No. 11/01

Welcome to the NWFP-Digest-L., a free e-mail journal that covers all aspects of non-wood forest products. A special thank you to all those who have shared information with us.

1. New Working Papers on NWFP
2. International Internet Conference on financing sustainable forest management
3. BorNet
4. Web sites of interest
5. Woodnet
6. Request for information - NTFP Definition
7. Request for information - Russian Far East
8. New US Non Timber Forest Product Database
9. The SANREM West Africa Annotated Bibliographical Database
10. Forthcoming events
11. World Mountain Symposium
12. Publications of interest
13 State of the World's Forests 2001
14. Non-timber Forest Products Publication
15. Medicinal Plant Project, Canada
16. Journal of Tropical Medicinal Plants

1. New Working Papers on NWFP

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

The following two new working papers have been produced by FAO's Non-Wood Products Programme. A third volume covering Caribbean countries is under preparation.

FOPW/01/1 "Non-Wood Forest Products in Africa: A regional and national overview"/"Les Produits Forestiers non ligneux en Afrique: Un apercu régional et national". This regional study presents an overview in both English and French of the socio-economic importance and ecological impact of the use of NWFP in Africa.

FOPW/01/2 "Non-Wood Forest Products In The Near East: A Regional And National Overview". This regional study presents an overview of the socio-economic importance and ecological impact of the use of NWFP in the Near East. (See also Digest 10/01)

These documents consist of two main parts: i) presentation of background information on the programme activities and analysis of the available information on the regional and sub-regional level; and ii) presentation of data on NWFP on the national level (so-called "country profiles").

Most of the data presented in these two reports are indicative figures, which have been collected in published and unpublished reports, and therefore do not represent official statistics. The results presented show that qualitative and quantitative information on NWFP at the national level is still weak. It is hoped that these reports will support the ongoing process of data improvement on NWFP. Improved data is considered to be essential to ensure that the use and importance of NWFP is adequately taken into consideration by decision-makers, land-use planners, politicians, or other concerned experts. Additional information and comments from readers to improve data on NWFP in African and Near Eastern countries would be very much appreciated. The authors of the country briefs will be duly acknowledged in the Internet version.

Information and comments can be sent to:
Non-Wood Forest Products Programme
Forest Products Division, Forestry Department, FAO
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +39-06-570-52746 or -53853; Fax: + 39-0657055618

Hard copies of these publications are available free of charge from Sven Walter at the address above or by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected]. Electronic versions of both publications will shortly be available on the NWFP home page:

2. International Internet Conference on financing sustainable forest management

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Date: 3 - 14 December 2001

Venue: Your Internet Browser -

Sponsors: FAO, on behalf of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF)

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Over the last six years there has been an ongoing intergovernmental dialogue on national and collective actions that can be adopted towards the goal of sustainable forest management (SFM). These discussions have taken place in the fora of the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests (IPF), the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests (IFF) and the ongoing UN Forum on Forests (UNFF).

The benefits, indeed the necessity, of sustainable forest management are widely recognized. However, one of the most prominent pending questions is - how can sustainable forest management be financed by society? To help address this question and to start filling the information gap on sources of finance, the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), in its support role to the UNFF, is compiling a source book on finance sources for SFM. As part of this activity, and as a member of the CPF, FAO is hosting an Internet Conference to discuss the issue of financing SFM and to collect and collate information on finance sources - how they can be accessed and how they are utilized. The objective is to collate the information gathered into a source book that will be made openly available to help fill the "information gap" and to stimulate further discussion and action.

The conference works by registering on email list servers that deal with each discussion topic. You have the option to receive all messages as they are contributed or daily digests of either all messages or subject heading only. Furthermore, there are full search facilities for each topic via the web site, so you can opt for the level of participation you wish to engage in.

PROGRAMME: The conference will be undertaken using electronic media and will address specific topics relating to financing sustainable forest management, with three parallel sessions each week. You can register for as many or as few topics as you wish. Topic leaders will lead the discussion on finance issues relating to the following topics:

WEEK 1: 3-7 December 2001

· Industrial wood
· Carbon storage
· Non-animal commodities - Water, Fuelwood, etc.

WEEK 2: 10-14 December 2001

· Animal commodities - Bushmeat, Hunting rights, etc.
· Bio-prospecting
· Conservation easements

In addition to the discussion forum an on-line database of finance sources shall be available for you to browse and make contributions to.

REGISTRATION: You can register to participate in the conference on the web site from 28 November 2001. The topic managed conference will commence on 3 December and last for two weeks.

