January 2001.

As at January 2002, FAOTERM consisted of 54 407 records in English (as the base language), 51 168 records in French, 46 261 in Spanish, 16 492 in Arabic and 11 878 records in Chinese. It comprises technical terminology in FAO's specialized subjects: agriculture, biology, forestry, fisheries, economics, statistics, nutrition, etc. A total of 7 615 records comprise official titles (bodies) of organizations, institutes, programmes, slogans, expert consultations, FAO structure, etc.

There are several on-going meetings within FAO specifically discussing forestry and wood-energy terminology and definitions.

The new five-language FAOTERM database () has been incorporated into the FAO Terminology site (). A separate, newly designed database for Names of Countries, now incorporating all five languages and following UN practice, ( ) was added to the FAO Terminology site in December 2001.

2. An economic analysis of women's dependence on forest resources in the rainforest communities of South-Eastern Nigeria.

From: FAO's NWFP Programme (from Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 2001, 7: 2, 345-350)

The contribution of non-timber forest products (NTFP) to household income, employment and livelihood improvement opportunities of the rural women was assessed by the Participatory Rural Appraisal and household questionnaire survey techniques. Analysis of field data revealed that rural women derive more income from forest product gathering than from non-forest related activities, with forest products accounting for 56% of total monthly income, with non forest related activities accounting for 44% of total income. Also a multiple regression analysis of these forest products indicates that theIrvingia gabonensis(bush mango),Elaeis guineensis(oil palm),Achantina marginata(snail) andGnetum africanum(afang) accounted for the highest production of the rural women's total monthly income from the NTFP sources with values of about N4 464; N3 571; N2 602 and N2 865 (N=Naira) respectively. The implication of this result is that these NTFPs should be exploited on sustainable basis, otherwise a decline in their stock would greatly affect the socio-economic livelihood of the rural women. It is therefore recommended that sustainable forest management practices should not underestimate NTFP resources as against the present focus on timber resources. More conservation efforts should be focused on the sustainability of the NTFP that are most significant to rural earnings, if poverty alleviation is to become an integral component of sustainable forest management programmes.

For more information, please contact the authors:

F.E. Bisong and A.O. Ajake
Department of Geography and Regional Planning
University of Calabar

3. The propagation and dissemination of indigenous fruit trees in East and Southern Africa

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

The proceedings of the Seminar held in Zimbabwe last year on "The propagation and dissemination of indigenous fruit trees in East and Southern Africa" have now been printed.

For more information, please contact:

Michel Laverdière
Forest Conservation Officer
FAO Sub-Regional Office for East and
Southern Africa
E-mail:[email protected]

4. Training Programmes on Sustainable NTFP Management for Rural Development

From: Bharati Joshi[email protected]

Third International Training Program on Sustainable NTFP Management for Rural Development

Madhya Pradesh, India

12-27 November 2002

The newly establishedInternational Center of Community Forestry (ICCF)at the Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Bhopal, has been organizing various community-forestry related training programs regularly (see below for information on the 2001 course). These training programs are closely grounded on actual field experiences. The previous two programs have attracted forestry and rural development practitioners and researchers, from various countries of the globe as participants. This program has been designed for enhancing knowledge and honing skills in the areas of NTFP-based livelihood generation through sustainable management of NTFPs.

The training topics which are revised and updated every year, will involve situational analysis of the NTFP management and rural development scenario (both micro and macro) and an intensive coverage of contemporary issues related to NTFP production, processing and trade. The participants would also be trained in tools and techniques for NTFP resource assessment, enterprise feasibility assessment and NTFP-based livelihood generation. During the field visits, interspersed throughout the course, the participants will get ample opportunity to test their newly acquired knowledge and skills in actual field situations.

The Course Facilitators would include IIFM's own staff as well as highly qualified specialists from various partner organisations of the Institute.

Second International Training Program on Sustainable NTFP Management for Rural Development

26 November to 13 December 2001

Madhya Pradesh, India

Fifteen participants from five different countries attended the three-week training course. Resource persons were drawn from accomplished community forestry practitioners as well as academia belonging to different forestry organisations within the country. Along with the learning from the field experiences of the ICCF itself, this training program incorporated the experience and expertise of three other premier research & training institutes of the country. These include the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur; G. B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development (GBPIHED), Almora and the Dehradun-based Forest Research Institute (FRI).

The training involved situational analysis of the NTFP management and rural development scenario (both micro and macro) and an intensive coverage of contemporary issues related to NTFP production, processing and trade. The participants were also trained in various tools and techniques for NTFP resource assessment, enterprise feasibility assessment and NTFP-based livelihood generation. During the field visits interspersed throughout the course, they were taken to nine project sites in the temperate and the tropical forests of the country. It was here that the participants got an opportunity to test their newly acquired knowledge and skills in actual field situations.

For more information on both courses, please contact:

Dr. Prodyut Bhattacharya,
Course Director,
Indian Institute of Forest Management,
Nehru Nagar,
P.O. Box 357,
Madhya Pradesh,
E-mail:[email protected]

5. TREES 2002-2003 international training courses

From: TREES[email protected]

With the world's current environmental issues and concerns, human resource development has been considered as one of the most important components that can help achieve sustainable natural resources development.Through the years, the Training Center for Tropical Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability (TREES) maintains its commitment to upgrade the knowledge, skills and attitudes of individuals involved in tropical resources development and ecosystems sustainability through its continuing education and training programs.TREES continues to develop and conduct training courses and study tours that keep environment and natural resource professionals updated with recent developments and prepared to meet the challenging demands of the future.

For the next two years, TREES has designed 12 training courses and one study tour that aims to address the needs of forestry and natural resources professionals. These training courses include:

· Biodiversity monitoring and assessment
· Forest products marketing
· Agroforestry for sustainable development
· Sustainable forest resources management and project planning

For more information and a complete list of all courses available, please contact:

Domingo M. Ramirez
College of Forestry and Natural Resources (CFNR)
University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB)
College, Laguna
E-mail:[email protected]

6. Amazon News list

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Amazon News is a free weekly newsletter by Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon, with a selection of news published by Brazilian media in the latest week and translated into English.

Subscribe on-line through Web site.

7. Newsfront

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

UNDP helps countries work towards the UN Millennium Summit goal of cutting world poverty in half by 2015.Newsfrontbrings stories of big breakthroughs and small gains. Recent issues featured "Helping poor communities in Nepal benefit from tourism" and "Human Development Fund to help Nigerian communities overcome poverty"

Subscribe on line

8. Social benefits of natural woodlands and eucalyptus woodlots in Mukarakate, North Eastern Zimbabwe

From: FAO's NWFP Programme (from Forests, Trees and Livelihoods. 2001, 11: 1, 29-45)

The social benefits of indigenous miombo woodland resources and exotic Eucalyptus camaldulensis woodlots were investigated in Mukarakate, northeastern Zimbabwe. The availability of woodland resources and the importance of those resources to different social classes and genders were studied by using participatory rural appraisal methods. Semi-structured interviews were used to clarify the benefits from natural woodlands and exotic plantations, as well as any management problems for eucalyptus woodlots owned by private individuals, educational institutions, and woodlot cooperatives. Interviews of eucalyptus woodlot owners in two typical villages were conducted between January 1998 and November 1999. The availability of most woodland resources had decreased very quickly between 1980 and 1998 and will likely continue to decrease in the future. This has caused problems especially for the poor and women because they were the primary users of many of the non-wood forest products from the miombo woodlands, and these products were getting more and more difficult to find in the area. People from all social classes had established eucalyptus woodlots in the 1980s, but eucalyptus woodlots were not able to provide substitutes for many of the non-wood products that had come from miombo woodlands.

For more information, please contact the author:

T.M. Tyynela
Faculty of Forestry
University of Joensuu
P.O. Box 111
FIN-80101 Joensuu

9. Equator Initiative seeks nominations for tropical biodiversity awards

From: FAO's NWFP Programme (fromNewsfront)

TheEquator Initiative, an innovative programme launched Wednesday by UNDP and several partners, is seeking nominations for five awards recognizing extraordinary accomplishments in reducing poverty through conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the equatorial belt.

The Equator Initiative is designed to support the upcomingWorld Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) /wssd/ in Johannesburg and the Convention on Biological Diversity. Through recognition of local achievements, fostering South-South capacity building, and contributing to generating and sharing of knowledge, the programme aims to promote a worldwide movement that links efforts to reduce poverty and conserve biodiversity across the tropics.

Partnering with UNDP in the initiative are the Government of Canada, theInternational Development Research Centre and theUnited Nations Foundation and theInternational Council for Local Environmental Initiatives the launch, attended by 450 development and environmental leaders and ambassadors from around the world.