RESULTS: The results of the conference and the database of forest finance sources will be made available to all in due course in 2002. All participants will be notified of the results which will be posted on the FAO web site.

ORGANIZATION: The conference is being facilitated by the FAO Forestry Department on behalf of the CPF.

For more information, please contact:
Tim Richards
Conference Organizer
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 1275 331153

3. BorNet

From: FAO's NWFP Programme (in Taiga News)

A group of scientists has initiated an international effort called BorNet to strengthen the scientific basis for maintaining boreal forest biodiversity. BorNet aims to: understand the human footprint on the boreal; inform the setting of nature conservation targets; find indicator species; analyse habitat loss; and enhance communication between scientists and foresters.

For more information, please visit:

4. Web sites of interest

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Directory Of Forest-Related International And Regional Institutions And Instruments is a link, second from bottom, right-hand side of the tree.

Global association of on-line foresters

USDA Forest Service International Programs' Latest Highlights--Available Online

Tree Conservation Information Service

Chile Forestal Negocios

Forestry story online

The Web story "Forestry forum spotlights poverty alleviation" is available now on the FAO web page. It can be accessed from the FAO front page or by clicking here:

For Arabic:

For English:

For French:

For Spanish:

UN Commission on Sustainable Development

Includes a huge amount of country information on forests, based on country reports to CSD.

5. Woodnet

From: Stuart Orme, CEO, Woodnet

We are happy to announce the arrival of Woodnet (, the online home for all involved in the Forest and Wood products industry. Woodnet is brought to you by Woodnet Works Limited a company that is developing this Industry based platform for trading, information and communication. Woodnet offers a range of tools and services to the industry and will be adding to these in the near future:

-Free Industry Directory listing and Websites;

Get listed in the Woodnet directory to ensure that visitors to the Woodnet site can find you. For a limited time Woodnet is offering to build and host a Website for you at no cost to compliment your directory listing.

Visit the Directory:

-Trade Message Board;

The place to buy and sell all products and services. You can post messages on the Trade Board for free and search for messages of interest to you.

Visit the Trade Board:

-Industry Events Board

Keep up to date with all the latest seminars, workshops and conferences of interest to you or post your own online to let everyone know about it.

Visit the Events Board:

-Online e-Learning Courses

Learn more about the Internet and how it can help you in your business with these excellent online courses, complete with assessments, and online support.

Find out more at:

To receive our newsletter please register with us here:

6. Request for information - NTFP Definition

From: silavanh sawathvong [[email protected] ]

I am making a literature review on the NTFP issue. There seems to be confusion regarding the name and definition. Why isn't there a universal name with a common definition? as well as for classifications? Please clarify this for me. (Silavanh Sawathvong)

The following reply has already been sent from FAO's NWFP Programme, but perhaps readers have additional ideas that they would like to share.

"Indeed, the situation is rather complex. NWFP - as we call them - are a rather diverse group of products, ranging from medicinal plants and roots to lianas and bushmeat. The terms just used show already the different possibilities on how to classify these products: by use (medicine), life form (lianas) and part used (roots). Obviously, every classification and definition depends on the purpose of why they are used.

It will be very difficult to identify ONE definition or ONE terminology that will fit to everybody's needs. However, what is important is that whenever a given term/classification is used, at least both, terms and classifications, are defined. Once defined, the information presented can be compared with other literature (which might use other terms and definitions...).

For further information on this issue, please have a look at the following articles available on our Web site:

- Terminology, Definition and Classification of Forest Products other than Wood (C. Chandrasekharan) at;

- Towards a harmonized definition of non-wood forest products at"

7. Request for information - Russian Far East

From: Maureen DeCoursey [[email protected] ]

I would like to find out if you have any information/database suggestions to find out information on NTFPs in the Russian Far East. I am working with a forestry project there and am doing some background research.

Please contact:
Maureen DeCoursey
Director of Sustainable Development
Herb Research Foundation
1007 Pearl Street, Suite 200
Boulder, Colorado 80302 USA
Phone: +1-(303)449-2265 Fax: +1-(303) 449-7849
[email protected]
[email protected]

8. New US Non Timber Forest Product Database

From: Eric T Jones [[email protected]]

New US Non Timber Forest Product Database

This database currently lists 857 commercial and non-commercial non-timber forest product species and is intended to help in the identification, development and conservation of NTFP species. You can search by scientific name, common names, product use, parts used, state range and distribution, and whether or not it is known to be commercially harvested.

In addition to the Product Database the US NTFP Website has a searchable bibliographic database and Internet links database.

The US NTFP Website is a free service hosted by the Institute for Culture and Ecology.