From Brazil to Ecuador, and Indonesia to Kenya, the countries around the Equator possess diverse natural environments - from dry, arid deserts to moist rainforests - and are home to a large percentage of the world's poor. Many live on US$1 or less a day, lack access to safe drinking water and remain undernourished. Nonetheless, biological riches in the tropics offer amazing opportunities that can create lasting improvements in people's lives -- such as marketing local forest products, developing new medicines and food crops, ecotourism and other income-generating endeavours.

"The Equator Initiative addresses a critical gap by highlighting successes, promoting innovative partnerships, and stimulating 'community-to-community' exchange across the Equatorial belt," said UNDP Administrator Mark Malloch Brown. "Fortunately, creative and effective approaches to halt poverty and protect biodiversity are being pioneered by courageous people throughout the tropics. Yet awareness of these solutions and understanding why they work remains limited."

David Anderson, Canada's Minister of the Environment and President of theUnited Nations Environment Programme Council, said: "This exciting new initiative illustrates how we can promote sustainable development by supporting local enterprises that have environmental, social and economic benefits." Canada's involvement demonstrates the belief that "empowerment of communities to manage biological resources and generate sustainable livelihoods contributes to poverty reduction and global conservation," he said.

Timothy E. Wirth, President of the United Nations Foundation, said the initiative offers an opportunity to "rededicate ourselves this year, on the tenth anniversary of the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, to confront and tackle the major challenges of the 21st Century: poverty, security, justice and inequity all over the world."

For information on the awards and the nomination form, link here to the Equator Initiative web site .

The deadline for nominations is15 May 2002and the awards will be presented at the WSSD in Johannesburg, 26 August to 4 September. Award recipients will receive US$30 000, a certificate of recognition, and a trophy. The initiative will also enable them to carry out capacity-building exchanges with other organizations and communities.

For further information, please contact
mailto:[email protected]
Yasmin Padamsee
mailto:[email protected]
Ana Gerezmailto:[email protected],
UNDP Communications Office.

10. Web sites

From: FAO's NWFP Programme


The FRAME website is not only a library of technical reports and country data, but also a gateway to other databases and mechanisms. It facilitates the use of up-to-date information by environment and natural resource management professionals in Africa and encompasses: a web gateway to analytical tools and information, mechanisms to share lessons and experiences, a Contact Group and networks of experts, and linkages to enhance collaboration among partners. Funding for FRAME is provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Africa Office of Sustainable Development.

FRAME produces F R A M E gram, a new twice-monthly bulletin on strategic environmental issues in Africa. To subscribe please send an e-mail to:
[email protected]
PhilippinePlant Specialist Group

Certified Wood Products Website

The purpose of this site is to act primarily as a clearinghouse for information on the certified forest products marketplace and certification, with a secondary emphasis on issues surrounding sustainable forest management and sustainability in general.

11. Request for help -
Astrocaryum huicungo

From: victor acosta[email protected]

El motivo de la presente es para solicitarles informacion sobre la extraccion de aceite de una planta denominada"Huicungo" (Astrocaryum huicungo).

Lo que deseo es informacion de como extraer el aceite de esta planta mediante metodos tradicionales pero efectivos.

Mi direccion postal es:

Victor Hugo Acosta Avila
Romulo espinar 117 (esquina colegio rosa agustina)
Iquitos, Loreto,
[email protected]

12. Bamboo charcoal and bamboo vinegar

From: Fu Jinhe[email protected]

I am a new subscriber from INBAR (International Network for Bamboo and Rattan). Bamboo charcoal and vinegar production is more and more prosperous in China and most of the products are exported to Japan and other countries.

Bamboo charcoalhas good market in Japan due to a felling ban in natural forests and the good character of bamboo charcoal. In addition to bamboo charcoal being used for fuel, there are several other uses:

·Agriculture: As a carrier of organic manure and micro-organism in the soil, bamboo charcoal can improve the vigour of the soil, so people use it as a good soil improver.

·Chemicals:Bamboo charcoal can be used as the raw materials of bamboo active carbon. Bamboo charcoal shows strong absorption because of the special structure of micro holes of the bamboo stem, and the function would be more outstanding after it is activated. Tests show that the absorption properties of bamboo active carbon are extremely good.

·Medicine and health care:Pillows and mats made of bamboo charcoal can soothe the nerves, relax backaches, and control snoring. Bamboo charcoal also has the functions of deodorization, dehumidifier and fungicide, which are essential to family needs.