For more information, please contact:
Eric T Jones, Partner
Institute for Culture and Ecology (501c3)
Post Office Box 6688
Portland, Oregon 97228-6688. USA
Telephone: +1-503-331-6681

9. The SANREM West Africa Annotated Bibliographical Database

From: sanrem crsp [[email protected] ]

A vital multi-disciplinary resource for those concerned with the holistic goal of food security and development in the West African Sahel.

The Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Collaborative Research Support Program (SANREM CRSP), funded by USAID is announcing the West African Annotated Bibliographical Database, now accessible on the World Wide Web. This database is hosted on SANREM West Africa Project's (SANREM WA) homepage:

This specialized annotated bibliographical database on food security and development in the West African Sahel targets decision-makers, researchers and development practitioners concerned with sustainable agriculture, natural resource management and conflict resolution in the West African Sahel. This database resource is an intersection of these fields, addressing the day-to-day crises of competing interests seeking food security dependant on a diminishing resource base.

To date, this database holds over 600 bibliographic records pertaining to sustainable agriculture, natural resource management, conflict management and resolution and other issues related to food security in the West African Sahel. These searchable records contain abstracts that can be reviewed.

Key features

· Documents in French and English

· Significant amounts of "grey" (fugitive) literature from Africa, particularly West Africa.

· Consolidated information on the topics of sustainable agriculture and natural resource management with information on conflict resolution and management.

If you have documents which are relevant to the themes of sustainable agriculture, natural resource management, and conflict management, please send attachments including an abstract (in Word or WordPerfect) to: [email protected]. They will be reviewed and if deemed appropriate added to the growing list of documents.

10. Forthcoming events

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Second International Workshop on Participatory Forestry in Africa.
18-23 February 2002
Arusha, Tanzania

For more information, please contact:
Mr. Dominique Reeb, FAO,
Community Forestry Unit, Forestry Department,
Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Roma, Italy.
Fax: 39-06-570-555;
Email: [email protected]

11. World Mountain Symposium

From: International Year of the Mountains IYM Informal Newsletter of October 2001

From 30 September to 4 October 2001, the "World Mountain Symposium: Community Development between Subsidy, Subsidiarity and Sustainability" was held at Interlaken, Switzerland. This IYM preparatory event was sponsored by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and organized by the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) of the University of Bern. About 150 mountain experts from every part of the world working in the fields of science, development cooperation and policy-making attended this Swiss inaugural event for the IYM.

The aim of the Symposium was to come up with concrete proposals for sustainable development of mountain regions that can be used by local, national and international decision-makers.

The Summary of Conference Proceedings is available at

12. Publications of interest

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Backes, M.M. 2001. The role of indigenous trees for the conservation of biocultural diversity in traditional agroforestry land use systems: The Bungoma case study: in-situ conservation of

indigenous tree species. Agroforestry Syst. 52(2):119-132.

Baker, Nell. Ed. 2001. Developing Needs-Based Inventory Methods for Non-Timber Forest Products Application and Development of Current Research to Identify Practical Solutions for Developing Countries. Proceedings. 4-5 May 2000. FAO, Rome. United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID). Forestry Research Programme (FRP)

FRP pre-project ZF0077.

Messerschmidt, D.; et al. 2001. Bamboo in the high forest of eastern Bhutan: a study of species vulnerability. Kathmandu: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development. 32p. ISBN: 92-9115-3141. Price: US$ 5.00 (US$ 2.00 ICIMOD member countries). Contact: Nira Gurung-Burathoki, Distribution Officer, ICIMOD, P.O. Box 3226, Kathmandu, NEPAL. Tel: 977-1-525313,536747. Fax: 977-1-524509.

E-mail: [email protected]

Rice, R.E., Sugal, C.A., Ratay, S.M., and Fonseca, G.A. 2001. Sustainable forest management: A review of conventional wisdom. Advances in Applied Biodiversity Science, No. 3, p. 1-29. Washington, DC: CABS/Conservation International.

For a hard copy of this publication, please contact Terri Lam at [email protected].

Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000 (FRA 2000)

FAO's Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000 (FRA 2000) is available on line at:

The U.S. Forest Service publication "Special Forest Products Species Information Guide for the Pacific Northwest" PNW GTR-513 is accessible electronically as PDF files on the Forest Service web at

Hard copies will be available in November. For a copy, contact

Diane Smith, Publications, PNW Research Station, PO Box 3890, Portland, OR 97208. USA. Tel:+1-503 808-2127;

E-mail: [email protected]

13 State of the World's Forests 2001

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

State of the World's Forests 2001. 2001. Rome, FAO. ISBN 92-5-104590-9.