·Environment protection:Bamboo charcoal can be used as a water clarifier, shield off electromagnetic waves and absorber of poisonous gases. Pollution indoors caused by poisonous materials would be absorbed if the panels were made of bamboo charcoal instead of the asbestos flakeboard and plastic boards. 95% of the nicotine and other poisonous materials would be absorbed if cigarette filters were made of bamboo charcoal.

·Other fields:Bamboo charcoal can be made into many kinds of compound materials in the material industry. It also can be made into handicrafts, feed additives and high capacity rechargeable storage batteries, etc.

Bamboo vinegarhas 80% water. When it is dehydrated the vinegar consists of about 80-200 components, or 32% organic acid, 40% phenolic compound, 3% aldehyde, 5% alkone compound, 5% alcohol compound, 4% ester compound, and 5% others.

Bamboo vinegar is a by-product of bamboo carbonization. Bamboo vinegar can be used as soil fungicide, plant root growth promoter and deodorizer, in cosmetics, healthy drinks, medicines, etc.

For more information, please contact:

Fu, Jinhe Ph. D.
Program Officer
International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)
Beijing 100101-80, P.R. China
Tel: +86-10-64956961-404
Fax: +86-10-64956983

Email:[email protected]

13. Events

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Working Forests in the Tropics: Conservation through Sustainable Management

Gainesville, Florida, USA

25-26 February 2002

Tropical forests sustain a wealth of biodiversity, provide a wide range of ecosystem services and products, and support livelihoods for millions of people. Tropical forest conservation is highly complex, not only because these forests perform so many different functions, but also because of the variety of stakeholders involved. Since less than ten percent of the world's tropical forests are likely to be preserved as legally protected areas, conservation of the remaining ninety percent will depend on the ability of stakeholders to make the products and services these "working forests" provide appear competitive with alternative land use options. This conference was conceived as a vehicle for identifying opportunities to make that happen, and obstacles that successful efforts will need to avoid or overcome.

For more information, please contact:

Sharon Borneman

Conference Coordinator

IFAS Office of Conferences and Institutes

University of Florida Leadership and Education Foundation, Inc.

PO Box 110750

Gainesville, FL 32611-0750, USA

Tel: +1(352) 392-5930
Fax: +1(352) 392-9734
E-mail:[email protected]

Capturing the Value of Ecosystem Services: Developing Markets for Environmental Assets

London, UK
March 13-14, 2002
Hosted by Forest Trends and the Katoomba Group.

For more information, please contact:

Jessica Rice
Forest Trends
1050 Potomac Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20007
Fax: +1-202-298-3014
E-mail:[email protected]

"Renew Your Relationship with Mother Earth"

1st Annual Aboriginal Heritage Garden Conference

18-20 March 2002
New Brunswick, Canada

Hosted by the Aboriginal Heritage Gardens the agenda combines aspects of aboriginal culture, spirituality and non-timber forest products.

For more information, please contact:

Mario LaPointe
Best Western Manoir Adelaide Hotel
385 Adelaide St.
Dalhousie, New Brunswick
Tel: +1-(506) 684-6317
Fax: +1-(506) 684-4802
E-mail:[email protected]

Medicinal Plants /Health/Environmental and Development
International Workshop
Sustainable Trade and Conservation of Medicinal Plants Resources.

2-4 May 2002

Rabat, Morocco

The programme will be centred on the following sets of themes:

· Ethnobotany and Traditional Medicine,
· Phytotheroie, Aromatherapy, Phytodrugs and Phytofoods
· Technology, Quality, Economic and Legal Aspects,
· Phytochemistry ,
· Pharmacology, Toxicology, Biology and Biotechnology
· Biodiversity, Conservation of Medicinal and Aromatic plants Resources

For more information and to register, please

The World Ecotourism Summit

Québec, Canada

19-22 May 2002

The United Nations has declared 2002 as the International Year of Ecotourism. The World Tourism Organisation and the United Nations Environment Programme have taken the lead in organizing activities for this Year at the international level. The UN declaration is a testimony of the growing importance of ecotourism, not only as a sector with a great potential for economic development - especially in remote areas where few other possibilities exist - but also as a powerful tool for conservation of the natural environment if it is properly planned, developed and managed.

Efforts to better understand the implications of ecotourism, as well as to improve its planning, management and marketing techniques have been conducted in many parts of the world by international organizations, government agencies, ecotourism companies and practitioners, NGOs and research people. However, there has not been so far a truly comprehensive effort to disseminate widely the results achieved, or to integrate such results so as to produce the necessary synergies that will ensure that ecotourism will indeed generate the economic, social and environmental benefits expected from it.

Among the many activities to be undertaken at the global, regional, national, and local levels in the framework of the International Year of Ecotourism throughout the world, this Summit aims to be the major landmark. Its global objective and spirit are in line with the philosophy of the United Nations in the field of sustainable development, and more particularly with UNEP Principles for Implementation of Sustainable Tourism. Similarly, the Summit will draw inspiration from the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, approved by consensus by all WTO Member States in October 1999. The Summit conclusions and recommendations are meant to be reported to the World Summit on Sustainable Development, to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in September 2002.

The World Ecotourism Summit is expected to be the largest ever gathering of all stakeholders involved in or affected by ecotourism. The Canadian Tourism Commission and Tourisme Québec are hosting it. The Summit is jointly organised by UNEP and WTO, the Government of Canada and the Government of Québec, with the key support of the City of Québec.

For more information, please contact:

Ecotourisme 2002 - JPdL Secretariat
51, rue d'Auteuil
Québec, Québec, G1R 4C2
Tel.: (1 418) 692 1699
Fax: (1 418) 692 5587
E-mail:[email protected]


United Nations Environment Programme
Tourism Programme Coordinator
Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
Tour Mirabeau, 39-43 - Quai André Citroën
75739 Paris - Cedex 15 - France
Tel. (33 1) 44 37 76 21
Fax (33 1) 44 37 14 74
E-mail:[email protected]

Small fruit in the wild and culture

Kaunas, Lithuania

20-22 August 2002

For more information, please contact:

Kaunas Botanical Garden
Z. E. Zilibero 6,
LT-3018 Kaunas,
Fax: +370 7 390133
E-mail:[email protected] or[email protected]

Ecological and Economic Benefits of Mountain Forests

Innsbruk, Austria

15-18 September 2002

For more information, please contact:

Robert Jandl
Federal Forest Research Centre
Seckendorff-Gudent-Weg 8
A-1131 Wien
Tel: +43-1-87838 ext. 1302
Fax: +43-1-87838-1250
E-mail:[email protected]
Web site:

14. Publications of interest

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Ha Chu Chu. 2001.Situation of Non-Wood Forest Products Production and Utilization in Vietnam. The International Seminar on NTFP, Yunnan China, Laos, Vietnam.Yunnan University Press. ISBN 7-81068-27-7

Jiaquan, C. 2001.Survey on NTFPs Border Trade between China and Vietnam, and China and Laos in Jiangcheng County, Simao Prefecture, and Mengla County, Xishuangbanna Prefecture. The International Seminar on NTFP, Yunnan China, Laos, Vietnam.Yunnan University Press. ISBN 7-81068-27-7

Khanina, L.G. et al. 2001. A review of recent projects on forest biodiversity investigations in Europe including Russia. European Forest Institute Internal Report 3. 65 p. (Only available from as a pdf file).

(From Forest Information Update (FIU), 28 January 2002)

Liu Sihui. 2001.The Utilization to Non-timber Forest Product in Daweishan Nature Reserve. The International Seminar on NTFP, Yunnan China, Laos, Vietnam. Yunnan University Press. ISBN 7-81068-271-7

Olson, D.M., et al. 2001. Terrestrial ecoregions of the world: a new map of life on earth. BioScience 51(11):933-938.

(From Forest Information Update (FIU), 28 January 2002)

Riera, Pere.2001. Assessment of methodologies for valuing biological diversity of forests. European Forest Institute Internal Report 4. 14 p. (Only available from as a pdf file).

(From Forest Information Update (FIU), 28 January 2002)

Soydara, V. and Ketphanh, S. 2001.Case Study on the Marketing Group of Bitter Bamboo Shoots in Nam Pheng Village, Oudomxai Province, Lao PDR. The International Seminar on NTFP, Yunnan China, Laos, Vietnam. Yunnan University Press. ISBN 7-81068-271-7

van Rijsoort, J.. 2001.The Importance of Wild NTFPs for Villagers in and around Nuozhadu Nature Reserve, Simao Prefecture, P.R. China, and Suggestions for Future Actions. The International Seminar on NTFP, Yunnan China, Laos, Vietnam. Yunnan University Press. ISBN 7-81068-271-7

15. Employment Opportunities

From: Ola Larsson[email protected], Taiga Rescue Network (TRN)


Deadline for applications:20 February 2002

Starting Date: April 1, 2002 (1 month overlap with present Information Coordinator)

Duration: 2 years (minimum)

Location: Jokkmokk, arctic Sweden.