The fourth edition of the State of the World's Forests (SOFO), FAO's biennial report providing reliable and up-to-date information on the status of forests and developments in the forest sector worldwide, has been released in three languages - English, French and Spanish. Arabic and Chinese editions will follow shortly.

Subjects covered in the report include forest cover and condition; management, conservation and sustainable development of forest resources; forest goods and services; the institutional framework for forestry; and international dialogue. Six comprehensive annex tables give basic country information (land area, population, economic indicators) and the latest data by country on forest cover; change in forest cover; forest management; production, trade and consumption of forest products; and participation in international conventions and agreements.

The State of the World's Forests 2001 will be of interest to policy-makers, foresters, academics and anyone interested in current, policy-relevant information on the world's forests.

Printed copies of SOFO are available through FAO's Sales and Marketing Group ([email protected]). SOFO is also available electronically on the Internet:

For more information, please contact:
Publications and Information Coordinator
Forestry Department
FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy
Fax: +39-06570-52151
E-mail: [email protected]

14. Non-timber Forest Products Publication

From: Davidson-Hunt [[email protected] ]

There is a new on-line or hard copy Non-timber Forest Products publication available free of charge. A short description of the publication is followed by directions on how to access the on-line version or obtain a free hard copy.

Davidson-Hunt, Iain; Duchesne, Luc. C.; Zasada, John C. eds. 2001

Forest communities in the third millennium: linking research, business, and policy toward a sustainable non-timber forest product sector; Proceedings of the meeting; 1999 October 1-4; Kenora, Ontario, Canada. General Technical Report NC-217. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station. 151p.

The publication contains a wide variety of papers given at the first international conference on non-timber forest products (NTFP) in cold temperate and boreal forests. Focuses on many facets of NTFPs: economics, society, traditional ecological knowledge, biology, resource management and business development.

Electronic Version of NTFP Proceedings can be viewed and downloaded through the web:

Users will need to search NCRS Knowledge Store for publication number and type in:

NC GTR 217. They will see a Search for Publications screen that lists the title, author, and year: Click on the underlined title. They will see a Publication Details screen: Click on View and Print this Publication. Users are now at the Table of Contents and can click on the individual paper they desire or download the entire document.

Hard copy versions of the book are available free of charge from the following locations:

United States and International

Order from:
Publications Distribution Center
North Central Research Station
United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
1 Gifford Pinchot Drive
Madison, WI 53705

or contact:
Tim Swedberg
Media and Public Relations
North Central Research Station
1992 Folwell Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108
Phone: 651-649-5257
Fax: 651-649-5285
Email: [email protected]

Canada and Commonwealth Countries

Dr. Luc C. Duchesne
Research Scientist
Fire Ecology, Biodiversity, Non Timber Forest Products and Climate Change
Natural Resources Canada--Canadian Forest Service
Canadian Forest Service
1219 Queen St East
Sault Ste Marie, Ont, Canada
P6A 2E5
Fax: +1-705 759 5700
E-mail: [email protected]

15. Medicinal Plant Project, Canada

From: Russel Wills [[email protected])

For the past year, a variety of commercially valuable medicinal and nutraceutical botanicals have been cultivated on a section of BC (British Colombia) Hydro's right-of-way on the Sunshine Coast, as part of the Medicinal Plant project. (See NWFP Digest 9/01).

The Final Report of this Medicinal Plant Project is available from: [email protected]

16. Journal of Tropical Medicinal Plants

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

The Journal of Tropical Medicinal Plants, Vol. 2, No.1, has just been published.

For more information, please contact
A.N. Rao
E-mail: [email protected]


This list is for information related to any aspect of non-wood forest products.

Cross-postings related to non-wood forest products are welcome.

Information on this mailing list can be reproduced and distributed freely as long as citations are kept with their respective posts.

Contributions are edited primarily for formatting purposes. Diverse views and materials relevant to NWFPs are encouraged. Submissions usually appear in the next issue. Issues are bi-monthly on average.

To join the list, please send an e-mail to: [email protected]with the message: subscribe NWFP-Digest-L

To make a contribution once on the list, please send an e-mail to the following address: [email protected]

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For technical help or questions contact [email protected]

Your information is secure--We will never sell, give or distribute your address or subscription information to any third party.

NWFP-Digest-L Sponsor:
Non-Wood Forest Products Programme

Forestry Department


Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

00100 Rome, Italy

Fax: +39-06-570-55618

Web site NWFP programme:

last updated:  Friday, August 28, 2009