The Taiga Rescue Network is looking for an experienced, self-motivated and committed person to take on the task of Information Coordinator at the network's International Coordination Centre in Northern Sweden. Taiga Rescue Network (TRN) is an international network of 200 environmental organizations and indigenous peoples groups working for the conservation and sustainable use of the world's boreal forests (taiga).

TRN is guided by an International Reference Group (IRG) and a consensus based platform outlining its aims and activities. One of the primary functions of its International Coordination Centre(ICC) is to act as an information clearinghouse on issues related to boreal forest and peoples issues, both for the network's participants and for external actors.We publish an international quarterly newsletter Taiga News, a monthly internal bulletin, and between two and three reports a year. We also manage an increasing number of topical email lists. The Information Coordinator is working closely with the only other full-time staff at the ICC: the International Coordinator, as well as with volunteers.


¤ proven interest in forests, indigenous peoples and environmental issues;

¤ experience of working in an environmental NGO and/or with indigenous peoples;

¤ fluent written and spoken English, knowledge of another language, especially Swedish, is an asset;

¤ excellent communication and computer skills;

¤ a good team worker;

¤ willingness and ability to move to and live in a remote Northern community.

Please submit your applications by e-mail to the Hiring Committee c/o Kaisa Raitio[email protected]

For more information on TRN's work and structure please visit our website

From: RECOFTC E-Letter[email protected]

Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific

Vacancy Announcement: Head of Finance and Administration

Closing Date:18 February 2002

The Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC) is an international organization which works in close collaboration with partner organizations to actively support community forestry development in the region. RECOFTC was established in 1987 in response to the growing awareness that community participation in resource management could assist in protecting forest area as well as further rural development.

RECOFTC is currently seeking to fill the position of Head, Finance and Administration. The Head of Finance and Administration will work within the Corporate Services Unit and be primarily responsible for the planning and implementation of financial and administration systems for the organization.

Key Selection Criteria

**Demonstrated ability to develop and implement financial management systems that are in accordance with international principles.

**Successfully developed long-term financial plans for an organization.

**Extensive work experience in directing and controlling financial accounting and management activities of an organization.

**Experience in developing and maintaining administrative and human resource management systems.

**Minimum 5 years of experience in financial planning at managerial level in regional or international developmental organizations.

**Understanding of development, natural resources and environmental related work.

**Strong organizational skills, an ability to establish and maintain a good working relationship with people of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds, and ability to work in team.

**Excellent command of English, excellent communication skills, computer literate.

**Bachelor's or higher degree in Accounting, with an MBA is advantageous.

Applicants should address the Selection Criteria listed above, and provide the names and contact details of three professional referees. Expression of interest should be addressed to Dr. Somsak Sukwong, the Executive Director of RECOFTC and include: a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the names of three referees.

Please send all applications to the address below and quote the position title in the subject-bar on the envelope or e-mail.

Only short-listed candidates will be notified.An attractive remuneration package in line with qualifications and experience will be negotiated.Assignment will be for one year with possibility of extension.

RECOFTC is an equal opportunity employer and encourages women and nationals from the Asia and Pacific Region to apply.

For more information on RECOFTC and the position, please contact

Ms. Pinya Laowhakaset,
Executive Secretary
P.O. Box 1111, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10903
Tel: 66-2-9405700, Fax: 66-2-5614880
Email:[email protected]


This list is for information related to any aspect of non-wood forest products.

Cross-postings related to non-wood forest products are welcome.

Information on this mailing list can be reproduced and distributed freely as long as citations are kept with their respective posts.

Contributions are edited primarily for formatting purposes. Diverse views and materials relevant to NWFPs are encouraged. Submissions usually appear in the next issue. Issues are bi-monthly on average.

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NWFP-Digest-L Sponsor:
Non-Wood Forest Products Programme

Forestry Department


Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

00100 Rome, Italy

Fax: +39-06-570-55618

Web site NWFP programme:

last updated:  Friday, August 28, 2009